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18006802 No.18006802 [Reply] [Original]

>Economy in freefall
>90% of business closed
>2.5 million unemployment filings
>Senate works all weekend on legislation

What the FUCK is her problem?
Is she even human?

>> No.18006845

She's one of ((them))

>> No.18006884

I mean the republican bills are essentially giving the corps who put us partially in this mess a free pass so fuck em

>> No.18006985

Pelosi wants to include money for NEETs as well, while Republicans want to determine eligibility by your 2018 tax return.

>> No.18007004 [DELETED] 


>> No.18007013

I understand that, but from the news I'm reading the republican side is very open to altering their legislation to make them happy.

Yet Pelosi is just like "No. We (the house/dems) need to write our own bill."

If Mitch was able to draft up 247 pages of legislation and release it over 3 days ago, where the fuck is Nancy's plan?
She can't say "fuck you I make the laws" and then spend 3 days doing fucking nothing except shitting all over every idea on the table while offering no ideas of her own.

Someone needs to fuck this woman.

>> No.18007025

>Starting anything with “I mean”
Back to r eddit.

>> No.18007036

democrats are seriously going to regret blocking a stimulus package just because "fuck blumpf".

>> No.18007074


Did you even read the article you mouth breather?

"According to a person familiar with the negotiations, Democrats say the language allows for corporations to keep bailout money while still firing workers, that the bailout money has virtually no restraints, and that there are very weak stock buyback restrictions."

Compare this to the UK, where the government is paying up to 80% of employee wages, but only if businesses agree not to fire those employees.

A bailout package without conditions would be ridiculous. Slowing economic demand would encourage businesses to take the bailout money while firing workers at the same time to cut costs. You're retarded to defend that.

>> No.18007086

im worried what kind of evil draconian overlord shit laws they're going to include in the bill as part of some " comprimise"

mark my words they will not miss this opportunity to emplace more NWO big brother powers into law

>> No.18007089


>> No.18007095

Because if this passes Trump will get REE-election so their best and brightest thought this was a good idea

>> No.18007107

She wants to buy votes.

>> No.18007149

> Democrats released what they are still opposed to in the stimulus package. According to a person familiar with the negotiations, Democrats say the language allows for corporations to keep bailout money while still firing workers, that the bailout money has virtually no restraints, and that there are very weak stock buyback restrictions.
>A senior Democratic aide told NBC News that Democrats are concerned that the bill lacks specific provisions aimed at protecting people from evictions, foreclosure or forbearance and only allowing for three months of unemployment insurance.

The reason's definitely 'Orange Man bad'

>> No.18007169

Sorry but NBC has no credibility

>> No.18007183

now that mass populace can no longer participate in Economic Extraction Games, what will they do with all their free time?

Will we see massive spikes in online therapy sessions and opiates?

>> No.18007190

Yeah, no ty.
The language allows for corporations to keep bailout money while still firing workers, the bailout money has virtually no restraints, and very weak stock buyback restrictions. They are using this pandemic to put money in their own pockets and fuck over the American people as is the status quo. We shouldn't tolerate it and neither should you. Being lied to and mislead.
>We need write our own bill
We don't need, you don't need to but if you put in amendments to the bill that are pushing the interests not of the people but of corporate interests what option do they have?

>> No.18007200


Then why are we posting anything from them as the truth, the entire basis of this OP?

>> No.18007215


Why does she need to rewrite the entite legislation though? Can't they just agree to add the restrictions that she wants and take it to vote?

Obviously Pelosi is not the singular problem here, but she's not helping with her insistence to deny the entire bill. Plus her face is awful and I hate it.

>> No.18007232

>What the FUCK is her problem?
>Is she even human?

As others already said, the reason is because they're probably writing more worker protections into the bill and money for the average worker in the US. If you give a shitload of money to the banks but don't include any stipulations that they can't fire people then they'll just fire people to save money on TOP of keeping the billions or trillions you gave them.

>> No.18007259

She's a cunt and her and Diane Feinstein are profiting from this.

T. Californian who hates those cunts

>> No.18007283

If this was an opinion piece I would agree with you.

This article in question is purely facts and quotes, and contains the exact same information as every other news outlet is reporting. I simply used this screenshot because it was the first result in google and it was an easy way to get a picture of her decrepit face along with a headline that wasnt too clickbaity.

