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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17680081 No.17680081 [Reply] [Original]

Comp.sci here. I'll do you a favor:

Nobody I know has ever talked about the so called "oracle problem" (FUCKING LOL) and, least of all, your scam called chainlink. This made up stuff is ridiculous. Oracle has nothing to do with it, Microsoft doesn't give a single shit. It's just their cringe obligatory "blockchain startup" divisions that make some buzz from time to time, but the truth of it is that Blockchain research is one of the most laughable and pathetic endeavours anyone could get when entering a company the size of Microsoft, Amazon and so on. In fact, most of those startups are being asigned to company expert bloggers lmao, I'm not even kidding.

Fun fact: Ethereum pulled a 400000% up in less than two years.

>> No.17680111
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>> No.17680130


Checked. Do you really need more time to buy, OP? You've had so long by now.

>> No.17680134

You had 2 and a half years

>> No.17680142
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>What is the Byzantine General Problem

>> No.17680164
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Comp.sci here. Concur with OP.

If it's a problem, what complexity class of problem is it? NP Complete? NP Hard? WTF is "The Oracle Problem"?

An "Oracle Machine" is a black box Turing Machine, but nothing more. It's not a problem.

>> No.17680165

Based. Cook that lying dog-faced pony soldier, Creapy Joe!

>> No.17680183

So you are basically saying that buying your shit right now is stupid? lmao, this bait, right? Then who are you selling your crap to? Ghosts? I knew for a fact that most of you are retarded but holy shit.-

>> No.17680206

it an economic problem dipshit

>> No.17680229

If they just take an everage of a few different sources

say one source get hacked and shows a figure x1,000,000 the other ones wouldn't this throw out the average enough to trigger contracts incorrectly

>> No.17680248

Interesting. I just saw Chainlink up on the screen at the MIT crypto currencies conference. The quality of the school must be dropping.

>> No.17680309
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Solving the oracle problem is synonymous with creating a trustless society. A society in which you will never have to have faith in anyone ever again. Humans will just be. We will just do. I've lost money on business ventures because goys didn't hold up their end of the bargain. I've gone blind mad with rage and doxxed people down and attempted illegal things. I like your fud, but, if I'm going to exist in a world I find reasonable to live in, I don't want to ever have to rely on someone else. If I'm relying on someone it's because they're going to do everything it takes to pull through for me, and me for them. The government is in charge of this concurrently via regulations and penalties and it reflects in the lawsuit culture we've grown up in. No more. We're like a dog chasing it's tail. No more.

>> No.17680330


>> No.17680345
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What you've just said is so unbelievably stupid, that I had to force my brain to think like a retard in order to even understand the point you attempted to make. I won't bother rebuking it since you're either trolling or pic related.

>Comp.sci here


>> No.17680349

Op is right. Studying HTLM and web development with pajeets doesn't help you get involved in the latest tech. Boomer institutions have failed to keep up with innovation

>> No.17680456
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Comp Sci Masters here, almost done with my PhD. The field of computer science is so broad that just saying you're "Comp Sci" doesn't necessarily mean you know anything about a particular topic.

The oracle problem exists, and Chainlink is the God protocol. My linkies stay super stinky, $1,000 EOY.

>> No.17680473

Anyone can claim to be a computer science major.

>> No.17680484

This is why you will stay poor and be angry you ignored it, and we are already 20-40x up, and it's only getting started.

Same with CKB (nervos)

stay poor.

>> No.17680493

Yes it has.

>> No.17680524

>loses everything because Sergey doesn't know the difference between XAG and XAU.
It's going to be fantastic.

>> No.17680532

Women’s gender and sexuality studies major here, I know nothing about computers and I’m never fucking selling

>> No.17680538

shit just sold, thanks op. Damn and I almost thought I had something going on for a couple years there. This based Comp.sci king just gave me a big reality check. I'll head back to /pol/ now.

>> No.17680621

> search for "decentralized oracle" using stackoverflow
>3 answers
>Those answers are from the same uneducated chainlink bagholder

Literally no one gives a fuck about your made up problem.

