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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17954189 No.17954189 [Reply] [Original]

Well, /biz/?

>> No.17954198

He's right

>> No.17954203

Jews gonna Jew. They can't help themselves.

>> No.17954204

im not in a job that "serves public interest"

>> No.17954217

Says the gook who's probably related to the original bat eater

>> No.17954219

Yang’s a colossal faggot but that’s the obvious correct opinion.

Any congressman/woman that immediately sold stock based off that privileged news should not be in office, period.

>> No.17954220

whar should my first move be then?
you can't just say don't do that but not offer any alternatives. It just comes across like you're virtue signalling.

>> No.17954294

He's right in this case. People in Congress shouldn't be exempt from insider trading. Not to mention just saying one thing while doing another is wrong for them. Telling the public everything is going to be fine while unloading all your stocks.

>> No.17954362

You can do it but if you're a public servant, you should be serving the public not yourself. There are plenty of jobs (hell, most jobs) that are oriented around self interest. Government is explicitly meant to be an entity orthogonal to the self-interest of the private sector.

>> No.17954373

>being this naive

>> No.17954406

Hes not talking about you you lowlife incel. You are insignificant and always will be.

>> No.17954408

If you sell your stocks because you got a government briefing that shit will hit the fan your obligation is first to warn the people and then sell your stocks. Instead Trump/republicans lied to everyone's face "it's just a flu bro" while they cashed out and then the house of cards collapsed after they exit-scammed.

>> No.17954474

He's right but ORANGE MAN AND ORANGE MAN FRIENDS GOOD so he's actually wrong.

>> No.17954503


are they supposed to just hodl till the bottom?

>> No.17954623


You also shouldn't be hoarding supplies. Try to think about people other than yourself.

>> No.17954693

> HE'S A HODLER. hahaha

stay poor, yang. I bought more Kleros at the bottom after selling the top.

>> No.17954715

Who cares? I did too as soon as Wuhan announced a lockdown. It's called NOT BEING RETARDED. I only sold half my Kleros tho, but bought 10x more than I originally held at 0.01.


>> No.17954745

It's not that complicated to do both, won't take much time even to do both.

>> No.17954765

Nobody gives a fuck what chinks think at the present time

>> No.17954782

he doesnt look jewish to me idk

>> No.17954798

So you think they should just not sell and let their portfolios crash?

>> No.17954868

He’s talking about a specific thing instance where Senators learned about the impact, downplayed the virus, and then sold before the market could learn and react. No one gives af about your small moves, moron.

>> No.17954976

This is bait. Anyone with half a brain saw this shit coming.

>> No.17955023

He's talking about the senator who got early information and dumped millions while telling the public that coronavirus was a nothing burger.

>> No.17955028

>privileged news
Fucking WHAT privileged news? How did I know all about it? It was scummy for the one guy to come out and say "we're prepared" I'll give you that, he should kill himself the world would be better for it. But it wasn't secret intel at these dates.

>> No.17955037

Ignorant ass cracker ass bitch ass mark.

>> No.17955041

>who got early information
Not that I'm claiming you're lying, but who is he talking about then. So i can see he said it was nothing.

>> No.17955060
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Americans are all mindless retards. If you don't hold their mouths open and shovel information into them, they won't listen. These people were essentially taking advantage of mentally deficient children. Just look at florida. People are still acting as if nothing is happening even though this shit is being talked about 24/7 everywhere.

>> No.17955072


>> No.17955082

Nice subtle rebrand you TDS afflicted faggot. Trump didnt have anything to do with this.

>> No.17955106

>who got early information
Nignog he did it after China locked down 90% of their country and kneecapped their economy. Any dumbfuck could have told you to dump then.

>> No.17955344

>Coronavirus news plastered all over /pol/ since late January
>Privileged info

Holy shit. Normies KYS.

>> No.17955405

Back to Re ddit Aunt Carol

>> No.17955443

>Early information
That was completely public and available for anyone to access. But I guess if we aren't buying/selling when the MSM tells us to, it might as well be insider trading.

>> No.17955485
File: 27 KB, 500x265, 2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only "dumb money" don't adjust their portfolios BEFOREHAND

>> No.17955623

>job that serves the public interest
What fucking jobs are those?

>> No.17955729

how about his chink people stop eating bats lmfao

>> No.17955957

He's right. I serve my own interests.

>> No.17955984

a stripper

>> No.17956021

He's talking about that senator who did inside trading the moment he got info about the virus.

>> No.17956027

In this case he's correct, the Senator's actions were completely inappropriate. Particularly since he downplayed the shit out of the virus in public.

>> No.17956055

Now that the public is largely a bunch of sub80 iq brown mongrels that deplete taxes and my wallet, no fuck the public

>> No.17956080

Senator Richard Burr

>> No.17956091

Except he was misleading the public while dumping his bags on their asses.