>> No.18007311


>> No.18007350


Why only mention the two democrats? Every member of congress of every political party should have their name run through the mud for profiting off of shit like they have. Those two, Loeffler, Inhofe and Ron Johnson should all be known for potentially being scum

>> No.18007364

>it doesn't matter we hold the entire economy at ransom because they started this
This started on the 23rd of December 1913. You're a tribalist.

>> No.18007434


Good. If your company doesn't have a contingency plan then go bankrupt. Its capitalism. Competitive businesses survive. Uncompetitive ones don't. NO bailouts.

>> No.18007463


t. Enjoys getting trickled on

Give your money to the corporations if you love them so much. They are fighting to protect workers and get us a piece of the pie.

>> No.18007468

Both parties are fucking us. The Dem version already has abortion funding and gives illegals more aid than citizens

Get me out of this hellhole

>> No.18007479


Maybe these companies should practice some common sense like we do.

No lattes, get a roommate, ditch the Netflix and work a second job if you have too.

>> No.18007480

I actually agree with this completely.
However, at this point would it not be better to simply compromise on some points, pass this legislation to bring some breathing room to the economy, and then start working on new legislation to adress the shortcomings?

>> No.18007521

Cuz they're from my state and my region. I don't even know who those other literal who's are and they aren't my responsibility
They give democrats and any progressive a bad name. I don't hate them because im a neocon I hate them because apart from their virtue signalling faggotry they might as well be neocons themselves. They're corrupt as all hell and actively stamp out any economic progressivism within their own party. I'd lynch them with my own bare hands if I ever met them irl and the party and progressivism would be better off for it.

>> No.18007525
File: 177 KB, 924x934, Screenshot_20200122-193238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. The absolute state of America right now.

>> No.18007548


My apologies. I understand and agree with where you’re coming from in that regard.

>> No.18007558

>If we don't let Drumpf help people then he won't get reelected!

>> No.18007571


>> No.18007587


No. Rip the band aid off. Corporations need to learn to manage their risk and know the government won't just bail them out.

The problem is corporations make riskier business decisions and over leverage themselves because they know when anything happens the government will just bail them out.

NO bailouts. Let them fail. It will hurt short term but long term it will build a economy much stronger. One where a bad flu season doesn't destroy a third of everyone's wealth, because companies will be prepared.

>> No.18007643

I've never voted in my life and could give a fuck who is president next year.
The entire executive branch is a sham.

>> No.18007735


Its so fucking annoying to hear these retards shill for gibs and corporate bailouts after bitching for a decaide about the same thing after 2008.


Just kill yourself Trump fucks.


And I don't give a fuck about the retard fake president.

>> No.18007836

yeah except your fantasy of "real capitalism" is just that, a fantasy. in the real world, capitalism leads to big corporations getting into bed with big government, and the cycle of bailouts is permanent.

if you say otherwise, you're no better than a commie screaming about how the soviet union wasn't "real communism".

>> No.18007845

>capitalism leads to big corporations getting into bed with big government, and the cycle of bailouts is permanent.
still better than "real communism" though

>> No.18007878


Stop with these bail outs FFS. All this shit is just giving BILLIONS to ((them)).

What is even happening anymore. How is this even a stimulus package and not a BRIBE.

>> No.18007897

No shes a goy
this one like so many others is on you

>> No.18007912

Neither party is proposing universal cas payments so I don't give a fuck. Nothing that is passed is going to help. People will starve and die on the streets.
Imagine trying to collect these unemployment benefits. It's going to be a fucking nightmare.

>> No.18007917

>What is even happening anymore.
society is breaking down, that's what. if the "elites" repeat 2008 bailouts, a communist revolution will be inevitable.

>> No.18007928


What has happened in the past isn't what should happen. Obviously, because time and time again it completely fails and we have crisis after crisis haven't never learned from the last one. No bailouts.

>> No.18007946

Needs some more gibs to brown people

>> No.18007980

>Republicans: Lets give all the companies bail outs!
>Democrats: No, let's give it to the people

not havin' it today m8, fuck off

>> No.18007991

>gives illegals more aid than citizens

Not even true. But at least the version written by Tulsi and Ilhan Omar calls for UBI, and if a company gets a bailout then the public gets equity and bans stock buybacks. Their version of the bill is by far the best.

>> No.18008007
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Where did this meme fag-latin language come from, and can it go back there right now permanently? Is this peak zoomers humor?

