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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17637625 No.17637625 [Reply] [Original]

2.5m mcap (800k circulating non staked)
>DeFi (privacy-preserving smart contracts)
>testnet this month!
Launched on 1/12/2018 by a team based in Singapore, Suterusu aims to become a launchpad for interoperable privacy-preserving blockchains. The team intends to implement an anonymous cryptocurrency that is based on the setup-free ZK-ConSNARK cryptographic function. The cryptoasset will initially have a Mimblewimble-like structure before implementing privacy-preserving smart contracts.
>Now that ENG IS dead this project does the same thing and more. Also it is at a 2.5m mcap.
>but circulating supply
Yes, staking rewards anon. Early adopters (like us) will be rewarded.
Do you remember SNX? This was their strategy. High staking rewards to incentivize lock up meaning circulating supply is actually fuck all. All it needs is a little push anon. Circulating non staked supply is tiny -https://node.suterusu.io/
Marketcap is like 800k based on whats circulating
>waaah volume is low.
Have you seen other gems? It's fucking just as hard to buy log book is thin both ways. The mcap is 2.5mil. At the point everyone realizes what a gem this is, the price is going to explode rapidly. You can't expect to make a big profit investing with the herd. When something is obvious it's already priced fairly, or more likely in crypto, overpriced. Keep in mind a lot of the supply is staked. The log book is short on both ends so as soon as people realize this will fly.



Oh, notice one more thing. It has ONLY usdt pairs. Which means means SUTER is effectively decoupled from BTC unlike ANY other crypto

>> No.17637652

How to unironically stake this for max staking gain

>> No.17637692

It's not hard. Just go to the website

>> No.17637716
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SUTER is unironically the next Antshares

>> No.17638056

I'm not sure why it isn't creating more buzz around here. The privacy aspect is really interesting, and if crypto is adopted widespread one day no way in hell would normies want all their daily transactions available to be seen by anyone. If Suter gets adopted widespread, this could by the next unironic 100x

>> No.17638819

Absolutely. Major potential if they pull it off. It's way under the radar at this point. To be able to make any crypto asset private will make this heavily used and adopted in the future.

>> No.17639120
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>> No.17639129

100% premine
And zero btc forum announcement

>> No.17639523

This is how I know

>> No.17639659
File: 37 KB, 586x578, 1F227194-A9EF-4BF5-85EC-7AC7FC5FA723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tezos is working on offering PSC’s along with the rest of its features and ~1200 developers what makes you think this shitstain and its twenty max team can even compete on that front let alone land an actual client? The time for “robust blockchain idea we just need your money.” Is over. The top is delivering and landing clients. We now watch what they do with those clients. No chance, 100% scam or nerds that got in too late.