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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17763386 No.17763386 [Reply] [Original]

Worth wiping 20-50% of the world economy? I don't really understand this, Why the us not just do something similar to china and get over this retarded shit?

>> No.17763419

the market was always going to crash. they correlate it with events to make you think it's not a predetermined scame

>> No.17763466

mostly this.

The system was doomed to fail and this will save the people that caused it from the firing squad. They found their scapegoat.

>> No.17763487

i hope the world economy gets 100pc wiped out

>> No.17763568

We live in an inflationary, debt based hyper consumerist economy.

The wheels of consumption need to be moving 24/7 365 to insure the flow of money from consumers(slaves) to producers(masters). When this flow of money is jeopardised, even for brief periods of time, say due to natural disaster or a pandemic, and people are no longer consuming at an ever increasing rate, and the flow of money comes to a halt, the whole economic wheel starts buckling and you see what is unfolding before you now

>> No.17764062

What's the reason for crypto dropping though? Wouldn't people want to buy in?

>> No.17764077

Idiots. Keep watching cnn

>> No.17764098


Everyone in the US is retarded and thinks the media is doing this to distract us during the presidential nominations

>> No.17764099

Then why pump in $1.5 trillion?

>> No.17764121

Yeah, Anderson Cooper is up there saying "The American economy is a sham, the bull market was doomed to fail, coronavirus was just a coincidence"

fuck off.

>> No.17764137


bitcoin is dumping, the whales are saturating the market, bringing the price down hard. Also mining in China has slowed, causing the bottom to become lower and lower, as less miners are working right now

>> No.17764141

Line the pockets of stock brokers to save them from the impending financial collapse.

>> No.17764143

it's 4 months of rolling lockdowns of every country in the world
the economy has lost more for much smaller reasons

>> No.17764165

They didn't. Why the fuck would they do that today?

>> No.17764447

#Tachyon and V SYSTEMS teams have been collaborating and sharing R&D in order to find viable technical solutions for aging TCP/IP stack

>> No.17765523

America cannot take any steps at all that do not lead to further liberalizing the economy and expanding markets. Capital must grow infinitely or it contracts and busts.
China on the other hand owns a majority of it's economy nationally, and has rolled out a comprehensive plan to deal with this crisis on a nationwide scale, right down to every workplace.
It's succeeding, industries back up 95%, but it's entirely dependent on the centralized nature of the state and economy, and lack of need to concentrate additional capital during the crisis.
This is not America's system, being a capitalist state.

>> No.17765560

be patient nigger

>> No.17765620

Lies. Lockdown will take max 21 days, and it's not how you think it's, people still can go out just like in china. I think this is overblown joke. Also not all countries will shut down in the same time, it'll be gradual process. Not worth economic melt down IMO.

>> No.17765621

Good analysis

>> No.17765706

Yes i understand this, but purely from rational point of view, Is the intrinsic damage of half-month of semi-lockdown (which basically means that most people will be advised to stay home unless it's necessary like going to buy groceries) worth 20T+ ? Probably not even 1/10.

Would you say that this is overvalued crash?

>> No.17766201


This is America you can go French kiss hobos for the next three weeks if you want