>> No.18008008
File: 41 KB, 313x566, Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The three paths for the USA are this:
1. D.C does nothing the USA false apart or military coup
2. D.C does something, its does not work the USA false apart or military coup
3. D.C does something, it works for a little bit then fails or back fires,the USA false apart or military coup

>> No.18008025

That bill will not be passed.

>> No.18008075

They know how bad it is, they have no fucking intention to win the next election since they would be forced to deal with the fall out of the markets crashing. They will let republicans deal with it and, criticize them from the sidelines. That could be the reason why they fucked bernard once more out of his nomination.

>> No.18008099

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

>> No.18008102


How about 4. the government doesn't bailout, instead helps protect supply of food and medical services. The financial industry's zombie companies go bankrupt and have to find real jobs that actually produce useful services, and we are all better off in the long run.

>> No.18008125

Nice fantasy. It's going to be 2008: Go Bigly! edition. Once again the middle class will be fucked like always. There will be no coup

>> No.18008130


>> No.18008161

More demand is being created in retail grocer/amazon/walmart and even some retail food chains that are traditionally offering delivery. We aren't going anywhere but this is going to be a slog.

>fight the curve!
>return to baseline!
>we're all in this together!

>> No.18008199


>> No.18008214

I hate liberals and Jews but the GOP bill is utter shit

It’s corporate welfare with nothing for us

Why the fuck are we still spending 500b a year in the Middle easy with this going on

>> No.18008222
File: 18 KB, 428x469, 1557785431526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, yes anon I once to thought the world could be such a magical place.
You really think the shit brains in D.C have the competence to do that. lol no fucking way but its nice to think about I guess.

>> No.18008225

Those digits...

>> No.18008297

actually pretty reasonable, especially since trump live on air multiple times recently said he didnt like companies doing stock buybacks and that he wanted to support the workers and get money to americans in the form of a check or direct deposit within the immediate future.

>> No.18008308

Can you provide a source for this?

>> No.18008323


Well I'm glad they're having problems passing it. I hope they never come to an agreement.

>> No.18008351
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... same desu

>> No.18008386

because the democrats cant afford to have Trump look good by holding over the american people until corona clears. dems need the american people to suffer because that's the only hope they have at winning the next election. mass hardship and poverty

>> No.18008420


but seriously what's the point of having that money when the country is completely fucked?

>> No.18008426

Republicans can be total shit, but the Dems have proved them to be absolutely vile traitors to the people. Everyone who has a brain and were dems walked away. The only people left are idiots or those terminally ill with TDS.

>> No.18008667


I'm still a dem, but that's because I want to change the core of what the dems are to something for the people, and it's a hell of a lot closer to that than the republicans are and third-party is a joke

>> No.18008726


I hope SPY goes to 50. Hedged all my positions after TSLA went to $900.

>> No.18008797

>If your company doesn't have a contingency plan then go bankrupt.
How could any company plan for something as bad as a worldwide pandemic?

>> No.18009020


No TrumpBux biz for you unless we can abort more babies

>> No.18009023

like maybe have a cash reserve like Apple

>> No.18009072


Have savings just like a normal person and not be leveraged up to their eyeballs in debt.

>> No.18009236

Her 80th birthday is this week.

>> No.18011404

>Is she even human?
Doesn't look like one. Probably doesn't act like one when put into everyday civilian situations. I say kill it if you want. Invaders must die.

>> No.18012515

Remember when the Republicans initially voted against the TARP bailout and crashed the stock market in 2008? Yeah, well, lots of American's blamed them for that and voted in a shit load of Democrats. Today was most likely the same thing, but in reverse.

>> No.18012554

Good. No bailouts for anyone. Let whatever business fail, fail.

>> No.18012580

Good, no one benefits from bailouts. Hope it never passes. NO BAILOUTS.

>> No.18012637
File: 60 KB, 1200x675, hillary-clinton-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's within the best interest of the dems to keep the economy as crippled as possible until the election is over. if Trumps is actually able to turn the economy around, even halfway, his chances of re-election go through the roof. They need a weak economy, massive unemployment, and societal unrest so they can use it against Trump and win the election. They don't give a fuck about the people, this is about their politics, their donors, and their money, nothing else.

>> No.18012642

Are these retards just trying their hardest to lose the coming election or what?

>> No.18012670

See: >>18007149

For complaining so much about corps being fuckers a lot of you here sure do want to see them succeed over people

>> No.18012672

Quite the contrary. Your average normie boomer voter doesn't pay attention to the inner workings of congress or who blocked what bill. All they care about and understand are easy to digest political ads, talking points, and what CNN tells them. Most people are retards anon.