>> No.17680625
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Retard here. How much do I need to put in LINK? I'm newfag when it comes to link as I have been a poorfag for past year returning to college and many year hiatus

>> No.17680631

Why are you tagging me? I made no mention or reference to the oracle problem.

>> No.17680676
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>I made no mention to the "made up problem" related to the scam that is the theme of this thread

>> No.17680680

Ironically, this clownishly stereotypically Indian is on the phone with Tech Support because his monitor won't turn on.
Because it's clearly not plugged in.

>> No.17680847

Have fun in those Java classes, OP.

>> No.17680875

Checked. This meme is hillarious.

>> No.17681019

Checked ! 1k EOY !

>> No.17681028

Absolutely this

>> No.17681055

Listen here jack, checked and fuck no linkers

>> No.17681059
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>talks to two of his 80iq class mates
>thinks comp sci degree equates to actual knowledge of real world problems

>> No.17681143

Comp. Sci can be such arrogant retards, that they know so much more than the normal public and can see "the matrix" or whatever.

To years ago i told my best friend and comp sci cusin about Chainlink. He didnt buy and two weeks later he told me to buy RLC instead of link bcuz decentralized computing.

Also told his father, the derivatives trader.
He almost wet his pants

>> No.17681163

As a dev working in the crypto currency & blockchain space this post disgusts me. Some uni grad fuck head talking about it like he knows the industry. Ignore him.

>> No.17681235
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>> No.17681278


that award belongs to quantum computing

>> No.17681397

>Comp.sci here
>Nobody I know has ever talked about the so called "oracle problem"

could it be that you don't know anybody whose opinion is relevant? Maybe because you don't even have a diploma and haven't set a foot in the real world?
Oracles and the company Oracle have indeed nothing to do with one another, you're a sharp one.Did you know Kraft Foods isn't in the crafting business?
Microsoft has been ruling over the PC market for years, and still can't be fucked to come up with a decent search algorithm, their opinion on blockchain is irrelevant, and so is yours.

>> No.17681758

>Comp. Sci can be such arrogant retards
literally why i'm enlisting for the second time in the military after i finish my comp sci degree. I can't take these fucking people.

>> No.17681761
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Comp sci here
Bing bing wahoo
Not the Linkerinos
Don’t buy those linkerinis
It’s a scam look at my pulsating perspiring semitic forehead
Last night I ironically filmed Deshaun penetrating my wife’s anus with a cluberino haha
Hey Morty my wife’s ass looks like a fucking clown’s pocket it’s art lol
My wife’s fucking rectum is a post modern commentary on colonialism farting cum all over our wedding photorino

>> No.17681784

0. Buying into LINK is fucking retarded

>> No.17681890

Linkies fear simple merkel trees

>> No.17681915

Shut the fuck up brainlet. The irony is you’re the tardjak in the picture. Just don’t buy and check back in a few years

>> No.17682004

You are right op. You are obviously smarter than these idiots here. Save your money and buy Nano or Bat.

>> No.17682019
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>> No.17682081

Hahahahaha look how fucking angry nolinkers are
This is the part were coders put on their hat of pseudo intelligence after scratching their heads wondering how a bunch of neets on /biz/ figured out ChainLink.

3 years. Priced out bitch.

>> No.17682163

>a bunch of neets on /biz/ figured out ChainLink

no all you did was bet on one coin
literally everyone else on this board is doing the same

you just happen to be part of the gamblers who guessed the correct coin. You didn't "figure out" anything

having said that I'm also holding LINK bags but at least I'm not worshipping this token

>> No.17682200

CKB actually looks pretty based

>> No.17682218

>comp sci

>> No.17682342

Wait chainlink is coin based on gluing smart contracts to whatever the fuck API endpoint?
Why the fuck is everyone jerking themselves off over this, it's not hard to implement. Any other coin with smart contracts could probably glue that capability to the side of their shit in like a week. The Oracle problem is just a super cringe marketing term for "make sure the output of the program is correct given some input", it doesn't really mean anything substantive.
Is that really all there is to it?