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17529494 No.17529494 [Reply] [Original]

Is working for a pajeet business man in the USA considered respectable in 2020?

>> No.17529541
File: 7 KB, 256x264, merchant mario.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is working for a pajeet business man in the USA considered respectable in 2020?
nigga is he paying you?
as long ad the pay is good and the work moral, work for anyone.

>> No.17529624

Sauce for girl on the right

>> No.17530869

Gross man that's someone's grandma.

>> No.17530942


>> No.17531279


>> No.17531380

Pls anons :'( I'll owe a favor

>> No.17531402

>Making a foreigner rich in your own country. Allowing him to exploit your labor?

Does that answer your question OP?

>> No.17531476

Thot #7261420 you're welcome

>> No.17531582

i work for one. the pay is lower than average for my area because they're tightfisted about money, but they'r a lot more accommodating about family stuff so im happy here.

>> No.17531603

Worked for pajeet owned business years ago. Friendly guy and was even invited to some family functions after he saw I was a good employee. Lots of pretty daughters. Good times.

>> No.17531780

Thanks for nothing anons. She's anya braddock. Have to do everything myself

>> No.17531868

this image cracks me up each time. we are in for a hell of a ride anons. this century... if you are thinking you will die soon forget about it. biannual mandatory stem cell injections to keep you up and working, consuming. we will have a life span of at least 150 years soon. shit will get real weird.
corona is just another milestone between the old world and the new world. soon to come: hybrid human-animals. genetically modified animals with enhanced intelligence, devices to allow animals to communicate with us and us with them, mars and moon bases, everybody their own bank (crypto), mind machine interfaces, quantum communication networks, AI programming other AI, things are about to get real weird real quick. hold on to your hats!

or we will die off like dogs in the next decade. I am not sure yet.

>> No.17532336
File: 688 KB, 400x300, walking fish piano.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will have a life span of at least 150 years soon. shit will get real weird.
>hybrid human-animals. genetically modified animals with enhanced intelligence, devices to allow animals to communicate with us and us with them, mars and moon bases, everybody their own bank (crypto), mind machine interfaces, quantum communication networks, AI programming other AI, things are about to get real weird real quick. hold on to your hats!

>or we will die off like dogs in the next decade. I am not sure yet.

lets have fun either way

>> No.17533024

shit man, im leaving to the woods

>> No.17533642

People on here love to shit on pajeets like its a road in India or something.

I personally think Indians are great. They assimilate well into most US communities. They are family orientated. They are don't litter like the spics do. Crime is low in Indian-American communities. Dont take welfare like niggers. Understand hard work etc.

Would I work for one? Sure, as long as the pay and work is fair. Most Indians are great Americans. Cant say that about the niggers.