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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17609132 No.17609132 [Reply] [Original]

10 Year Treasury yield fucking collapsing (Meaning bonds go up in value for the uneducated ones).
Soon there is NO fucking place for institutions to turn if they want any actual Yield.

INSANELY bullish for Crypto/Precious metals and INSANELY bearish for fiat..
They will probably have to start with helicopter money to get inflation going so that they can increase the interest rate...

10 year treasury set a record below 1.2 just a few days ago and now it's 0.67...


>Anyone with alternatives as store of value besides crypto/precious metals?

>> No.17609147

How's my Bitcoin doing?

>> No.17609195
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>> No.17609216

fake and gay?

>> No.17609396

UK yields were down -38% a little while ago, below 0.2

what does this mean for pensions and other funds?

>> No.17609419

Numbers are legit, can't comment on the analysis.


>> No.17609435

This interest rate is yearly?

>> No.17609444

Except literally everything is dumping rn

>> No.17609458
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It gets mew low every now and then you cunt bastard.

>> No.17609557

>be me
>mortgage broker
>every day is worse than the last
>i've had to start loans over 3 times to capture rates
>tv wont shut up about rates
>phone wont stop ringing
>12 hours min in office
>90k paycheck next month
never mind this is fucking awesome

>> No.17609595

I literally spammed this months ago for why Trump wanted to keep lowering interest rates.
Smart bonds are coming and he is going to pump the fuck out of them.

>> No.17609610

>be wagecuck
>flex your wage cage
kek what a tard

>> No.17609611


>> No.17609623 [DELETED] 
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yes goy, it's nothing, don't worry about it

>> No.17609686
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>be me
>be poor
>invest into cryptos with funny memes
>make gains
>be slightly less poor

we're all gna make it frens

>> No.17609693

>the "crypto is a store of value" meme
No. Crypto is gambling for people for whom even the dodgiest penny stocks won't cut it anymore

When the markets crash, people lose all their risk appetite, ie unwind their crypto positions

>> No.17609696

I'll think of you anon while I'm shitfaced on my boat for the summer.

>> No.17609725

1. buy chainlink
2. don't sell
3. you're rich

>> No.17609832

thanks fren
many kek blessings to your crypto holdings

>> No.17609881

feeling smart about my 401k 100% in high grade govt and corporate bonds

>> No.17609925


big chungus

>> No.17610331

crypto wont look like risk when btc is hitting new highs and all your stonks are a bloodbath

>> No.17610376

he's making fun of u retard

>> No.17610408

>btc new highs
kek, btc is about to go into the shitter and will be sub 6k within 2 months

>> No.17610529

Treasury Bond Buyers ≠ Shitcoin Investors anon

>> No.17610638
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lol, ok boomer
will you crawl back where you came from when btc is $14k+?
Or will you keep being a salty bobo and shitting up this board with your delusion?

>> No.17610830

This scenario will never happen and you are a retard for not understanding how bonds work.

>> No.17610855

>btc will never be over $14k
confirmed brainlet

>> No.17610938

typical retarded double digit IQ deluded with schizophrenia crypto investor

>> No.17611123
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every cycle is always the same, enjoy missing out (again)

>> No.17612222
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>>Anyone with alternatives as store of value besides crypto/precious metals?

Real estate, oh wait those are already overinflated without buyers.

>> No.17612264

buy bonds
btc will collapse and gold will continue to be supressed
equtiies shit the bed

boomers win again

>> No.17612396
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The stock market will be at 2016 prices before the end of the month , btc was bellow 600 at that time.

Meanwhile btc is comfy at 9k and the halving is 66 days away.
Crypto is going to the fucking moon , they take btc down then xmr will take it's place, they take it down then dash being 51% resistant will take it's place , they take that down then eth with pos will take it's place.

Boomer money magic may help them evade the consequences for their actions for some earthly time but the entropy of their system is rising and coming to kick their asses.

Soon people will have to pay for the right of losing money how long do you think such retardation can be kept working?A year?Two years?

They have lost their minds , they are senile , the only reason they are still running is because the post bretton woods system rekt every other generation after them so the world is ruled by the only generation left that was able to accumulate power in the era of hard currency aka boomers.

But they wont't have much time left otherwise we would see 90 years old running to be presidents in the 2020s.

>> No.17612412
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oh and i forgot the small detail that pension systems tend to be forced to buy bonds, so soon wagecucks will be paying their pensions and their pension systems will be paying by force to buy bonds to lose money.

>> No.17612498

This. We just got a small sample of what's to come last week. When the real crash comes, crypto will lose most of its value. Nothing will ever replace PMs as store of value.
>inb4 lol boomer
Guess who's gonna survive the crash: the idiots who invested on literal bits or the real investors hedged on time-proved PMs. You zoomers know nothing about the markets, you are just turbo-gamblers on steroids.

>> No.17612538

You and people like have one fatal flaw in your reasoning. You keep thinking that US is going to stay the main economy with its bonds being equivalent of gold, and that was the case for around 100 years.
Now it will crash to smithereens. You have no idea how unprepared US was for corona and how much it will decimate the country and its economy. Your best bet is crypto

>> No.17612575

>dude your best bet is a market that has never experienced a global bear market and can go to zero at a moment's notice lmao
No thanks. I'm sticking to my guns.

>> No.17612607

Haha are you serious? Do you even know what cryptocurrency is?
Idiots like you that can’t seem to grasp change and the world is different and will never be like it was are what’s causing crashes like this.

>> No.17612631

> t. financial guru who does not understand the austrian theory of money and has to use fedex + insurance to transfer his money or rely on JP Morgan jews to guarantee his money's really in a vault somewhere bro but you can't see it.

>> No.17612662

>literal doomer boomer
Just because the market crashes doesn't mean we gotta live in the woods without electricity. A pandemic + financial crisis does not do that. BTC is going to pump hard.

>> No.17612669

zoomer digits and boomer rocks don't have a yield you stupid fuck. treasury yields crashing means institutions will turn to riskier bonds aka junk bonds which will collapse the economy when the issuers default on them.

>> No.17612801

we bull run now.
bitcorn is the future

>> No.17613145
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>> No.17613182

No, this isn't big.
It will be negative soon and it still won't be the collapse/apocalypse/teotwawki.

>> No.17613183

>>mortgage broker
How do i become one with a bachelors degree and 2 years work experience in low level office stuff

>> No.17613229


so not fake, but maybe gay?

>> No.17613251

>INSANELY bullish for Crypto
yeah because billionaires will park their wealth in link when the economy collapses. the absolute state of cryptards