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File: 48 KB, 600x595, student-loan-debt111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1770140 No.1770140 [Reply] [Original]

I have about $59k in student debt to Navient. Paying it off monthly is draining me dry, I try to pay over the monthly amount but food/rent/utilities all need their piece of the pie as well.

How do I get rid of this awful mistake, my degree (advertising) did shit for me to get a job now I'm working as a telemarketer and I can feel my soul dying.

>> No.1770146

Start a gofund me, get a picture of a sad child infront of a empty refridgerator
"This is what student loans is doing to my child"
Watch as money comes flowing in

>> No.1770243

I'm sorry, but if I told you my technique for minimizing them, then it would spread and my exploit would be ruined.

>> No.1770258

1. Build up your credit
2. Apply for credit cards
3. Try to get your total debt amount as a credit line; make sure you get as lengthy of an introductory 0% APR rate as you can
4. Start shoving your living expenses onto it and using the actual money you save to pay down your loans
5. Once you've either paid it off or have hit a trap with the credit card interest, declare bankruptcy
6. Credit card debt will be discharged, student loan debt will be much lower, if not gone entirely

DISCLAIMER: This is technically illegal fraud, but the chances of getting caught are minimal

>> No.1770284

Did you go to a for profit school? Why didn't you take advantage of your degree? You could have easily gotten a decent job if you're actually smart

>> No.1770286
File: 833 KB, 200x150, 1482347554487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>student debt burden

only in murrica, land of the free

>> No.1770315

Kill yourself. And quit calling me trying to sell your garbage

>> No.1770323


Same boat. 50k.

I'm not paying it. If we band together the system will collapse.

The promises of college from 1990 through now are legitimate fraud.

>> No.1770337

>only in America do people from all across the world come to study because best higher education systems in the world
You didn't finish the sentence m8 I bet someone you know left your shithole of a country and came to study here.

>> No.1770348
File: 31 KB, 573x609, lolz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta be kidding me.

why on earth would somebody move to usa for studying if you have free education in your socialist youro heaven already?

your education system is absolutely insane

>> No.1770357

>I have a PhD in marxist physics from slavsquat university
uhh pass

>I have a bachelors in literally any STEM or finance field from a medium tier american university
Great, here's a list of jobs you can pick from that start at 50k USD a year.

>> No.1770359

How is it possible to be so stupid to take out a huge debt for a shit degree?

computer engineering graduate here, made $140k salary right out of college with $60k debt. two years later and my student loan debt is $0.

>> No.1770367

There is a lawsuit against them, but only for late fees, get a better job? How much does telemarketing take home?

>> No.1770372


>> No.1770405
File: 15 KB, 353x298, 1465492588916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't gonna make any headway unless you work more or a better job, even living on next to nothing isn't enough with the interest you pay. Adjust your w-4 to let you keep more of your check from taxes, as you can deduct student loan payments

>> No.1770425

>"the government pays for my education so I don't need to find a job right away"
>"I worked hard for my education and paid for it myself, time to go out into the real world and benefit society"

>> No.1770431

>not a full-tuition scholarship and working full-time anyway during college master race.

I bought a house before graduating college. Feels comfy man.

>> No.1770468

>it has to be one or the other

Know how I know you are a mental midget? Because faggots like you think everything can be boiled into simple platitudes.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a nation deciding it should invest in it own citizens education. Is it being optimally done? Probably not , but to think crushing some students with debt is some sort of awesome ritual just shows you're just a miserable cunt.

>> No.1770471
File: 65 KB, 750x642, doggo face and soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck guys I'm running out of general education requirements before I have to start taking major focused classes.

I definitely want to get into a STEM field and hopefully make big bux while also being a productive member of society.

I'm not the best at math however, and would want a major that isn't heavy in advanced mathematics. I'm going to speak with a career adviser but have no solid majors to talk about. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.1770484

haha yeah your nepotism job at Google is literally everyone's story, I feel a connection to you like I have never felt before as our life stories are exactly the same, we probably went to the same kindergarten.

Holy shit fuck STEM in general dude. Be a COTA, a Radiological Tech, Nurse or at least do Bio for PA. Otherwise do CompSci or Finance.

Engineering is too hard for the reward and all other sciences are a joke.

>> No.1770525


At that wage you are better off paying $0 and defaulting then trying to chip away at it.

>> No.1770530

The problem is that, unless you're in STEM, there's a 99% chance your degree will be worthless.

>> No.1770599

What kind of university offers a fucking advertising degree?

>> No.1770600

income based repayment?

>> No.1770655

Can't you just claim bankruptcy and erase the debt entirely? I'm guessing you just got out of school. The fuck do you need good credit for, exactly? So you can get more debt in the form of a mortgage?

>> No.1770686

you can't discharge student loans dude....

>> No.1770756

Between the cesspool of liberal propaganda and the massive number of worthless majors that don't even correspond to a real marketable job once they graduate, higher education has become a joke.

Making the working-class pay more taxes to subsidize more art and psychology degrees does not make us a more educated nation or benefit the public.

Op paid 60k and he didn't learn a goddamn thing. His education was so fucking grade inflated and worthless that he's doesn't even have the skill or intelligence to make a fucking wordpress site to do basic freelance advertising.

He paid 60k for an advertising degree and can't even advertise himself or even do it for a company.

This is why socialism always fails. Too many retards in the system.

>> No.1771115

Lol. With Betsy DeCunt and Trump you can be sure there will be no student loan forgiveness anytime soon.

>> No.1771148

Why should tax payers pay for your major if it doesn't transfer to marketable skills. Not really fair to the other 18-23 year olds that didn't go to study something to not receive 50k themselves as well.

>> No.1771888


Fuck you op. You and the rest of the pajeets.

>> No.1771905

I just died from laughter and then truth. Fucking shit i hate life...