>> No.17956124

imagine being this naive

>> No.17956129

back to pol with you

>> No.17956154

lmfao imagine being this much of a good goy.... trump was doing everything in his power to keep the market from dumping and now he looks like a fucking flip flopping retard. liking trump in2016 was based but unironicaly liking trump now makes you a cuck and a faggot

>> No.17956182

If you make a decision based on readily available information, that's reasonable. If you proceed to not tell anyone and try to make the deal quietly, maybe it's not black and white, but grey. If it's secret and you were told by Chinese Communists about how bad it really is and don't disseminate it, you are human garbage tantamount to treason as an elected official.

>> No.17956315

I can't find anything about him the virus was a "nothing burger"
He held a conference, albeit a private one stating the seriousness of the situation. I concede as a public servant he should probably explain it, but I wouldn't be surpirsed if he had explained himself at the time most people would've called him a fear monger.

>> No.17956390

Yang is emotionally correct but, if you know a piece of information, and you can take an action to prevent yourself harm based on, are you supposed to *not* take that action? Unless Yang is arguing that elected officials shouldn't be able to manage their own portfolios, then the logical conclusion is you will take action to protect yourself.

>> No.17956463

Haha how deluded are you to think it’s trump doing this. This is a black hat operation subverted by white hats to expose the deep state

>> No.17956476

Get fucked jidf

>> No.17956505

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.17956523

Gotta put your own mask on first before helping others with theirs.

>> No.17956599

I swear drumpf supporters get dumber by the second

>> No.17956658

I think the moral option is to only exercise on the knowledge you have until it becomes public.

>> No.17957222

BASED. I could never risk selling PNK. I wouldn't want to get left behind once words out.

>> No.17957567

He's wrong.
We need psychopaths at the top or our nation gets fucked on the international stage.
I wouldn't trust a cogressman retarded enough not to sell when presented with facts about the virus

>> No.17957580

The whole thread glows friend. I find it hard to believe that libertarians ancaps and the tourist commies find ways to justify or downplay this. They must be scared

>> No.17957604

Agree. 'How can I solve this problem for my constituents and who can help me do it' is the only appropriate response for someone in public office. Good thing I'm not in a position like that, kek.

>> No.17957628

We don't care about normies. We are superior.

>> No.17957644

>Public interest
"Greater good"

>> No.17957703
File: 38 KB, 400x541, Hezeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do trump supporting npcs go to every board and try to assert that every board is pro Trump?

>> No.17957726

maybe they shouldn't be allowed to own anything but government bonds while they're in office?

>> No.17957743

I think this stuff is missing the point. The Senate has a meeting telling them the country is going to hell in a handbasket in four weeks and none of them care enough to do anything to try and stop it. Weird.

>> No.17957757

Empaths can be rational and make crass decisions if it means saving their people, too. It's more about the presence of critical thought and rationality. Indeed, I would argue that an empath might act even harsher towards problems, since he feels as if there is something at stake. Not every empath is a cuck.

>> No.17957758

hes just a cringe chink

>> No.17957830
File: 49 KB, 603x420, dindunuffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you on about? I never mentioned that. If anything Trump has nothing to do with this as far as I'm concerned. I just find it suspicious that many posts itt downplay the fact that two high ranking politicians acted on provileged information and profited whereas any civilian did a similar thing would already have been handed a sentence

>> No.17957858

>the whole thread glows
Is retarded boomer speak for Someone’s opposing MUH PRESIDENT no cia niggers are in here shilling anything and I challenge you to prove it. You reply to that other retard
Mentioning jidf with that which leads me to the conclusion you are in agreement with him. Who did you vote for in 2016? And who will you vote for in 2020?

>> No.17958010

> no cia niggers are in here shilling anything
Are you sure about that mr Smith? Did I rustle some jimmies over there? I didn't say glowies are shilling but the thread is slid with retarded and irrelevant posts and nobody cares that politicians take advantage of privileged information and use them on the market.
>You reply to that other retard
Mentioning jidf with that which leads me to the conclusion you are in agreement with him
You jumoed to the wrong conclusion and i just explaied you why. I also voted for no US candidate bc I'm not on the American continent. If I could vote I'd vote for Trump in 2016 for the memes alone or Bernie if he wasn't such a monumental cuck, and in 2020 I'd vote for Tulsi but the Dems managed to fuck her over. I'll give you a hint as to where I am from.
>Your only ally in the Middle East :^)

>> No.17958399
File: 95 KB, 500x548, 6D00B01E-4994-4115-A170-A6052A1C3A8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry chosen one. I’ve just grown really tired of trump cultists. Also why the fuck do you choose to live in isreal between the desert the Muslims and the other Jews and all the bullshit why not live literally anywhere else