>> No.18012734
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>> No.18013003


Are you retards shills? Is there anyone that actually supports bailouts? Who the fuck actually wants bail outs? We were responsible and saved ourselves, why are we forced to bail companies out who were not responsible and are just going to blow it away next time and want yet another bailout? How many times do we have to have to have our wealth we worked hard to save diluted to bailout the irresponsible? NO BAILOUTS.

>> No.18013876

They're all for giving people money until they really need it. I expect nothing less from these scumbags.

>> No.18013931

See: >>18007149

>> No.18014006

She's just learning what republicans taught her in 2010. Whenever you fuck people, they blame the president. When they blame the president, they vote against the president's party.

>> No.18014869


Nah republicans just blame democrats for everything. Even when they control all branches of government, and the second great depression happens, somehow its the fucking dems fault.

>> No.18015006
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Why does it still surprise people that the democrat establishment has been economically right-wing ever since the 90s?

We got two parties that are economically right wing, so of coarse they double-team us every chance they get.

>> No.18015058
File: 84 KB, 1400x950, glengarry_closing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The House controls the budget, so Pelosi is literally holding the purse strings. If Mr. 'Art of the Deal' Trump is half the deal maker he claims in the book, I'm sure he'll be able to work something out.


>> No.18015112

they are NOT paying the wages for everyone
they are only paying the wages for tourism related business and even then only if the employer does not register as critical important

basically no one will get free gibs because mr goldberg wont close shop for a 20% loss, he will lay off the staff and save 100% to rehire after the lockdown ends

>> No.18015131


Both dems and gop are left wing fiscally and monetarily, but yeah the weird thing is the gop is not more left wing on both fronts now than the dems. Are they any dems that have called for negative rates like Trump? Nothing about that could every be "conservative"

>> No.18015139


>> No.18015235
File: 31 KB, 437x501, 1576556736705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Senate works all weekend on legislation
You mean the same senate that took a three day weekend after Trump called in the national emergency? You mean the Senate the keeps HRs piling up without voting, including pandemic aid? McConnell's aid package puts billions in jews' pockets and gives a meager $1200 to "some" americans.

>> No.18015287

>the gop is not more left wing on both fronts now than the dems.

If you actually read the bills you'd see this wasn't true. Dems want to give everyone money, no tiered systems and want to give less to corporations. Hell, even Trump today said he'd be fine with not allowing stock buybacks as proposed by the dems (one of their sticking points for the stimulus package)

>> No.18015294
File: 27 KB, 220x344, Trump_the_art_of_the_deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to worry about, the donald has got this. Covfefe is for closers.

>> No.18015408


Well, I think the whole language surrounding our politics needs to be clarified because the simplistic 'left vs right' and 'conservative vs liberal' terms are not good enough and the populace has no clue what anything means, and the media and politics take advantage of that. Terms meant to designate economic positions are conflated and confused with economic terms. Ask the average person whats the difference between a leftist and a liberal, or even a libertarian and an economic conservative, and you would get a confused stare.

It's how economic liberal and socially conservatives in the GOP get to call themselves 'conservatives' while the whole Democratic party and voters get stuck with the 'liberal' label when most of the voters are economic lefties unlike the dems in Washington.

The average American is more left-wing economically than the leadership, this is true for both parties. It's all a huge fucking mess.

>> No.18015430

>Terms meant to designate economic positions are conflated and confused with cultural terms.


>> No.18015466

Rancid Bitch should be fucking shot for this in minecraft

>> No.18015535

>recognizing reddit speak

>> No.18015563

It’s literally giving you money
>muh corporayyyshuns
Shut the fuck up you absolute walking stereotype lol

>> No.18015588
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>> No.18015592

No free stuff for you NIGGER

>> No.18015635


>> No.18015651


All of the proposals are about giving you money. The dem one so far doesn't want to put a lower or upper limit on who gets the money

>> No.18015716

>the drum and bugle corps created coronavirus

>> No.18015790

Uh oh, the alt-right babies were duped into believing another lie, how sad!

Guys, everyone look at the do-nothing dems while we remove habeas corpus! COVID can't wipe you losers off the face of the earth soon enough.

>> No.18015831

>>the drum and bugle corps created coronavirus

No, but their stock buyback bullshit's been artificially inflating the market for years, making this crash even worse

>> No.18015864

be patient.

