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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18045992 No.18045992 [Reply] [Original]

I am a freelance reporter and I have asked a few major chains in my country about their sales numbers of alcohol products during this crisis. However, most of them are really hesitant in providing me with even just estimates. What reasons could there be for this hesitation? Is there a strategic disadvantage in disclosing these numbers? Keep in mind the story will be sold to a major outlet and thus gain them free publicity - its not even a critical angle.

Why are they hiding the alcohol numbers?

>> No.18046008

>waaaahhh....waaaahh....people are busy doing their jobs and aren't waiting around to compile numbers to do my job for me so i can push an agenda that hurts them...waahhh...wahhh!
youre a failure. would be best if you died.

>> No.18046060

Youre a little emotional there, bud. You alright? Mommy forget the tendies didnt she

>> No.18046076

Theyre more concerned with providing food during supply shock than your useless shit article

>> No.18046146

I make a 500 bucks in less than half an hour doing these drive by hit pieces, stay mad poorfag.

>> No.18046189


Nice, writefag here, how do I get in on being a leech?

>> No.18046322

Because they don't want the government and other entities to realize how much their industry profits in times of panics and depression.

>> No.18046336

This is also the reason MO and PM will have absolutely blow out quarters. Looks like the market has not priced this in. People tend to flock to their vices in times of hardship.

>> No.18046358

>its not even a critical angle.
>these drive by hit pieces
t. reddit

>> No.18046395

because people are drinking alot right now and they knew you were looking to do a hit piece like the low T faggot you are to get paid. sell out soulless queer

>> No.18046418


They can see your nose, kike

>> No.18046428

the dow was overpriced af

>> No.18046460


>> No.18046470 [DELETED] 


(((Discord))) banned the /biz/ server, get in the new one bros
discord gg kjGsbrW

>> No.18046489

Absolute scum of the earth

>> No.18046508

>I make a 500 bucks in less than half an hour doing these drive by hit pieces, stay mad poorfag.
Maybe they sense that you are a piece of shit and don't want to deal with you?

>> No.18046510

>Claim you are a journalist- freelance if you dont want to tarnish your rep - this will allow you to phone basically anyone asking them questions and most people are surprisinglly willing to talk because people loving hearing themselves - charm works well to soften the target
>Always write under pseudonym or strawmen if the story is controversial or really jewish
>Understand that media and newspaper are thirsty for clickbait headlines and will pay well for it - especially right now - read up on PR - unironically all you need is Edward Bernays whose followers are purely footnotes
>Learn to angle a story - i.e. make it really tight and narrow in focus so its incredibly obvious what the story is trying to proove (every story is a claim where the text is the argument)
>Use experts that can explain your findings - often they are not really that insightful, but formality is the most important element in journalism
>Subscribe to wireservices and RSS feeds so you get all news directly from organization themselves
>Contact a media when you are done with a story and high ball the price until you get what you really wanted
>Maintain good friends with those who buy your stories

If you are effective, you can easily do 2-3 stories a day - thats 1500 dollars. But its way harder than you might think at first, but once you have the proces from idea formation to publishing down youre golden.

>> No.18046621

There is a potential health problem that is a consequence of Corona virus. That is a very relevant and sustantial societal health issue. By not publishing the numbers, the supermarkets are actively suppressing a potential health crisis. How exactly am I kike for wanting to tell the public about this potential conondrum and make a fast stack while doing so?

Id say the press consultants trying to obstruct my work is the real jew. Nooooooo, not my liquor sales, you cant just write articles that will expose how we are profitting on people's despair, nooooooo.

>> No.18047157
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, Baste2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Journalists are scum. The average human can sense this. It's not that these business dont want to disclose data to you, it's simply your approach and the fact that you've lost touch with how you come across because you've been schlepping out baseless hit pieces for too long any sense of awareness you once had is gone. The jews are hated throughout history for a reason and journalists are no different.

>> No.18047174

You're a freelance schizo
Thanks for wasting our time with stupid questions

>> No.18047184

Major chain owner here. I’d like the staff I’m paying to feed America not run round collating numbers as if they’re your beotch. Sorry guy

>> No.18047239

What kind of publications would pay for random pieces of blog posts/articles? Should I be hitting up editors on LinkedIn? I need more info. This seems like a good side gig, if all I can do is 1 article a month for $500 I'm happy.