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18035400 No.18035400 [Reply] [Original]

I know the federal gov owns the loans but private jew banks are servicing them. Will they allow a 10k forgiveness. That would make a huge difference for me seeing as how I only owe 25 from law school.

>> No.18035461

>Cancel 2 classes worth of college credits

Fuck off.

>> No.18035484

I say this as a leftist, Trump is going to absolutely rape Biden in the elections. If the elections indeed happen at all. Republicans have somehow ended up to the left of establishment Democrats when it comes to economic issues now in this crisis.

Bernie is the only one who stands a chance, but the DNC still wants to follow through and have Biden's comatose corpse be their nominee.

>> No.18035502

It’s bullshit, there should be no student loan forgiveness. Your 100k meme degree is not my problem.

>> No.18035522



>> No.18035563

Unlike the lawyer anon, Mcdonalds cashier's don't earn enough income to pay taxes so you won't be paying for it.

>> No.18035599 [DELETED] 
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If (((they))) do this, I will unironically go out and start griefing and killing people in minecraft. As a white male, I had to sacrifice my childhood to get one of those impossibly high standard scholarships. And the whole way there, I saw the niggers and the beaners and the chinks get free rides. If they do this it will be enough to make me go AWOL

>> No.18035631 [DELETED] 

Also this post is /r9k/ satire, as is every other post I've made on this website.

>> No.18035670

Anyone retarded enough to have taken out student loans in the last decade deserves to be ruined by them

>> No.18035751


>18 y/o males whose brains aren't even fully developed told since birth by society everything will be okay if they take out loans because there will be a good job waiting for them at the end of it deserves to be ruined.

They never had a chance. Tbh men shouldn't be able to take out student loans, drink, join the military, or get married/have kids until their brains mature. It's just a recipe for failure. I say this as a guy who relatively has his shit together.

>> No.18035764

Having a shitload of uneducated morons running around because they dont want to become debt slaves is a great solution.

LMAO. Fucking boomers

>> No.18035770

Total retards

>> No.18035774

>Cancelling 10k out of like 100k debt
They'll hit 100k again after a couple years of interest.

>> No.18035777

>only owe 25 from law school

I owe like 8 times that from law school. Fucking law school.

>> No.18035790
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we are watching you, anon.

>> No.18035808

Boomers were largely uneducated. Only a small percentage of them went to college. It explains a lot about their world views and ideas.

They are juvanile and impractical. Its how they were able to squander the wealth of the ages in one generation.

>> No.18035812
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>> No.18035816


Tell me about your situation anon, why did you take out that much? One of my sisters got a full ride with a 3.9 and 168 LSAT to a public university (T25) (tuition) and lives at home, the other with a 3.8 and 165 got like a 140k scholarship and is looking at "only" 60k debt.

>> No.18035839

I feel sorry for you lawfags and your saturated field.

>> No.18035867

>tfw I finished paying off my student loans just at the end of last year
fucking kill me

>> No.18035871


I literally held off paying until the 2020 election kek.

>> No.18036069

>Tbh men shouldn't be able to take out student loans, drink, join the military, or get married/have kids until their brains mature
I actually agree with you but giving them a bailout doesn't fix the problem. Let the system crash so it can be fixed. Everyone who had their life ruined by student loans and worthless degrees needs to take a real hard look at who encouraged them to go that route in the first place
Not wanting to be debt slaves instantly makes those people smarter than the average college student these days. Seethe as much as you want, having a degree doesn't mean you're special or even educated.
Yes, they are total retards if they can't pay off their loans

>> No.18036082

I went to the top law school in my hometown of 7 million people. Not a National school but a good regional one. I got full tuition and lived in my parents extra house during school so saved a ton on living expenses. I got into a bunch of t20s And I used to be butthurt about not going but now that I’m in this comfy low debt situation I don’t regret it at all.

>> No.18036104

>if they can't pay off their loans
That wasn't your argument.