>> No.18015900

>knowing your enemy is a sin

>> No.18015927

Looks like no money for anyone at this rate

>> No.18016072

Why dont (((they))) let the companies fail. Rebrand them and get the running again. I mean the infrastructure and systems of operation are still there.

>> No.18016104

>Go on /pol/ all day and get your news off everything right winged

>> No.18016172
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>neets get mad with pelosi blocks a bill that wouldn't help them

>> No.18016213

...They can just fire those people regardless.
Not sure why people think you are immune to being fired all of a sudden. Its a nonargument.

>> No.18016480
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She's stalling to play the fall woman whilst she stymies Trump's relief efforts. She always said she'd retire if Hillary had been elected...once the time is right, she'll claim to have lung pain and a new far younger apprentice will be elected as speaker.

She's the Chacellor Valorum to Aoc's chancellor Palpatine.

>> No.18016507


Why would anybody think Pelosi likes AOC, like, at all?

>> No.18016526

>helpful laws
>giving tons of cash to corporations (whose identities we'll only find out after the election lol) with no restrictions in place for corporate buybacks and most of the money will go to CEO bonuses anyways
>but from the news I'm reading the republican side is very open to altering their legislation to make them happy.
They always say this. The Dems too. They say this because the appearance of being reasonable is valuable, but none of the constituents ever bother to follow up on that story to see what is actually proposed by each side and what's getting rejected. All they hear is "Hey, we're open to working with the other side" and then "Well, they just REFUSED everything we put forward" without actually checking to see what was put forward and why one side or the other might reject it.

>> No.18016542

they think all democrats and left-of-conservatives are a monolith.
They don't appreciate how AOC is a Bernie-style liberal and the DNC is essentially just the GOP but styling themselves as the opposition party rather than the entrenched traditionalists.

>> No.18016564

NEETS don't need any money. They don't pay for anything anyway. They are just parasites.

>> No.18016590

I mean business and I intend to eradicate this place of reddit scum like you

>> No.18016602


Remember what Clinton did Obama?

>> No.18016615

#FinNexus is not just a technological protocol, but also a business protocol.

>> No.18016635
File: 414 KB, 680x383, 1535424420083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah fuck those evil corporations, they should all go bankrupt so half the population of the US loses their jobs. Afterall, we need to save that money for the people to support them once businesses go bankrupt and half the population loses their jobs.

>> No.18016636

implying you need money when mommy pays for everything

>> No.18016679

Preventing cunt corps like Boeing from doing stock buybacks which has been artificially inflating this economy for years, and making sure companies that receive government aid don't just pocket the money and fire their employees isn't going to make them go bankrupt. If it does this clown show deserves to fall apart

>> No.18016683

You say this implying that the company going bankrupt has anything to do with the bailout.
Let me tell you what happens if the bailout goes through:
>CEO gets lauded by the board
>they all take home a bonus from the bailout cash
>see that profits are down due to decreased spending from coronavirus
>fire large swaths of workers to minimize costs and maximize profits
Half the population is going to lose their jobs anyway due to decreased spending, the bailout money is for the executives, not the company.

>> No.18016691

Pelosi is a shabbos goy, and absolutely subservient to the jew.

>> No.18016696

I hope they let them all fail desu. China's economy is already roaring back, and shartmerica is collapsing. You guys are going to slowly fade to irrelevance.

>> No.18016740

Digits don't lie

>> No.18016744
File: 22 KB, 662x478, 1564803565692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American political system is utterly fucked beyond repair. Western liberal ideals are forever discredited. All hail the Red Dragon.

>> No.18016758

Lel she's literally a GOP plant to heel for rabid Trump supporters. Nothing she says even makes any sense.

>> No.18016776

How much VRA does this loon hold tho? What does she know about gaming?

>> No.18016784

Stop muddying the water with this outdated 18th century dichotomy. It's irrelevant to our politics.

>> No.18016816

Lol that's not how business works. If you try to do that you'll get fucked in the ass by your competitors who utilize their full leverage.

>> No.18016822

Dozen posts and counting. Dems have paid their force to go out and do damage control. Sickening. You’re a sickening disgusting faggot. Schumer was against it days ago and for “low interest” loans. Democrats being against it for “the people” is a fucking joke. We could have checks coming our way In less than TWO WEEKS. Because dems want to give money to niggers that never worked, illegals and other assorted filth for their votes, the people that actually paid taxes will suffer.

