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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18072190 No.18072190 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, just like you heard.

Most landlords are actually hard working people that saved at lot and got in debt for several years just to make a little more money. They're not these big evil jewish billionaire corporations. They're not making millions of dollars. They're at most middle-upper class.

If you support fucking over landlords what you're doing is literally fucking the petite bourgeoisie in FAVOR of the REAL bourgeoisie

Why? Because the latter is ALWAYS prepared for a crisis. They always have cash in hand for a situation like this. A depression means more accumulation for the bigger echelons of power. Basically, if your petite landlords lose their home, guess what, the BIG landlord is going to buy it all at half the price and become even more rich. If you're a tenant and you criticize your landlord you're a retard shilling for the big boys. If you're a communist, then it's basically prole vs prole, while the big ones look from afar, waiting for the opportunity to amass more wealth.

Retards, all of you. Keep playing the jew game.

>yes jannie, this is biz related. I'm predicting real estate prices to go down.

>> No.18072223

pls give your money to your (((landlords))) anons

>> No.18072242

Cope you lesser jew your time will soon be up

>> No.18072265

end your life

>> No.18072288

Look how eager you're to support the big boys.
Hope you enjoy that big jewish dick ramming up your boipucci.

>> No.18072340

save your thread, stream your suicide

>> No.18072347

>hahaha looks guys I'm so edgy telling people to kill themselves in the internet
>haajjahah look at me mom!

>> No.18072372

i really mean it

>> No.18072426

True, same go for minimum wage btw, the higher it is the more power corporation have, as only them can afford it easily while small business will have lot more struggle to.

Basically socdem is always fucking over middle class to "protect" proles, while the 1% have all the mean to go around the rules, giving them another edge over Sammy business

>> No.18072438

>central bank (rothschild bank) credits commercial bank with dollars drawn out of thin air using a computer
>inflates supply of fake money
>charges interest on the fake money
>commercial bank loans money to small-time jew by crediting his account with fake money using a computer
>charges interest on fake money
>small-time jew buys a house from boomer who buys an RV with the fake money
>charge rent to working class tenant whose boomer parents sold his life-long home from under him
>rent is enough that pays small-time jew's loan repayments and plenty extra
>tenant has to work like a dog to keep afloat
>small-time jew does zero work whatsoever
>small-time jew receives money for doing nothing
>faggot OP says this is good
>faggot OP sucks small-time jewish cock
Some world.

>> No.18072497

the anti-landlord propaganda is the same as the bolshevik/mensheviks used in russia when the majority of landowners and landlords were of the peasant class. classic communist top+bottom pincer attack on middle class

>> No.18072521

It’s not the normal landlords I dislike - its the fuckheads who are leveraged to the gills to airbnb a dozen houses out. Normal landlords, like a person who owns a couple houses and long term rents them out, are alright and running a fair trade. Its the airbnbers who fuck it all up - but they’re about to lose their shirts and its great news.

Of course, blackstone hasn’t been food either and is probably going to prevent any sort of correction in house prices for consumers, but thats another story.

>> No.18072595

If you took a mortgage to become a landlord, you're not a landlord, you're a parasite who doesn't want to work but wants to make money off the back of people. You are the lowest form of scum and you deserve tenants who won't pay you in time and go bankrupt.
Landlords should own their property and rent it only to maintain their asset until they eventually sell it if they need cash. landlord shouldn't expect profit from it and shouldn't be in jeopardy when the tenants don't pay.

>> No.18072646

/lefypol/ slide thread
tranny discords dilate

>> No.18072660

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.18072764

OK boomer

>> No.18072863

That's mostly the problem right now with the housing market. "Housing management" corporations buying houses and people with far too much free money buying far too many properties. I've been with great landlords before. People who own a house or two and do the work needed to keep the places livable while earning themselves a decent living doing so are alright in my books. A good service worth paying for if you don't have the means to buy your own property, but when that sort of arrangement gets huge, and the people in charge of the service stop caring because hey, where else are you going to go? That's when it's a problem.

