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18075032 No.18075032 [Reply] [Original]

>Sends you offer for support for Corona and later adds you have to pay it back if you own stocks or gold.

>> No.18075177

It's because you keep voting for mongoloids, why

>> No.18075213

almost got a stroke reading this shit

>> No.18075293

Source? What are you talking about?

>> No.18075345

and just why would you need support if you own stocks or gold, Hans? Profligates only need apply

>> No.18075388

self improvement is racist and makes everyone unequal anon

>> No.18075656

What gold?

>> No.18075891

>>Sends you offer for support for Corona and later adds you have to pay it back if you own stocks or gold.
Wo hast du das gelesen/gehört?

>> No.18075954


>> No.18075970

>do you have any gold?

Wow that sure was hard
>what about this receipt for gold?
Gone, settled a personal debt

Check mate undermench

>> No.18076016 [DELETED] 


>> No.18076048

no mention of crypto kek

>> No.18076090

Deutsch ja ja sehr schlecht ja

>> No.18076367

>Wer also Geld, Gold oder Aktien besitzt, ist nicht berechtigt.
Das ist doch echt ein schlechter Scherz. In diesem Land wirst du echt nur bestraft, wenn du selber vorsorgst, sei es als Unternehmen oder als Privatperson.

>> No.18076455

Yap, Helicopter Geld wär fairer
Das momentane Fördersystem hilft nur denen, die völlig verantwortungslos ohne Rücklagen in den Tag leben

>> No.18076516

>need cash
>have assets

>> No.18076609

freelancefag here
do I get free money now?
heard on the radio I can get up to 10 grand and dont have to pay it back
I literally just paid about 10 grand in taxes will they just give me the money?
this is all retarded and I probably wont get shit but I would love if this shitty government does something for me for a change instead of just bleeding me dry all the time

>> No.18076616

What about Altersvorsorge you stupid fuck?

>> No.18076682

What about it? Your pensions aren't relevant.

>> No.18076821

i just called WIBank for more infos they said next monday they should start handing out free money
but they didnt really know any specifics
I have a bunch of savings and investments so probably, since Im responsible and not a retard living paycheck to payceck, I assume I get nothing
but Im gonna try and get some money these assholes nearly bankrupted me three years ago with their shitty tax system. I WANT FREE MONEY YOU FUCKS

>> No.18077120 [DELETED] 

>govt puts you in quarantine
>thank you govt for all the losses you caused. I'll gladly pay for it.

>> No.18077883

Thats what germs deserver for voting globalists green and socialdemocrats. What do you expect?

>> No.18077901

>Bitcoin und crypto nicht dabei.
Kek. Gut zu wissen. Goldhandel wird in der EU nächsten Monat sowieso verboten.

>> No.18077915


So you just give away stuff for free? How about giving me all your Euros then friend.

>> No.18077926

>goldhandel verboten
sauce oder sowas vllt?

>> No.18077936

This. I lost all empathy after they kept voting in ''wir schaffen das' Deutschland ab' Merkel. They deserve being turned into a satellite of Turkey.

>> No.18078003
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we're doing better than others. of course we could be doing better but we can and will improve. stop being a cry baby and be happy you get an offer for a loan. it's up to you to take it or not, parasite.

>> No.18078098

riester wäre sicher du parasit. wir sollen deinen scheiß bezahlen weil du dir was aufheben willst
kotzt mich echt an das gejammer von euch freelanzern und möchtegern ceos. dann geht doch pleite. aber nicht in die sozialkasse zahlen und dann die ersparnisse nicht anrühren wollen ist schon besonders übel

>> No.18078173

riesterrente ist abfall du nichtsnutz. was ist mit etfsparplänen, als beispiel? laber nicht son dummes zeug wenn du nicht weißt wovon du sprichst.

>> No.18078326

Kommt regelmäßig bei Inflationen oder Börsencrash. ((Drecksjuden)) am Geldhahn sind da natürlich ausgenommen und es betrifft nur die Bürger.

Auch: Schau dir mal derzeit den Goldhandel an. Wenn du derzeit noch irgendwo Gold findest bist du eh gut. Mit is seit mindestens sebtember aufgefallen, dass überall in europa Silber und Gold ausverkauft sind und der Silberpreis aus ((mysteriösen Gründen)) trotzdem sehr niedrig war.



>> No.18078366

mal was anderes ihr bernds wollte heute in den rewe und die haben mich nicht reingelassen weil ich keinen einkaufswagen dabeihatte. dachte ich hör nicht richtig. nur nohc mit einkaufswagen weil 2m sicherheitsabstand. der paki-security stand 1m vor mir hab ihm gesagt das verletzt ja auch den sicherheitsabstand und er hat nur blöd geguckt. war mir zu doof und bin zum penny gegenüber. da ist ne alte boomer hure fast ausgeflippt weil ich ihr an der kasse zu nahe gekommen bin. hab echt die schnauze voll von diesem corona scheiss

>> No.18079200

stößchen, ;3

>> No.18079484
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Yeah only if you have a Company running you faggot.
Who the fuck runs a company in this shithole (im also living in germany)
There so much paperwork to deal with and so much tax for wagies you wont believe.
Its like if you have 1 wagie paying , paying taxes is like paying 1 other wagie only his net wage.
Fking cancer country if i ever make it im moving to fking sunny countries australia or west coast usa.
Fk this. Germany basically pumped 3 years worth of BIP into its economy because its shutting down for 2 weeks now.
And its guaranteed that this government (if they get re selected) will raise the fking taxes on everything after corona.
Life expensive will double or tripple just to fking saves unprofitable little company faggots who were already on the way to the rope.

>> No.18079544

OK und das mit dem zurück geben?

>> No.18079649

Why hand out helicopter money anyway? Only third world shitholes like Venezuela, Simbabwe or USA print trillions and throw it at their people

>> No.18079741
File: 9 KB, 236x208, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... you like to have monies like a dirty communist after years of pampering the economy with cheap monies, which in turn where used to pump the stock market in the most ridiculus way thinkable because...?

Seriously guys, for what did you made these reserves in the first place?

>> No.18080633

Fuck you, your country deserves everything it gets. I hate Germany with a passion. You lose two world wars and decide, in what I can only imagine to be a fit of petulant rage, to ruin the entirety of Europe by flooding it with immigrants. And now you have the gall to suggest people who own stocks and gold (ie, people with savings) should get goverment handouts in a time of crisis. Go fuck yourself, your women are ugly, you have no sense of humour, you're not even that good at football anymore.

>> No.18080819

punishing people for saving money instead of mindlessly spending it on dumb shit and then asking for gibs sure seems like a smart move