>> No.18036129

first they scare shit out of you then sell you vaccine to kill you .
=first they fool you in to expansive education and they will fuck you as a debt slave .
Real justice is in realization that it is just us and adjust activities in a life serving way with out punishing any one or even hate . Every ones needs can be met by free giving from the heart and no one will teach you how to do it. Lawyers just fucking people, taking advantage of peoples misery. and they forced do that because they in debt to the Gods chosen people that work in the Bank .

>> No.18036136

Either a bern victim or a concern troll

>> No.18036138

Goyim's gonna goy

>> No.18036193

U shouldn’t. I’m making six figures with low debt. I’m doing ok in life.

>> No.18036260

The prices of the degrees are calibrated with the loans and eventual salaries in mind such that the average individual taking out the loan to get the degree will not pay it off in any meaningful amount of time. It's very blatant debt slavery and it's intentional. Ahhhh so less people should go into those professions then! Well, then the professions pay more and the degrees go up in cost to compensate for the value of the job and more people go flooding back in to chase the now more appealing salary and they're right back into the debt chains. The whole system is busted beyond imagination and there is legitimately no solving it. Debt forgiveness doesn't fix a damn thing and it will only things that much worse in the future. That's the story of America, bigger and bigger deals with the devil under the belief they can Jew him in perpetuity.

>> No.18036974
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kek good goy :^)
>tfw 200k in student debt from med school
>tfw intentionally made mimimum payments because predicted inevitable economic collapse and impending debt jubilee

>> No.18037012

why? it ensures most people become modern serfs.

>> No.18037033

Lol never paid, crystal ball foresaw

>> No.18037068

That's 1 class

>> No.18037410

If they cancel 10k, all my debt is gone so yes please.

>> No.18037467

I guess $10,000 of $4gorbillion is a good start.

>> No.18037513

if they don't forgive em, I just wont pay em. I can always move elsewhere and use my BIG TIME AMERICAN DEGREE there.

>> No.18037519

What are the chances this will happen depending on who enters office next year. Should I keep making min payments and wait for a loan wipe? What are the chances of it being niggers and poorfags only?

>> No.18037543


>> No.18037749
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this is the attitude of most of my colleagues as well. they overplayed their hand and expected everyone to pay 150k for a degree and just take it up the ass with the loans. i'm never paying this shit back one way or the other lol. fuck bankers and fuck jannies.

>> No.18037785

>Mcdonalds cashier's
Whoa whoa what college did you graduate from to get that prestigious position?!

>> No.18037806

>Regretting being responsible

>> No.18037848

But the stock market is?
1 trillion per day is being printed by the fed.
And the IRS will pay it back to them through your taxes.

>> No.18037864

im loving the legal boilerplate post at the bottom, good way to defer some issues down the line

>> No.18037913

>100k in debt,
>MS in EE

If you don't forgive half my loans I'm moving out of the US, which by the way is already at a huge loss of engineers who aren't foreign.

>> No.18037949
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thanks in advance for bailing me out of all my student debt with your taxes, tradey

>> No.18037982

Because the system CAN'T Crash. You can't write them off in bankruptcy. So that means banks are always fine, American workers who took them out got fucked.

I get it -- something something learn your lesson, but maybe instead of fucking over American workers, we could stop pretending letting them take the brunt of the crash is a good idea while the real jews get off for free.

>> No.18038031

it's just more gay kikery. 10,000 isn't enough, and if you look at the fine print, you'll probably have to pay back that 10,000 out of taxes next year or some gay shit.

>> No.18038131
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The majority of student debt is held by women. They will find a way to effectively cancel it. You know this to be true.

>> No.18038175

very true, actually. they gotta bail out all the strong wamenz.

>> No.18038216

That's why you're supposed to only ever take out loans in your parents or relatives names.

>> No.18038471


The people in the professions you listed had the most debt. They also happen to be the people who actually pay it off.