>> No.18072952

Yeah, imagine being retarded enough to overleverage on a contract you made with the bank of your own volition, and expecting other people to bail you out when they come knocking for your gambling debts.

>> No.18073194

If common people can't afford food, i don't see how landlords should, fuck landlords

>> No.18073224
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Buisness is business either way faggot.
Money is an object created to take from other people weather I am costing my landlord money or weather someone is taking it from me. Nothing personal kid.




Go Back

>> No.18073282
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Tick tock Landy

>> No.18073334

I agree with this anon. Landlords are a problem. OP is an idiot by inflate the economy with fake money.

Now it's time for someone like OP to be jewed by bigger jewed. Sucks to be OP right now for having 5-6 loan buying houses that he could not afford.

>> No.18073374

If you cant afford it during a epidemic you never could

>> No.18073449

good intentions but wrong way to go about it anon
first you have to understand the mind of the "landlord hater" (LLH from now on)
the typical LLH is young, middle or lower class, paid minimum wage and/or a college student, highly susceptible to media manipulation and groupthink
the LLH doesn't hate the billionaire jews manipulating the world economy against them, because those people are too alien/remote from them
the LLH hates the middle class landlords because those people are accessible. they're viewed as the "next step" on the ladder. much like the LLH will hate his direct supervisor at his mcdonalds but not know nor care about the CEO, the LLH will hate the landlord, and the lawyer or doctor down the street with a better car, and the guy with a hotter girlfriend... and so on
landlord hate is not a position obtained from rationality, and cannot be cured with logic. you have to approach the problem from its origin - emotion, primarily jealousy, envy, bitterness
in practical terms you're never going to convince LLH over the internet they're misguided. instead you should work to isolate yourself from these people, and just as they don't think of the billionaire jew ruining their life, they won't think about you once you're remote enough

>> No.18073454

I'm not sure. What's worse, the banks that still own the land or the leech middleman that inserted himself to make money from the renter?

>> No.18073505

Both of them are. If there's no middleman then there will be no profit to be made.

>> No.18073548

The parasites will die.

>> No.18073637

This is the fact. If you take a loan just to be a landlord then you just a scum that contribute to real estate inflation.

If everyone buys one or two houses that would be fine but no you just have to take that 5-6 loans just because you want to screw everyone by providing artificial demand on housing.

>> No.18073645


It's not like the banks were going to manage the property themselves. And these "leech middlemen" tend to have lower rents than the big outfits that construct massive "luxury apartments" and artificially keep the rents high so you're basically asking for less competition and higher prices.

>> No.18073758

That's a flawed bs capitalist idealism. People will not compete to lower price instead they are going to compete in raising the price. Especially if you control essential commodity like shelter and housing.

>> No.18073759

Dont group up doctors in one pot with landlords and Lawyers you retard

>> No.18073801


You are such a fucking moron it hurts. This is literally my market niche: undercutting the ridiculously high rents of the luxury apartment spammers in my area.

>> No.18073843

>Most landlords are actually hard working people
My landlord used to work until he had several properties to pay off his mortgage and enough to live off. He had enough to do that at 46. He's 70 now and has all the properties paid off. Literally just collects rent at this stage. Does not even bother to do any maintenance and gets away with it because 'I'm in muh 70s'. People complain but it drags on for months and some just move out - allowing him to raise rents.

>> No.18073925

Tell me does it works? Do you put at the reasonable amount that any lower middle class can afford your rent or are you putting your rent that only rich upper middle class asshole like yourself?

Fuck off with your idealism.

>> No.18073984

But aren't mortgages, on average, significantly lower than rent rates? Banks wouldn't have to maintain properties because the owner/tenant would.
Does the renting system exist necessarily as a safety valve/ punishment against deadbeats that can't pay their mortgage?
How about abolish rentals/landlords.
Make banks lower their first time buyer rates even lower. Make it so all residencies are owned not rentals.
If a deadbeat skips his mortgage and banks are unwilling to sell him a home, he can live in a government project for a period to rebuild credit or savings.

