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17962494 No.17962494 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people make it out to be so complicated?

BSV is just Bitcoin as described in the whitepaper. It's the only version of the system that adheres to it. That's it.

>> No.17962816

Because they are all new fags who bought into something that looked nothing like Bitcoin a few years ago.

And now they have built this world view around this fully anonymous digital gold bullshit and can't cope with reality.

>> No.17962866

indians use proxies to samefag and you all say flags will work

>> No.17963288


Why would BSV need Indians to shill it? There are plenty of people that have been interested in big blocks for a long time.

>> No.17963289

Right, 2 distinct people couldn't possibly be posting on biz at the same time who support BSV?

This sort of low IQ behavior is exactly what I expect from core cucks. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.17963397

Noone cares anymore about whitepapers. its a retarded 9 pager anyhow, if a new project spits out a something like that today, it will get laughed at, but for btc its still relevant, lol

>> No.17963478

>BSV is just Bitcoin as described in the whitepaper.
no it's not
>The majority decision is represented by the longest chain, which has the greatest proof-of-work effort invested in it. If a majority of CPU power is controlled by honest nodes, the honest chain will grow the fastest and outpace any competing chains.
>Nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone. They vote with their CPU power, expressing their acceptance of valid blocks by working on extending them and rejecting invalid blocks by refusing to work on them.
>Any needed rules and incentives can be enforced with this consensus mechanism.

you reject proof of work, you ain't no bitcoin

>> No.17963510

You are very naive. Even large corporations like Google, Apple, Facebook, etc have a mission statement that guides everything they do. They are much larger in scope but it's just usually a paragraph that states the main business case they plan on sticking to.

A white paper takes this to a much finer detailed level.

If BTC wants to go do their own thing that's fine, but they can't claim to be bitcoin, and have any association with the original white paper, they are a fork airdropped shitcoin.

>> No.17963535

"The majority decision" is obviously referring to miners on the same network mining the same block though lol

>> No.17963598

the nakamoto consensus is meaningless on a minority hash fork for many many reasons. but most importantly it's not byzantine fault tolerant on a shitfork and second there is no way to objectively determine which network is bitcoin if you count non majority pow forks as bitcoin as there could literally be billions of implementation one closer to the whitepaper than the other. but fortunately _the_ nakamoto consensus is quiet clear in defining bitcoin.

>> No.17963668

Satoshi left a long time ago, he wrote the paper and didnt care afterwards. So people took it over and developed it further, to a shitcoin obviously, but his paper is not relevant anymore

>> No.17963784



>> No.17963788


You talk like someone that makes a lot of shit up, can you rephrase what you just said in actual technical terms (with sources)?

>> No.17964003

That's like saying the constitution is not relevant anymore... just because a bunch of radicals have relentlessly tried to destroy and pervert it, doesn't mean it's original guidelines and message are irrelevant. They are the standard that we must strive to return to, and that is what BSV is doing.

>> No.17964091

BSV is shit because you need a super computer to run a node.
If the government decided to crack down bsv us finished.
Whereas bitcoin will never go away.

>> No.17964220
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I hate the half assed FUDing almost as much as I hate the retards who cannot and do not grasp the latent ability BSV has and what it can and will actually do. Core keks are the worst of all. Lashing out as their pathetic reality slowly evaporates. BTC is a ponzi scam, manipulated by whales and has been designed to fail by Block Stream (BLOCK THE FUCKING STREAM). I just hope to goodness creg pumps BSV to $10,000 in the space of a few days and all the onions boys are left on the sidelines coping and raging.

>> No.17964303

constiution shouldnt be relevant anymore as well. a 232 year old paper is defining stuff the americans can or can not do now is even more retarded

>> No.17965390

And this is why BTC will become obsolete. Because that is a fringe believe and perspective on the world.

BTC will always be relegated to a very very small population of extremists while BSV appeals to the normal, mentally healthy majority of the population. It will see mainstream adoption while BTC remains some childs play thing that some basement dwelling edge lords circle jerk about.

>> No.17966306
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kys noseberg, the constitution is based
you are a basedboy faggot and have to go back
t.brit that can't defend himself against home invaders or post mean words on twatter

>> No.17967075
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Imagine the disbelief when it's revealed just how much of BTC's and BCH's hash power Craig got control of before the happening

>> No.17967112

Can you explain this? I haven't heard this before and I'm curious

>> No.17967407

bitcoin code came first you fucking retard

>> No.17967427

Just a rumor that I've come across in my research, but would make sense. BTC mining won't remain profitable after the halving because 1MB block cap doesn't allow miners to compensate for lower block rewards with higher revenue from fees (which are only possible from mining larger blocks).

Craig/NSA acquiring hash power via third parties positions them to kill BTC and crown BSV king with a few knockout blows. Craig then pulling all his BTC/BCH mining capabilities into BSV would accelerate what would otherwise be the free market migration of miners to the profitable BSV chain. BSV going to millions would still happen organically as utility of the network grows, but BSV to tens of thousands could happen virtually overnight with the simultaneous collapse of BTC/BCH as their has power is stripped away.

>> No.17967574
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They don't understand it so we can dab on them when Super Corona-virus hits in 2023, anon.

>> No.17967738

>Constitution shouldn't be relevant anymore
Fuck off and die rabbi

110 and never again

>> No.17967887

What I'm having a hard time figuring out is, if this is true, just how much hash power could be acquired and transferred. I think the majority of BTC hash power is still in China.

>> No.17967910

the wheel is a simple invention, and does what it does optimally, it doesn't require a lot of explanation, and it cannot be improved upon in any meaningful way
such is the nature of Bitcoin as well

>> No.17967963

and then it got modified over and over again till it no longer resembled what it start off as...

>> No.17968019


Because the shithead that made it has the fattest wallet and just wants to make bank off of the chumps that buy in.

>> No.17968153

bitcoin isn't code, bitcoin is a conceptual system that is implemented by code. You know why we can still play music composed centuries ago? Because the fundamental understanding of how music is denoted and interpreted hasn't changed over time. There might be new instruments, they may be built entirely different and sound nothing like the original version (take the piano for instance) but the piece remains written exactly the same and can be read and interpreted by any instrument. That is your white paper vs code