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18068171 No.18068171 [Reply] [Original]

Republicans cucked! Stimulus was passed with rule changes, now if you make more than 75k you get NOTHING, if you make less you will only get ONE 1,200 dollar check instead of the two we were supposed to get. THANK DEMORATS


>The bill will give a one-time check of $1,200 to Americans who make up to $75,000. Individuals with no or little tax liability would receive the same amount

>> No.18068178


>> No.18068188

Guess I'm finally getting my very first NEETbux

>> No.18068197
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>> No.18068204

Funny how the rule change means less money for Americans, communists should be pissed at dems

>> No.18068207

Be sure to buy dividend stock, so it keeps on giving!

>> No.18068214

you just got paid $1200 to shitpost, give it a rest

>> No.18068224

It was supposed to be 2,400 asshole. The republicans were gonna give us 2 checks

>> No.18068229

>tfw just barely made under 75k
Feels good because 72k is still a lot for my area, glad I changed positions to a low cost of living for free vs getting fucked at my old location

>> No.18068240

For which year? They arent using last years taxes

>> No.18068241

1200 bucks one time. Cool.

How much did United Airlines get and when do we hang the executives in minecraft?

>> No.18068246

So then they dont count a married couple as one?

>> No.18068261

Are my kids getting this too? Makes no sense.

>> No.18068297

>tfw made 84k due to shitloads of overtime
Someone should kill every last Democrat in minecraft. This is fucking bullshit. Do we at least get the $10k knocked off student loans?

>> No.18068326
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>500 free linkies

>> No.18068335

Nah, this was the 2018 filing. Basically work was like "well no raise this year but we can give you the option to work remotely if that's okay".
>did some research for cheap cost while still close enough to something in my industry
>NM is good, live a little outside of Albuquerque
>move my ass out there
>average income is ~38-40k where I live, making 72k
>only got a raise near the end of 2019 and it was for the prior year and this year

>> No.18068336

when the fuck do we get it

>> No.18068337

>Do we at least get the $10k knocked off student loans
I hope not, fuck college retards

They are going to post the bill tomorrow morning so you can read it tomorrow

>> No.18068341
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>> No.18068349

About 4 weeks, which makes the whole fucking thing pointless as fuck if you think about it

>> No.18068354

a marketcrash friday

>> No.18068355

Lol, the "literally the end of the world" amounted to a welfare holiday, my fucking sides

>> No.18068356
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sucks that the ones who contribute the most tax dollars aren't getting shit back

>> No.18068360

fuck. I thought it was more like 1-2 weeks.

>> No.18068374


>> No.18068392

we still prob gettin 1200 a month. it said 1200 for 1 month assuming the national emergency is declared over. 1200 each month were under national emergency

>> No.18068393

What are some good dividend stock?

>> No.18068401


It's by the end of april, most and taxes were pushed back to July. Mostly the idea is within 2-3 weeks but could be 4 depending on how you filed/where you live. Grandma who filed by paper only and lives in buttfuck South Dakota might be 4 weeks, where anyone in a semi main city could get it in 2.

>> No.18068406

if you make that much money how the fuck do you not have mad money saved up?

>> No.18068427

>we still prob gettin 1200 a month
Dude, hate to burst your bubble but its a one time payment. You get 1200 and thats it, no more money, not next month not ever. Atleast Republicans were gonna give us 2 checks

>> No.18068431

it's 1200 a month if the pandemic gets worse and we don't flatten the curve.

>> No.18068438


>> No.18068457

its the principle of it. Why should i work at all if it disqualifies me form free gibbs?

>> No.18068462

>we don't flatten the curve
Don't worry, we didn't. We super duper didn't. Remember: there is a week lag in incubation time, and then about a week until testing/hospitalization time. We barely started taking distancing measures seriously like 3-4 days ago, this ride is only getting started.

>> No.18068469


You should be fine, the bill says if you get nothing if you made under 99k not 75k. Also, Idk where people are getting that the old bill guaranteed two payments of 1200. It did not, it say it pay 1200 IN two payments.

>> No.18068478

you shouldn't work at all. you should only work in a system that isn't designed to screw you over. stay home, collect those neetbuxs to help accelerate the collapse of our economy. that's what im doing

>> No.18068479

Are NEETs getting it?

>> No.18068480

>how the fuck do you not have mad money saved up?
What are you, 10?

>> No.18068482

>officially made 28k in 2018
>actually made 160k
>get full amount
Thanks for the neetbux lmao

>> No.18068483
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Communists are hypocrites man

>> No.18068490

republicans didnt want neets to get it but democrats made neets get it too now. no ones disqualified anymore

>> No.18068507

what shithole do you live in where 75k doesn't allow you to save up?? you must live in commiefornia cause that's basically upper middle class in most states

>> No.18068515

I think it's $75,000 cap, but separately. If you have kids (dependents), I think you get $500 per.