>> No.18016823
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More specifically, there's an election coming up and Biden will lose. The dems know this because he has dimentia, but they think a foggy minded Biden is more sound a choice than a clear minded democratic socialist who challenges the dnc establishment and upsets the donors.

Averting a Bernie nomination to President is far more important to them than whomever is elected speaker once Trumps is reelected. Noone wants a decrepit old and hopelessly idealistic socialist in the WhiteHouse during these times, but countering balancing Trump with a nominal member of the "squad" will prove usefull, because they corrupted just as Obama was corrupted by the Clintons. The supreme court is already gone anyways...

Even if a dem were elected, replacing RBG would make no difference and in such times the people want power and stability, not change. A very liberal speaker of the house like aoc would be a good show. It would not be unlike the reasons for paul ryan being elected speaker. They expect a radical push for the house to counteract Trump's win and will use a young liberal drive it.

They're scrambling for a Trump deflector shield if you will.

>> No.18016861

>third party is a joke
You're a joke nigga you playin a game for the company man with a stacked deck over and over and over again wondering why they always come up aces. Come, join the new third party coalition we'll make room for you and together we'll make honest change one step at a time.

>> No.18016879

>Obama was corrupted by the Clintons.

Obama was never all that progressive

>> No.18016921

Why would they let companies fail, when the taxpayer can bail (((them))) out?

Oh yeah, btw if you're a small business good fucking luck, those disaster loans will dry up quick.

>> No.18016934

Shame our capitalist system rewards the most aggressive and expansionist companies, the kinds that dont grow slowly, dont keep lots of cash on hand, and borrow large quantities of equity to fuel that growth. The exception of course is things that hold monopoly profits like Apple, but they're the rare exception.

>> No.18016996


Young fool, soon you will understand that none of them truely know what they're talking about and just like AOC, ill-educated on their own policies like the green new deal, they will easily be corrupted and coopted into a political establishment they think is "new", but is controlled by the old behind the scenes.

>> No.18017063

Who? You mean with the kikes like the president, his cabinet, his family, and their families, and the kike embassy are? Embarrassing you think there are sides besides kikes and others.

>> No.18017321

>hehe we can capitalize on this crisis by refusing to pass aid bills without progressive legislation attached. We're so clever and smart!

>> No.18017618


>> No.18017662

FNX may only be utilised on #FinNexus

>> No.18017693
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Idk what the stimulus package is, but if it involves bailouts, you can go FUCK yourself in the ass with a used up dildo.

>> No.18017694

>incoherent response followed by "cope"
Calm down bro this board is satire

>> No.18017718

What are aid bills? Is that another way of saying bailouts? Fuck them. Businesses are NOT entitled to money.

>> No.18017742

Businesses are more important to our wellbeing than you are you fucking leech. But we're talking about cash payments delivered to every real american so try to keep up with the conversation instead of reverting back to some talking point that got beat into your drug addled brain during the Bush years

>> No.18017747

She's a crypto kike. Same thing for all intents and purposes. Chuck Schumer is her handler. She doesn't make a move without his consent but she takes all the hits for him (for the jews).

>> No.18017753

weird how they can approve $1.5B overnight repo that gets brrr'ed in 3 days, but not $1000 per wagie.

>> No.18017755

The bill included two types of bailouts. $500 billion in secret bailouts that the administration can give to companies of their choosing and normal loans/cash to some businesses.

>> No.18017763

>if the "elites" repeat 2008 bailouts
What do you mean if? It's going to happen and it's going to make 2008 look like a good old time.

>> No.18017824

>The financial industry's zombie companies go bankrupt and have to find real jobs that actually produce useful services,
Lovely idea Anon, but the jews on wall street and in finance are going to get the biggest bailout. After all, they are the ones who manufactured this crisis


>> No.18017835

We're going to bail out Israel too

>> No.18017840

>Businesses are more important to our wellbeing than you are you fucking leech.
careful not to drown on all that cum.

> But we're talking about cash payments delivered to every real american so try to keep up with the conversation instead of reverting back to some talking point that got beat into your drug addled brain during the Bush years
This is the ubi thing you republicans were adamant against until trump was for it, huh :). Retard sheep

>> No.18017861

So this retard: >>18017742
lied to me or was fucking lost lmfao. Republicans are so fucking stupid.

They implied it was the ubi thing. This sounds completely unrelated to that idea.

