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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17967489 No.17967489 [Reply] [Original]

Get in here guys. We made it, we finally fucken made it.

>> No.17967501

Dow 18k fucking when?!

>> No.17967524

Who here bed posting?

>> No.17967527

Which developed country goes to third world status first? I'm betting on the leafs, they have a faggy leader and Toronto was the most diverse city in the world in 2019 according to some jewish magazine.

>> No.17967533

We live in troubled times

>> No.17967538
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I'm with Vin

>> No.17967547


>> No.17967560

Australia, it's a done deal at this point. But was it ever really developed if you think about it?

>> No.17967561

>New York is in lockdown
>they contribute 8% of US GDP

This is it. Depression confirmed.

>> No.17967562
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This is their market right now

>> No.17967579
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think... all we have 2 do is buy

>> No.17967580


>> No.17967585

They closed the pubs
shit man, for up to a year.
all of them
all them glorious emporiums of drunkenness, delinquency and delirium.
>and fit/bros/ got fucked too

>> No.17967587

im poop posting

>> No.17967618

After that it's Britain, they fucked up with covid response and the pound is getting absolutely pounded right now. They got too cocky bros
Then it's Shitaly, Shitexit will finally initiate this year in that Germany will kick those retards out.

>> No.17967827

We didn't fuck up the covid response at all. Everything was done for a reason at the right time. The pound is suffering due to Brexit and all the other shite.

>> No.17967876

>Everything was done for a reason at the right time
Didn't you JUST change your position on it? How can you claim it was right all along if you just changed it?

>> No.17967883

Today or tomorrow

>> No.17967972

wasn't Toronto the one that had a huge riot because of something about their sports team the Raptors? also there's millions of chinese in canada.

>> No.17968056

any chance the internet gets shut down and all of you edgy kids get BTFO??

>> No.17968115

Australia is fucked. 70% of our workforce is casual meaning no contract they can be fired at any time for any reason.

>> No.17968130


>> No.17968249

I want to see the level of insanity that people can get in this place over the worst collapse of the modern world, there's no real reason to be honest

Yeah let's shutdown elecrticity while we're at it, who needs that anyways, let's own da hikki-niitos desu

>> No.17968267

u-s-a, u-s-a

>> No.17968465

The biggest employer of Australians is the hospitality sector.

>> No.17968586

Exactly, this worldwide. Australians know of no other profession, other than working bars. The Death of the Hospitality Industry has stopped the Spread of Australians

>> No.17968647


>> No.17968673

They can’t even make their own cars. They’re third world

>> No.17968709
File: 188 KB, 680x680, AA626F87-195E-4049-92CC-8FAC3C1044DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are my fellow collapsers hoarding?

Guns? Ammo? Alcohol?

For me, it’s guns, groceries & gold.

>> No.17968731

this is your brain when it takes a *ahem* pounding

>> No.17968747

So bears bulls and crabs all exist, what animal is for total collapse with no survivors?

>> No.17968750

>The Death of the Hospitality Industry has stopped the Spread of Australians
can someone tell me why there are so many people here that capitalize random shit? Is it an influx of German speakers?

>> No.17968785

Yeah. The Tamils shut down traffic in Toronto for a day because they lost their civil war in Sri Lanka.

I think they blamed Canada or some stupid pig ignorant savage shit. Like Canada was supposed to join into your fucking stupid civil war.

There are more Tamil's in Canada than there are in all of Sri Lanka.

When the bennie's start to dry up, its going to get ugly fast.

>> No.17968825

I don't even notice it you're being pedantic.

>> No.17968914 [DELETED] 

Unironically the US, and that's ignoring the fact that the non-coastal areas (minus Texas) are basically already third world status.

>> No.17968922

From Chaos, Comes Order:

>> No.17968957

what Do You Mean?
>German speakers
caught actually - used to live there, never quite figured out why they Kept Capitalizing random Shit (or why a fridge needs a gender), but, its infectious

>> No.17969000

kek, someone taking social distancing bit too seriously

>> No.17969016

That's a fish market. When stocks dive below zero and shareholders start owing money to the company.
>inb4 b-but that's impossible!
lol, no it's not

>> No.17969052

No, probably burgers. It seems to come from retards who don't read anything except twitter and the ticker on fox. They don't understand grammar and think arbitrarily capitalizing words imbues them with more importance because sadly they were not properly educated.
It is especially common with MAGAtards for obvious reasons.

>> No.17969078

Can we call it a bat market in honor of Corona chan

>> No.17969281


Soup market

>> No.17969317

No the governments need to track people.

>> No.17969386

Dude have you been living under a rock , next week job report is expected to have 2M fired people.

>> No.17969410
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I'm loving /GCG/ anon

>> No.17969542
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Gotta need some useful info

>General overview


>> No.17970491

shareholders cannot loose more than they paid for a stock. going out with zero bucks is all that can happen.

>> No.17970565


The slider should go beyond the limits and turn vojack into super sayan