I just don't know how they're going to logistically get us our money. Mailing checks? seems unreasonable and slow

>> No.18068529

direct deposit

>> No.18068545
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>Individuals with no or little tax liability would receive the same amount

>> No.18068557

How are NEETs getting it if it's still based off taxes?

>> No.18068561

Anyone else not getting anything from this? I guess I have to pay for everyone else instead, just like everything else this country spends money on.

>> No.18068575

Yes but it means more money for niggers, spics and college students.

Weird how that is the only groups the democrats care about

>> No.18068589


>> No.18068597

Probably still had to file, or they will just send it to everyone who didnt file

>> No.18068619

Whatever desu, it's more money I can put into ARPA while it's low and let it compound with Binance staking.

>> No.18068623

>make 75k
>40k after taxes/retirement/state-required insurances
>16k after mortgage+utilities
>then groceries, car maintenance, and anything else you ever spend money on in an entire year
75k in like half the states ain't much if you're not 22.

>> No.18068630
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This entire month has been wagie's getting BTFO and neets thriving, and yet again the neet triumphs against the wagecuck

>> No.18068647

It's based off 2018 tax returns OR 2019 if there is no 2018 filed. But you had to have worked in the past 2 years and filed.

>> No.18068654
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>> No.18068665

>he thinks it's over

>> No.18068670

move to a less shitty state and you can easily save 10-20k a year more

>> No.18068692

The house dem plan was for $2000 per person per month so I'm not sure how much of a "thanks dems" moment this is.

On the plus side there's better unemployment insurance and paid sick leave, and actual oversight for the gigantic corporate gibs.

>> No.18068695
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>work hard to get good job
>pay tons of taxes
>don't even get check

>> No.18068697

This. Take from the ones who save and give to those who don't. Consume you will or we devalue.

>> No.18068730

If this is going off of 2018 taxes then I am set

Made 70k in 2018

Making 145k now


>> No.18068734

just dont pay lmao, mexicans and jews don't pay so why should you?

>> No.18068753

That's an enormous problem. I live in based NH where I can choose to not give a single fuck and my modest salary gives me enough to live on and save with. Someone in NY or San Fran is fucked to an extraordinary degree, yet a 75k salary, which basically pays for bills and nothing else in NY, gets them cut off any assistance. Also consider anyone who made 75k on their 2018 taxes but got laid off immediately as shit hit. No help. What the fuck is that? The tiering at 100k and cut off at 200k is much more helpful.

>> No.18068773

ayooo. All in BTC bitch

>> No.18068802

Do actual NEETs even get anything? I'm assuming not. We don't file taxes so from the governments perspective we don't exist.

>> No.18068808


>> No.18068828


>> No.18068848

Here's 1200 dollars for you American, and for you, Boeing, 500 billion dollars every time you go bankrupt because your company is a piece of shit poorly operated cesspit that builds flying coffins.

>> No.18068862

Lol NH is based until we all get the virus and die because nobody wants to lock shit down here while we border a massive Chinese colony to the South

>> No.18068884

Boeing has to pay that back, we dont

>> No.18068899

>bank gets billions of dollars in bailouts
>they use those billions to make billions more
>easily payback what they borrowed because it's at zero interest rate
ah yeah we're clearly getting the good end of the deal here

good goy

>> No.18068919

Attention whiny neet retards, bailing out american companies allows those companies to continue employing millions of americans who would otherwise be out of a job if their company collapsed. It's not ideal, but it would be far, far worse if the companies were allowed to implode completely.

>> No.18068933

you mean so they can use the money to buy back stocks.

>> No.18068939

Ok so use your grand and multiply it like boeing and pay it back

>> No.18068942

Yeah good joke. Just like all those banks that paid us back. Nobody deserves this money. We all deserve to go bankrupt, get evicted, and get crushed by our bad loans. Both the companies and the people

>> No.18068953

Making money is a lot easier when you have literal billions at your disposal. 1.2k you could buy some meme shit like LINK and hope it moons in the next 5 years that's about it.

>> No.18068971

This, the only good communism is communism for the rich desu.

>> No.18068992

Who cares anyway

Whether it's one grand, two grand, or no grand, I can't buy a girlfriend with money
a GOOD girlfriend
And it ain't enough neet bucks to just neet yeet for the rest of my life

So fuck it.

>> No.18069028

This is good, though, since we don't need two checks. We'll be wagecucking again in no time.

>> No.18069721

> if you make less you will only get ONE 1,200 dollar check
The Neet will reign supreme.

>> No.18069752

What about married filing jointly. $150k? Please please please