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17705110 No.17705110 [Reply] [Original]

Buy Buccaneer (PRIVATE)

>> No.17705128

where to buy

>> No.17705135

You can buy/sell Buccaneer at these exchanges:




Now listed on CoinGecko


>> No.17705165

God I just have to tell myself this is poorly coordinated shilling. Are you really about to trick people into the same PND twice...TWICE?
I mean if retards want to give you money fine, but its just lazy now.

>> No.17705190

jk I'm not buying this bullshit

also red id confirms it

>> No.17705191

Tell yourself whatever you want nufaggot no one cares

>> No.17705199
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its not a pnd, the dev got excited and wanted to devote himself to the project fully by getting funds, what he did was stupid and rushed, yeah
but its not a pnd, youll see

>> No.17705202

If I can at least help convince a couple of anons not to buy your bags I will consider it a good day. Go fuck yourself fag.

>> No.17705217

Seethe more newfag you're in every thread crying
No one has any bags

>> No.17705263

Fucking schizos like you really believe there are only 5 anons on this board dont you?
That's sad anon, not everyone is out to get you, but none the less you are still a massive shill faggot.

>> No.17705271

Cope more newfag thanks for bumping the thread

>> No.17705286

why would anyone buy it when there's anons giving it away for free

>> No.17705288

just bought some, fuck it

>> No.17705316

You must be new here you sweet lost summer child. Calling people newfags is the ultimate way to spot a new fag.
Do you really want to be part of our club that bad?
Who cares if its bumping you obviously only think there are like three anons on here anyways you giant retard.

>> No.17705333


>> No.17705350

I have 300 how much is it worth?

>> No.17705369

lmao buccaneer making fake arguements with themselves in order to market this.

>gibs me money plz so I dnt need to be a wagie

Buccaneer is complete nigger tier. Get a job dev.

>> No.17705397

no that guy arguing is just some newfag
buccaneer will moon like other meme coins

>> No.17705411
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Thread theme

>> No.17705424

What did the dev do? I’m confused.

>> No.17705433

blew his load too early during price discovery.

>> No.17705454

he put up a sell wall as it was mooning because he wanted to drop out to work on it full time
caused people to fill all buy orders all the way down

>> No.17705465

check their shitty website, they're on a marketing "meme" rampage on 4chan to shill there scam.

Trying to become the next chainlink meme.

>> No.17705486
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>> No.17705701

of course it is. it's a meme airdropped token. those are fun to pump, but they are fragile. they only pump once. this is literally trading for less than 10x what it was a few days ago. good luck retard.

>> No.17705719

it already did faggot. sorry you missed it.

>> No.17705750

i didnt miss it and it didnt moon yet lol, stay poor

>> No.17705758
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Me buying out a paper thin order book is not a mooning.

>> No.17705773


>> No.17705860


>> No.17705872

you're the retard who threw 5 ETH at this at the top? no, you're not. he's been crying about his loss here and knows it was fucking stupid.
why would buccaneer moon? the dev is a retard and obviously doesn't have pump funds. he was trying to cash out since the beginning, instead of being the one to drive it up, which is how you properly run a meme coin project.
so, you have someone who is desperate for money in control of at least 80% (has airdropped around 200k tokens is all) of the total supply of this token. and you think it will moon because why? everyone who has this got it airdropped to them. it's easy as fuck to sell airdropped tokens at whatever bottom price, because there's no skin in the game.
who the fuck you think wants to buy this?

>> No.17705921

>Somebody threw 5 eth at the top
No no, I only filled out the paper thin orders up to the top. Once all the cheap orders were gone, I bought way above the market price because I could and I knew those candles would cause some hilarity. Those keks were worth every dime for the shitstorm I caused.

>> No.17705967
File: 439 KB, 1440x877, Screenshot_20200308-045419_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone reading this dont buy these plutonium bags. Buccaneer completely imploded due to dev exit scam/incompetence. People bought the dip and are shilling this hot garbage to you in a poorly executed discord shill campaign.

Last time, literally 4 days ago, the dev put up 24k sell walls to drop out and pay ethots

>> No.17706007

you're not making sense. are you saying that those candles were from you buying above market price to paint the chart? cause you're lying if that's what you mean. I'm the guy who was selling this shit at .0033 vits. there were def some legit retarded buys going through and ended up with a few ETH in my wallet because of it.

>> No.17706027


>> No.17706080

I knew if I made a big candle some dumbshit would chase it. Glad you made some nice bank.
Don't worry he's just worried about your financial well being.

>> No.17706087

you have any idea how retarded that is? this guy is dumb enough to think this is actually a real project? it's a gimmick coin. not private in any way. what is he going to devote himself to when he drops out of his first year CS program....devote himself to shilling to retards on biz? kek. it's a scam coin anon and the contract is already deployed. what work is there do do on this project?

>> No.17706111

you the guy that was sending micro orders through to make it look like it was trading at 30 cents before it actually was? kek.

>> No.17706136

how new are you? be honest
theres nothing retarded about it other than the dev putting up the sell wall
other than that its solid and will be memed and will moon and you will still be fudding

>> No.17706173

why do all the bucc shill think everyone else is new? I've been trading crypto since 2014 and have ridden many scam coins knowing full well they were scams. I know a dead one when I see one too. we both know this is dead, you're just emotionally attached to it for some reason. did you actually lose money on this anon?

>> No.17706185
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I didn't kek that hard in years, no fucks about the implosion.

>> No.17706204

bucc is the first of its kind
how come youre still in a bunch of threads fudding if youre so sure its dead? hmmm why could that be

>> No.17706231

because I hate bagholders. I shit on them in every thread where they exist. if you didn't sell when you had the chance, you lost. fucking own it and move on. we're not going to rescue you're funds.

>> No.17706256


>> No.17706272
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Kill Yourself (RIGHT NOW)

>> No.17706349

you are a bagholder. you have a huge bag on the middle of your forehead just under the dick