>> No.18038553

Yes I actually make money in the stock market, but your bullshit degree doesn’t help me at all faggot

>> No.18038639

why do this type always assume everyone has a "bullshit" degree? legitimately asking. is it an inferiority complex because they didn't go to uni or what?

>> No.18038735

yes, they desperately want to feel better than everyone else, so they advocate for obviously stupid policies like bank bailouts and no money for poor people because GET GUD LIKE ME (despite the fact that they are all dumb kids in their parents basements).

>> No.18038815

Forgive the mortgages on my rentals.

>> No.18038914

it's so crazy to me. i'm an md in usa and i'm struggling to make ends meet stuck between my mountain of student debt and my low-income during training. a lot of people on this board seem to vomit this kind of bullshit all the time
>hurrr student loans r dum
>hurrr education is bullshit
>hurrr muh women's studies degrees
how do you get so stuck up your own ass and out of touch with reality?

>> No.18039453

dude him and his brother made it so you cant absolve it during bankrupcy.

>> No.18040751

There aren't any jobs left, boomer. Literally everyone is unemployed unless they hand over burgers or some shit.

>> No.18041017

I went to a state school and turned down offers from like 3 private, more highly ranked, schools specifically so I would be able to graduate without college debt. Damn am I glad I did that.

>> No.18041053

None of my leftist friends trust him. He can promise to give them fucking 20k a year UBI but they will not flinch.
The youth turnout is worse than 2016. He is going to lose in a bloodbath worse than Hillary.

But it's okay, the DNC only care about their Jew Gold and grifting boomer libtards out more of their money.

>> No.18041086
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>mfw full ride scholarship to a top 10 public university

>> No.18041223

That Dämonenjude grin on Biden tho

>> No.18041253

>have 5k student loans
>Make over 80k a year, have a huge surplus of funds and could pay it off at any time
Only reason i haven't is because I figure it'd build some credit and that someone might pull bullshit like this sonetime within the next couple years. Might as well keep the money.

>> No.18041266

Software engineer here, I'm still working and will be for the forseeable future. Maybe you should have gotten an essential skill.

>> No.18041566

Serious question cause I've got a hefty chunk of student debt that has recently entered repayment. Do you just plan on paying cash for a house, or do you not intend to own? Do you rent and if so does your landlord not care to do a credit check? I'm genuinely curious because there are a couple of ways not paying the debt can fuck you

>> No.18042200

Are you a minority, or a worker ant?

>> No.18042265

I got 50k debt for my unfinished finance degree that I'll default on after I graduate

>> No.18042313

>owning homes

>> No.18042337
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>> No.18042507

Yeah I felt like something was missing there

>> No.18042522

Yes pay me! I vote for politician who give me money! Haha money printer go brrrrr

>> No.18043430
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Stay poor. I’ll be pulling in $600K this year alone thanks to the degree I financed with student loans

>> No.18043564

People don't like student debt because it can't be discharged by bankruptcy. That's really the #1 problem with it.

With everything else, you can get highly leveraged and do whatever the fuck you want, and if/when it doesn't work just be like "lol fuck it" and file for bankruptcy.

Student debt is for life and can even be attached to your children.

>> No.18043600

yeah sure is weird that student loans don't have any collateral backing them

>> No.18043714

#Tachyon Provider nodes relay the traffic, including consumer-level devices

>> No.18043993

Im voting Trump. Aint no way im bailing you niggers from your self imposed debt

>> No.18044040

When a user is communicating with the Tachyon Protocol, the client will assign different exit IPs for UDP/TCP quaternion packets, where each quaternion packet will be sent through a different route.

>> No.18044143

This, I thought it was Obama though. Maybe it was just during his term.

>> No.18044171

Dude they're printing money out the wazoo. All debt and all savings are going to be erased.

>> No.18045044

If I'm offered free money I won't decline

>> No.18045058

No. It's too much money.

>> No.18045077
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Joe is just spouting shit people want to hear to get his corrupt government into office

>> No.18045772

Same here my nigga