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1811493 No.1811493 [Reply] [Original]

What happens to the debt I owe if I commit suicide?

>> No.1811507

Gets passed on to your family, children or relatives.

>> No.1811510

Not in America at least. Everything the dead person owned is drained in an estate auction, given to the debtors, and then that's that.

>> No.1811512


>> No.1811513

Thats why you should offset suicide with a life insurance policy. Make sure you're acting within the terms and conditions though or you'll be kicking yourself when you realise you died for nothing.

>> No.1811519

Your creditors gut your estate, and if it isn't enough they try to convince your family to pay up. If your family is smart they laugh it off and tell them to fuck off because they aren't really on the hook for it.

>> No.1811553

On that note, is there any legal way to bequeath only your debts to someone you hate?

>> No.1811562

Hi anon. When you die your finances are left in what is called your estate. It's everything you owned and owed. Assets and liabilities.

People you owe money to, or that have taken a lein against your property, are still legally allowed to collect their debts.

Your estate is handle by an executor. They are in charge of paying your debts and giving your assets out based on your will, handling the legal aspects of your death, etc. If you do not appoint one or have no one the court can appoint one. Most likely your parents or spouse will handle this though.

Usually people die and end up owing some money to cover funeral expenses. Or the heirs don't want the stuff they had. Their property is then sold. These are the estate auctions you see where you buy some guys suit for $5 or paintings for $10. The family doesn't want it and they liquidate everything.

Credit cards, loans, etc will want their money. All have an equal claim to what's there's. Likely there is not enough money to cover all debts. So they either settle for pennies on the dollar or take the loss. Some shitty companies will try and say your family is now responsible. This is false. Your heirs are not responsible for contracts you signed. They may end up with $0 at your death but will not owe (after selling all your assets)

Life insurance will pay, in most cases, for suicide after a certain time frame.

Unfortunately I know all about this. In my state the policies have a 2 year window. I went through a very bad few years with PTSD and was going to buy one. I figured I only had to suffer for 2 more years and then at least my wife could have $2M even though I was fucked. I didn't have the balls to go through with it because I knew if I bought it I was a walking ghost for those 2 years so I said fuck it and got better.

In any case I know this is a morbid question but you deserve an honest answer. I believe in you and know you can get out of this though.

>> No.1811571

What if I have no one who will inherit my debt ?

Do I just beat the system ?

>> No.1811574

Get them to cosign on a loan.

>> No.1811577

Do people actually fall for this? I would tell them to fuck off the first time they asked, but if they started hounding me or making threats I would sue them.

>> No.1811582

Yes, if you literally have no family or will.
Yes sadly. They just threaten to hold daddy responsible or whatever and some people will cave.

>> No.1811595

I think you mean creditators.

>> No.1811616

>Your creditors gut your estate, and if it isn't enough they try to convince your family to pay up.
well that is why you should give away all your valuables as gifts well before you croak.

>> No.1811725

>What if I have no one who will inherit my debt ?
>Yes, if you literally have no family or will.
what is this bullshit if a inheritance has a negative balance you don't aknowledge it
what are you 10yo?

>> No.1811731

one thrust per dollar in hell

>> No.1811733

How did you get better anon?

I'm in a dark place myself.

>> No.1811824

Sorry to hijack thread OP.

I basically rebooted my life as best I could every day in every possible way. I figured I was so disgusted at what I had become and how I was literally anything could be better, even if it was wierd, at least I could write off the old me and try again. Or just go die. Those were my choices.

Found a therapist and psychiatrist. The doctor is pretty cool and young, he gives a shit. Lithium ended up really helping to help my thoughts or benzos if I was non-functional from rage attacks. Started reading eastern religion/philosophy. Made myself fill out these forms I printed out when I got suicidal every single day, and go through them to fix my thinking. https://www.get.gg/ has them.

Made myself keep working even I just stared out the window. Small victory at least I went to work. Or lifted weights in the garage for a few minutes even though I would just break down. I used to lift every other day heavy at the gym but couldnt leave the house. That was really hard to deal with.

One day I was able to go for a hike. It felt really nice. Halfway in I realized I might always be like this, but that didn't mean I couldnt have a good life and do my best to enjoy what I was capable of enjoying. Something changed in my mind that day I guess.

Stopped smoking weed and drinking completely. I have no idea how my wife was able to stay with me during all this. Sorry if this is a jumble, that whole part of my life is kind of a mishmash of memories. I know it sounds really corny but you totally can fix yourself anon. Finding a good therapist does help but you have to look around. If you can't afford it you can teach yourself CBT or REBT and if you apply it it does help. A psychiatrist costs money but a good one is affordable. Medicine takes a few weeks to really kick in though. Exercising as hard as you can muster is really helpful as is meditation.

>> No.1811865

Thank you for taking the time to respond anon. That website actually seems to have some good stuff. I won't ask any more about this since this is /biz/ and not /adv/ and I don't want to hijack OP's thread. It's inspiring to know that one can make it through this.

>> No.1811904

I think you mean creduliators

>> No.1812017

I'd say if the end result is your death you haven't really beaten anything

>> No.1812018

your debt is being sent to writ of execution in case you have no relatives.
if they can't find your assets in case you banked them somewhere then i guess you are good for

>> No.1813072

>Stopped smoking weed

sorry man, once a retard always a retard, you cant change who you are, youre stuck with that ''''''brain'''''' of yours forever

>> No.1813090

Fuck off you dense cunt

>> No.1813097

4 2 0 S W A G

>> No.1813147
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Just saying.

>> No.1813928
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>brains aren't modular
Maybe you should get yours checked, faggot.