>> No.18017866

You really are a dumb one aren't you

>> No.18017918

*add on to my previous comment

Or instead of the ubi thing, he basically was just saying you aren't a real american unless you have a business (meaning that retard probably has no business therefore is not an actual american by his own logic kek).

This retard thinks it's okay to bailout businesses. Dumb bitch doesn't realize business owner snowflakes aren't entitled to anything :). Kek what a faggot.

>> No.18017926

>one time UBI during a hysteria crisis caused by irresponsible media trying to cause an economic collapse before the elections is the same as continuous UBI for the rest of time
Ask me how we know you're not old enough to be on 4chan

>> No.18017942

Get that through your thick skull, cum muncher. Bailouts = feeding leeches, retard.

If they can't sustain a business, they can go fuck themselves and go backrupt. They aren't entitled to shit, dumbass. THEY are the leeches, you hypocritical retard.
WHY in the ever loving FUCK can't retard republicans see when they are being hypocrite? Why do you retards have single digit IQ points?

>> No.18017953

Ubi is still ubi, retard. You dumbass sheep just go with whatever republican leaders say because you can't think.

Ask me how I know you have a single digit IQ :).

>> No.18017967


>> No.18017979

*to clarify I see this 2 part bailout bill for leech corporations has nothing to do with ubi, but just mentioning it now die to the retard being a hypocrite and so I am correcting their dogshit single IQ point logic

>> No.18017980

>all that reddit spacing
>replying twice to the same post
>"*adding on to me previous post teehee*
>muh boogeyman Republicans
>the businesses that create the wealth of the nation are the leeches
Yeah not bad 8/10 troll you had me going for a while, laid it on too thick at the end though

>> No.18018005

Left*ids are fucking retards as always.

>> No.18018009

Not a counter-argument, kid.

>> No.18018025

And rethuglicuck cum munchers hate social programs except when it's for rich people. You guys chugging down cock like always LOL. I didn't know beta males liked chugging semen down more then females! You learn something new everyday

>> No.18018033


>> No.18018036

Now it's just cringe dude, way too over the top, please stop

>> No.18018048

she is not

>> No.18018056

>I can't debate against you because I'm retarded so you're cringe WHAAA

>> No.18018066

donkey gib bettr gib
vote donkey

>> No.18018090

Oof and yikes, have fun buddy

>> No.18018128

You lost :). That's why you shitpost.

>> No.18018380

I hope she gets the virus.

>> No.18018400

Same with trump

>> No.18018410

>waaah authoritarianism bad

>> No.18018421

fuck off bootlicker

>> No.18018438

you are a greedy cunt among the rest of them, profiting while others are suffering

>> No.18018463

Okay freedumb lolbert

>> No.18018564

this confirms it
pelosi dies on her 80th birthday
thank you for your digital work anon
praise kek

>> No.18018566

"Authoritarianism, principle of blind submission to authority, as opposed to individual freedom of thought and action"

aka you're a retarded sheep kek

>> No.18018578

If dubs, trump is NOT a dumbass and republicans have more than a single digit IQ

>> No.18018584

Welp, kek confirms it. Republicans are idiots.

>> No.18018597

The more your divided the greater the fall. This is great news, let it crash harder. It's not like humanity has had this coming

>> No.18018703

not sayin anything but shes pretty old and this virus is pretty rough on the old people you know

>> No.18018797

Bailouts will be the end of the US, they're just perfusing an increasingly fragile and volatile economy up til the point it won't work and everything will effectively collapse.

>> No.18018846
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>> No.18018891

Is there not a single greater good you mutts can unite for?

>> No.18019143


Give the money to the workers and let the free market © determine if they're still profitable when everyone spends their trumpbux

>> No.18019149


>> No.18019187
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>can't get crisis legislation passed because of partisan bullshit
Blessed American two-party system.

>> No.18019364

I literally debunked the laundry list of other shit, and your response is now to just pretend it doesnt exist because I gave you a gum drop for this shit? you're a nigger. Dems where asking for a fucking shoping list of gibs to entrench and empower all of their beaurocracies.

>> No.18019394
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but we aren;t in it together jew. thanks to you america has never been more divided.

>> No.18019444

Man, they REALLY want Trump to win again, don't they?

>> No.18020144

Yes because this crisis can't be fixed with monetary policies i am sure not even bidden wants to win.

>> No.18020271

This crisis was always going to resolve itself.
It's a viral epidemic, it has a predefined curve. All you can do is flatten (and thus lengthen) it to keep from overloading hospitals at the peak.