This is all just for the sake of discussion, I know it's all impractical.

>> No.18074005


Yes. I have lower middle class people looking for a place to stay at an affordable rent near the city, and what's more one of them have dogs that wouldn't be allowed in an apartment complex (rescue pit bull mix). You're so blinded by stupidity and hatred lol

It's not like I sit here and characterize all tenants by the worst cases of them (and there are some TERRIBLE tenant stories out there).

>> No.18074076


When you take the mortgage + escrow into account (taxes and feeds) the payment can be higher than the rent in the area. And then there's the issue of maintenance... which can average out to $1-2k per year. Now deduct income taxes from the rent.

It isn't the sweetheart deal you're imagining, at this point most houses are a sunk cost with how high the market has gone. Basically if you're a small time landlord/investor you should mainly stick to duplexes and triplexes in order to afford the taxes/upkeep. Renting single family homes is hard to cut a profit from which is why the complaints about landlords driving up housing costs in the SFH market are silly, there's essentially no landlord scene in SFH's.

There are many cases where I'd consider renting over living in a purchased place myself. If I'm living in an area for 2-3 years tops I'm not going to buy a place, if I'm living in a HCOL area like Denver/NYC/SF I'm not going to buy a place either, renters are literally in the money compared to owners there.

>> No.18074109

>I own something
>give me money

Hard work indeed.

>> No.18074390

But aren't most of the closing cost fees and taxes only an issue for an owner of multiple properties. Many first time home buyer programs have closing cost assistance as it is. An abolishment of rentals would require an even further softening of theassociated costs of buying a home, at least for first time buyers.
. Maintenance cost wouldn't be as drastic for a home owner as it is for landlord because there would be less people occupying each space. I'm sure maintenance costs are very high in a complex with multiple tenants because the more people live in a place the more chances there are for shit to break or be needed. Plus, renters are more likely to request something be fixed as soon as they notice it. An owner might live with a leaky toilet for a month or two until they have the money for repairs, whereas a renter is going to call the landlord immediately upon noticing it.
It doesn't matter if a home is a sunk cost if you have no plans on selling it for profit. Profit wouldn't be the goal of homeowners if first time buyers got even better sweetheart deals.

>> No.18074423

landies seething
enjoy bankruptcy

>> No.18074492

>But aren't most of the closing cost fees and taxes only an issue for an owner of multiple properties. Many first time home buyer programs have closing cost assistance as it is. An abolishment of rentals would require an even further softening of theassociated costs of buying a home, at least for first time buyers.

No, property taxes are an annual thing so it's bunched in with your payment. e.g. for a house with a mortgage of $700/mo. taxes can be $300/mo. in a city. Even people who "own" a house outright still owe money to the final landlord: the government.

> . Maintenance cost wouldn't be as drastic for a home owner as it is for landlord because there would be less people occupying each space. I'm sure maintenance costs are very high in a complex with multiple tenants because the more people live in a place the more chances there are for shit to break or be needed. Plus, renters are more likely to request something be fixed as soon as they notice it. An owner might live with a leaky toilet for a month or two until they have the money for repairs, whereas a renter is going to call the landlord immediately upon noticing it.

That's not going to make a huge difference. Everything exterior (like roofs and gutters) constantly wear down. The guts of the system, like plumbing, deteriorate at a steady pace. Appliances break. It takes time and money, anyone who owns a home can tell you that. And if you don't know how to fix it yourself you have to hire a contractor which is a huge money pit. I don't think most renters have $5k sitting around for an emergency plumbing repair.

FWIW first time home buying is already really easy in the United States, people who complain about it are morons. You literally only need 3.5% of the cost as a down payment at this point. With rates at 3.5% right now for mortgages there is no excuse at all, just sour grapes. As I mentioned, most landlords are in the multiplex space as these are ideal for renters and landlords alike.

>> No.18074508

Your landlord is not your mother. Can’t afford the rent, you got to go.

