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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 75 KB, 1389x1202, 137B2B3F-ACFA-4325-B536-BDDE7EE902A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17996043 No.17996043 [Reply] [Original]

What’s a realistic timeline for this to make some gains? I bought a bit of it to sit on, and I was curious if you thought it would ever increase a decent amount in value? It actually seems like a decent project, but will anybody actually use it? Will it take 2 years? 5? 10? Who else is planning on holding?

>> No.17996073

25k here. hodling
it will PROBABLY go below .01 in the coming weeks, that's the time to buy more.

>> No.17996097

pls sir buy kliros very good gays the train is leaving the river do you hade money?

>> No.17996306


200 here sir, reporting in!

hello guys, 50k here, reporting in!

I wish all Kleros shills would kill themselves

>> No.17996315

also stop avoiding my filters by not mentioning the name of your absolutely retarded dogshit project, no one gives a fuck

>> No.17996644

And you hold?

>> No.17996737

I expect $1 within 12 months. How long will it take to actually be used? A year after chainlink at most. By then it will be well past $1.

>> No.17997227
File: 114 KB, 906x1124, kleroswinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. That said, I have bought here, because it's 60% down from ATH. I aint greedy nigga.

Winter will be over soon.

>> No.17997242


125k here. Used to hold 800k but I sold way too fucking early. Honestly want to neck.

>> No.17997362

how triggered can you be? Just ignore it. holy shit u mad

>> No.17997422

This went back to sale price. You had your chance to get back in. If you "sold too early", surely not at this price. What's keeping you from buying back now?

>> No.17997447

Its going to dip down one more time in the next few days before a big run

>> No.17997744

this is why i just got another 400k.

>> No.17997892

Not going to make it

>> No.17998130

I'll admit, I bought more above 0.02, but most was bought before and during the sale, so I'm just setting aside 2 more chunks of ETH to settle into this wherever it goes.

>> No.17998245

I unironically hold 30k and have high hopes for this project.

>> No.17998312

That's like $350 desu. 250K is, and always will be, the suicide stack.