Economically, the only thing there is to do is mitigate the effects until the curve is well on its way down.

>> No.18020325

because they want (((low interest loans))) instead to appease their bank overlords

>> No.18020334

have you even read mitchs proposal?
why do i get the feeling your some retarded fuck who barely knows what he's talking about.
the main reason the democrats disagree over the republican stimulus is due to how very weak and shitty it is.

>> No.18020339

From what I'm reading the Rep bill sucks, but the Dem proposals I'm reading are going too far the other way as well (money for illegals, student debt cancellation, etc). There needs to be a middle ground where actual workers and taxpayers are prioritised. Even in the UK, the workers are prioritised over the small increase NEETs got, and companies only got help after they agreed to certain conditions.

>> No.18020400

Just activate the money bazooka for every single citizen regardless of employment status.

The only counterarguments against this are stupid moralistic bullshit about "fairness" from the neolibs and stupid ethnonationalist fever dreams from /pol/.

> But but but but
We need consumption up. Nobody gives two fucks about who "earns" what. This shitshow is already going down hard. We need spending money out there.
>But but but but but they'll by things that aren't sensible!
They're buying things. That keeps jobs going. Even if a ten million nogs just spend it at the strip club that money doesn't just disappear.

>> No.18020422

this. enough is enough. your old world paradigms are holding us back. embrace MMT

>> No.18020481

Lol your consoomer brains can only think in low tier art plots

>> No.18020488
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>false apart

>> No.18020525

which will go bankrupt every ~8 years when the cycle turns

>> No.18020528

god nanci pelosi is such a piece of shit i fucking hate her disgusting insufferable face. fuck democrats.

>> No.18020550

Get the rifle. Oh wait. You're getting FEMA'd.

>> No.18020556

the only reason they are doing it is because they are trying to keep the economy on life support until we are all in the clear so that we don't get on the other side of this with half our businesses not existing.

Governements (particularly a conservative one) doesn't give half a shit about morals or just handing out gibs to neets. That is literally it. Its a calculated decisions and it has little to do with consumption and everything to do with keeping businesses alive, they are just doing it in a much smarter way.

>> No.18020563

Honestly kind of based. Let the shit crash. I never realized Pelosi was a based and redpilled accelerationist.

>> No.18020568

It is the plan.

The change over of world leader courtesy of the NWO is to give China all the power.

Expect your country and mine as well to be destroyed

>> No.18020569


do you think that billion dollar bail out solve anything

you cant solve debt problem to more debt

>> No.18021096

That's what I said, just a bit more whiny.
It makes sense. The exact why of why X or Y supports it is utterly irrelevant, but we agree in principle.

Consumption = Businesses stay open = Good things happen.

Wouldn't say that's MMT in principle (in practice yes, in terms of financing it), but ya.
We need new approaches.

>> No.18021202

democrats be bitching.

>naming yourself
why do i get the feeling your some retarded fuck who barely knows what he's talking about.

>> No.18021245

this. sink or swim. this is the reason why there's been little to no innovation for the past several years as well.

>> No.18021262

>I don't want to argue
>Calm down bro this board is satire

>> No.18021476

Probably because McConnel's bill was absolute, unadulterated garbage.
>hundreds of billions of gibs for arbitrarily selected corporations with basically no restrictions/oversight
>no funding for hospitals
>one-time check instead of continuous
The house's bill is flat-out better.

>> No.18021549


hilarious how in McConnel's bill the requirements for the one time check are more strict than the one for company bailouts.

>> No.18021638

Fuck you faggot wagies suck my neet cock. Mommy Nancy is finally going to get my whiteboi ass some gibs. NEET BUX NEET BUX NEET BUX

>> No.18021653

fuck, when you put it like that it's goddamn insane

>> No.18021711

her father was a shabbos goy, she's ((one of them)

>> No.18021723

illegals don't pay taxes retard

>> No.18021744

better to be false three times than abandon your beliefs somewhere in between

>> No.18021915

Crisis is an essential part of free market economy you moron

>> No.18021975

This is what happens when you browse pol all day.

>> No.18022095

t. Boomer

>> No.18022167

So what's the difference you stupid direction-brain faggot?

They are all Keynesians, their fucking Keynesian bullshit got everyone into this mess so they may as well keep going and ease the pain while everyone transitions to crypto.

Rat-fuckers will propose the exact same shit and pretend theirs is better because they are the "good" guys.

All politicians, like bankers and journalists, are enemies of the people.