>> No.18074596

What jacks up the mortgage is the local property taxes and the insurance you must carry. Don’t expect the gubment to take a hit by lowering their taxes

>> No.18074639

You think getting those loans is easy?

>> No.18074683

This is when you make him an offer to buy the place. If you haven’t been a dick he might cut you a deal.

>> No.18074704

Some people are just not capable of owning a home.

>> No.18074713

I don't know, I'm sure a lot of things go to shit on rental properties because the people that spend their times in them have no incentive to maintain or fix them. My parents don't seem to be dumping 5k - 10k into their home in repairs every year they just maintain their home because it's theirs.
Also, I've lived in several rentals, sometimes for long periods of time, without ever contacting a landlord about repairs. I lived in an old ass house with some roommates for 5 years and never contacted the landlord for a repair. Even that hundred year old house didn't need any repairs or maintenance outside of not living like a moron.
They might be easier to get if you weren't over leveraged with multiple properties, right?

>> No.18074828


>Landlords should own their property and rent it only to maintain their asset until they eventually sell it if they need cash. landlord shouldn't expect profit from it and shouldn't be in jeopardy when the tenants don't pay.

"A business owner should only change money to break even, until they eventually sell it if they need cash. Business owners shouldn't expect profit from it, and shouldn't be in jeopardy when customers don't pay."

See how stupid you sound.

>in before "Landlording is easy, just hire a property manager"

"Running a business is easy just hire a team of C suite executives to do it for you"


By this logic the people who can't afford rent don't deserve it lol.


It's very hard work to set up. Which is probably why you haven't done it/couldn't do it.

very few landlords get to this point.

same with anyone who profits off business/ownership


Idiots in this thread

>> No.18074997

Not over leveraged on anything. I own both my properties.

>> No.18075335

Bro, let me have a property.

>> No.18075364


>> No.18075378

Ceo of based department

>> No.18075585

go produce something.

>> No.18075674

Owning land is quintessential to the western man

Any anti-property puppet is just a letfpol faggot. This is a coordinated campaing on pol and biz.

>> No.18075759

Be happy to sell you one. Buying a home is not hard as long as you’re not a complete dumbass

>> No.18075797


This is all it circles back to. Staties and government cocksuckers gonna state.

>> No.18075844
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>This is a coordinated campaing on pol and biz
Yeah, and just look at the results, now i hate them more than before.

>> No.18075869

You are right sir.

>> No.18075871

Leftycuck shillers i mean.

>> No.18075914

OP here.
I’m not leftypol, I’m deeply capitalist. I was just trying to reach to leftypoltards to make them realize how retarded and futile their ideas are. They can’t even target the right people, they can’t even understand what’s going on. That was my point.

>> No.18075967

I'm on my way to buying a home. Have okay savings and great credit. I was hoping to be buying a home by next year but the current mortgage interest rates are making me wanna go early.
I might just wait for the Boomer remover to take my parents and gift me a home.

>> No.18076524

How does "hating" landlords do anything, you fucking idiot? No one is organizing a rent strike. If people are not paying rent, it is because they are unable to, not unwilling to.
Landlords profit off of the working class, they are not the working class. Even if they pay a mortgage to a bank, a landlord still owns the means of production. And guess what, this retarded system of capital we live under will only last as long as people below continue to be capable of paying their debts off to the people above them. Let's see how long that lasts when the entire economy is driven to an ass-grinding halt for a few months.
If you think they'll just fire things back up before then and let people go back to work, expect to see pandemic 10x greater than what we're seeing now. This is the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.18076579

OP, the only reason 'big' landlords are even in the RE market is because they can't earn low risk returns on their capital

All that needs to happen is an increase in interest rates to correct a lot of this problem.

>> No.18076683

you cant get risk free 10% returns by parking it on the bank though.

