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File: 767 KB, 1804x910, HAPPENING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17507835 No.17507835 [Reply] [Original]

It's all true, isn't it? It's really happening, wow...

>> No.17507844

Took you long enough

>> No.17507859

>"Gavin Andressen lives in Amherst near me and I met him many times at meetups. Gavin was absolutely firm that Craig was Satoshi so it never really occurred of me to doubt it until I met Nick Szabo.... he was absolutely earnestly trying to persuade me that Craig was... I dont even want to use the ugly words he employed!"
-George Gilder

Why is Nick Szabo going around desperately trying to persuade people that Craig isnt Satoshi?

I'm pretty sure the real Satoshi would have better things to do with their time, no?

>> No.17507862

Nick Saboz chainlink advisor - WHAT!? oh its fake nvm

>> No.17507871

Fake and gay
If Szabo really was a speaker it would be sweet

>> No.17507874

This has to be fake, right? Nick Szabo in an official advisory role?

>> No.17507880

Shoo shoo BSVjeet, this is a link thread

>> No.17507888
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>> No.17507908

Linkies are unironically giving credit for szabo, craig has already told where that scammer has taken his ideas, fucking stupid linkies.

>> No.17507915

>ummm please tell me you’ve noticed the lack of diversity sweetie :/
gas all numales

>> No.17507930

>Shoo shoo
cringe as fuck

>> No.17507942
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You deserve to stay poor. Szabo provably talked about this stuff, the only proof Craig has for anything is forged documents that have been proven fake on numerous occasions by actual experts in cryptography. If he was telling the truth, why does he lie so often?

>> No.17507957
File: 214 KB, 1077x1277, OH LINKIES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Infamous Alt Right Nazi Nick Zsabo is not advisor for chain link crypto coin. He call Chain Link nonsence on his officil twitter page and did declare chain link as not god protocol.


>> No.17507959

Fuck. Is this real?
Szabo is unironically Satoshi - this is huge for Link

>> No.17507975

Craig literally teached szabo bitcoin is turing complete, also, if you find more educated human being in crypto than craig, show it to me please.


Craig's old LinkedIn profile:

More info:
https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2682943 (Scholarly Papers (36))

Compilation of +440 Craig Wright´s Post, Papers & Books (2019 12 30) chronological order

Craig's blog:

>> No.17507987

Fake : https://www.smartcontractsummit.io/#Speakers
Szabo actually hates Chainlink.

>> No.17507990
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>actual experts

The godfather of financial cryptography would like a word.

>> No.17508007

Sergey is so much hotter than the other ones, jesus christ

>> No.17508010

James Bowery and Nick Szabo were the team behind Satoshi.

>> No.17508028

Could you speak anymore Indian if you tired. This is an English speaking only country (USA) get the fuck out.

>> No.17508037
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Craig has literally been training governments and taken down pedophile rings and other criminal cartels around the world.

Also he invented bitcoin as an immutable audit trail.

>> No.17508045

Why does he hate it ? Because it’s centralized ?

>> No.17508067
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No it's real. He's even in the updated team picture on the site.

>> No.17508070

Fucking linkies, you have been fed lies and you have been swallowing them like a good little child.

>> No.17508072

Everyone and thing represented except blacks. What can you do..?

>> No.17508131
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>> No.17508183

Szabo has been far too backseat through all of these developments the last 10 years. My money is Satoshi being Ari Juels. SmartContract.com was bought days before Bitcoin's whitepaper was released, and now that domain is owned by Sergey. Juels is the only line connecting all of these.

>> No.17508236
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>My money is Satoshi being Ari Juels

>> No.17508259
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Let’s look at two more quotes to be sure Satoshi and Szabo don’t agree.

Szabo: “…we can have multiple protocol layers instead of separate kinds of physical objects. Bitcoin the settlement & large payments layer is the “gold”; layer 2s or 3s used for retail are the “silver” and “copper”, smaller but pegged to layer 1.”

Satoshi: “Gold mining is a waste, but that waste is far less than the utility of having gold available as a medium of exchange. I think the case will be the same for Bitcoin. The utility of the exchanges made possible by Bitcoin will far exceed the cost of electricity used.”

Satoshi and Szabo both refer to gold, but while Szabo called gold a settlement too, Satoshi specifically calls it a medium of exchange in his comparison to Bitcoin. In other words, Szabo thinks Bitcoin is for settlement while Satoshi thought Bitcoin was for payments. Szabo is a small-blocker, Satoshi was a big-blocker.

>> No.17508289
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Szabo: “I’ve always thought of Bitcoin as evolving into a settlements-and-large-payments layer that in the long term needed a layer 2 for consumer payments.”

Satoshi: “[Micropayments] can become more practical if I implement client-only mode and the number of network nodes consolidates into a smaller number of professional server farms. Whatever size micropayments you need will eventually be practical. I think in 5 or 10 years, the bandwidth and storage will seem trivial.”

>> No.17508293

It don't care about the retarded Aussie Conman and his Centralized fork shitcoin. Please stop posting.

>> No.17508316
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I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but you will swallow eventually, sooner maybe than you would think.

>> No.17508430

no one asked. gtfo

>> No.17508440

These men all look so fucking capable.

>> No.17508466

Satoshi literally implemented the block size cap himself.

>> No.17508469


>> No.17508532

and here I am profiting from their work while playing minecraft all day. /comfy/

>> No.17508543

Based zoomer

>> No.17508553
File: 71 KB, 640x800, Think of Smell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you do speaking any more madarchod? I type in english language learnt in pastime. Face fact regarding Chain Link coin is nonsence. Make haste to sell at all time highs.

>> No.17508555

For temporary in the beginning to protect from spam

>> No.17508577

yes, and the block size cap wasn’t meant to be removed to spam the blocks with fucking weather data.

>> No.17508753

Can you stop shitting up this thread with your aussie man delusion? Nobody here is selling their LINK for BSV.

>> No.17508834

I couldn't care less what brainlet like you is going to do with his little stack
>block size cap wasn’t meant to be removed
Yes it was, it's not spam when people pays for it, it's literally made for it.

>> No.17508875

No chicks, no pajeets, only white adult males. this is legit!

>> No.17509071

It's over frens >>17508943