>> No.18076790

UMC is the very fist of the preening, bureaucratic socialite scene, so no, the fact that they ALSO refuse to so much as mow their tenants lawn like the law says they should, is just icing on the cake of gassing one of the lowest recurring threats to humanity - and that's without even touching on the evils of generating wealth without introducing goods or labour.

>> No.18078261

good bait

>> No.18078303

didn't read
fuck landlords
not paying April 1st

>> No.18078440

Landlords are scum.

>> No.18078523
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Pay you rent or your home is on the curb.

>> No.18078539

enjoy the 15 month eviction process

>> No.18078551


Enjoy filing a civil action crying about living on the curb.

>> No.18080344

petite bourgeoisie get the bullet too

>> No.18080389

>when the majority of landowners and landlords were of the peasant class
They were only like that for a couple years after the initiral revolution because they granted the land to the peasants in the first place.

>> No.18080459
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>> No.18080464

Can we get a containment board for retarded commies already?

>> No.18080608
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Purge all landlords. Purge all celebs. Purge all politicians, Purge the wealthy, Purge the elite, Purge the religious, Purge the backwards, Purge the undesirables


>> No.18080669

you're an undesirable so you'd get purged by your own demands/words. oops dumb queer your head goes chop chop chop plop

>> No.18080775
File: 119 KB, 468x345, QOxt48aVLeS0iezzxD2ZcBkmiq_bzv64oPcujt32fyPwaExm2oO1KyL94Kqx9rcUDtzgxHUaaAkQ418S0O5QtF8YQPwa9IhTFao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are talking about a 21st century revolution here, not 20th century. This time, ALL elites must go. Goodbye Jews, goodbye landlords, goodbye corrupt politicians. We shall form a new civilization on the ashes of the old. We shall march together and BURN those who have caused our pain and our suffering. The blood of the elite will be spilled upon the dirt like rain after a cloudy day.


>> No.18080879

again faggot by your own words you'll be purged for being undesirable. I dont make the rules so chop chop chop plop and there's nothing you can say or do that'll change your future. oops guess you shouldnt be a queer and undesirable posting shit online. i'll make sure to piss on your head once it drops to the ground.

also you type like a fat neckbeard who has multiple display katanas and thinks he's one of the nothing personal kid badasses. hilarious how delusional you are

>> No.18080943

>buy house on credit from bank
>rent it
yeah, so hard. you probably got a big check from mommy and daddy to help with the downpayment.

>> No.18080991
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>> No.18081003
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When the elites are gone, it will be utopia. No state, no Jews, no scum. No more rules, no more stock market, no more office jobs. A return to a natural, simpler life.

Just humans being humans again.

>> No.18081156
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>> No.18081251

the real problem is a housing shortage and unlimited mexican competition. Many of the homes sit in some (((private investment portfolio))) vacant and unavailable. Real estate as a way to avoid capital gains tax is bullshit if the homes are vacant. Nobody is going to not pay the rent because theyre lucky to have a place to live. Around here in california there are 60 or more applicants for every house for rent.

>> No.18081267

We have to accelerate. It must get worse before it can get better. The cracks are already forming at the seams. Soon it will all come tumbling down, down, down.

>> No.18081302
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Most landlords inherited their wealth.
Socialism or Barbarism.

>> No.18081370

This. Accelerate.

>> No.18081467

there are decent landlords and there are shitbag landlords that have literally formed latent-cartels and would sell their mother if someone offered them 1k per month.

just because someone is poor doesn't mean they can be a shit person. there are a LOT of landlords that are shit people and keep prices artifically high. there are also landlords that are entirely decent people and do make the world a better place.

and it's often not dependent on how rich they are. dumb people won't become rich even if they're complete assholes with the way they rent out their properties.

>> No.18082615

say what you will but the combination of landlording and massive money printing makes for a dangerous cocktail
pushing living costs up to the point of unaffordability of many people is going to have problems
the least of which are the disappearence of several services being afford nearby and the worst of it is full blown commie revolt

and it looks like we are gearing up for full blown commie revolt, so if i were to be a landlord i'd play it real cool with my renters out of simple self preservation