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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1749686 No.1749686 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm in a tight fucking situation and need money
>inb4 kneepads
Where the fuck can I take out a loan, my credit card already declined my application because my dumbass fucked up and basically admitted Im broke as shit
Where are good places I can look for loans?

>> No.1749689

go donate plasma

>> No.1749690

Ok, how?

>> No.1749693

look for a plasma clinic near you

>> No.1749694

How well does it pay?

>> No.1749696

Sell some shit. If your credit is fucked nobody will give you a loan.

You got a nice car? Sell it and buy a $700 car to replace it.

Surely you got shit to sell and this is 2017, you don't have to get swindled by pawnbrokers or dodgy used car salesmen, you can sell your crap on Craigslist for reasonable market value.

The yuppie way to the first step toward irrecoverable poverty is to take out a mortgage on a house, then take a loan against the value of that house with another bank. Then you got like $100,000 of cash and a house to live in. Good luck, bro!

>> No.1749698

>The yuppie way to the first step toward irrecoverable poverty is to take out a mortgage on a house, then take a loan against the value of that house with another bank. Then you got like $100,000 of cash and a house to live in. Good luck, bro!

>> No.1749702

I ain't got shit to sell lol
My credit score is 700 though so what can I expect from that

>> No.1749714

Where the fuck did all my replies go! Help me you faggots

>> No.1749859

bumping for OP

>> No.1749872

when you don't have money stay away from loans!

>> No.1749878

What's the tight situation?

>> No.1749883


Kill yourself you poor faggot.

>> No.1750557

But isn't that the whole point of loans??
So how am I supposed to get back on my feet without money?

>> No.1750563

you fucking work your ass off and get some skills

>> No.1750572


Maybe this can provide you some financial security

>> No.1750575

Don't get a loan if you aren't willing to get a job to work off the debt.

>oh I'll just take out another loan, even though I am not even able to pay off my previous creditors.

Fucking neet get a job. This is why welfare should be limited to a few months per individual for their entire life so that they don't get used to leeching and taking shit that they can't pay back.

>> No.1750585

Go to a truck stop and wore yourself out if you aren't willing to work your way out of poverty.

>> No.1750592

Obviously I plan on doing that (which is how I would pay the loan off) , but for the time being I need help
Dude fuck welfare, notice how I haven't mentioned government help. Cause I don't believe in that shit. Obviously I'll get a job to pay it off but I need temporary help

>> No.1750622

What kind of temporary help that can't be fixed by getting a job?

>> No.1750672

What the hell don't you people understand.....
I have no money, Even if I got a job in the next hour, the paycheck from that week wouldnt be enough to pay for rent I need by the beginning of February, not to mention other life expenses.

>> No.1750731

Does anyone have any advice or experience in this situation? I mean surely there have been people that went through this before, how did you get through it?

>> No.1750736

You work your ass off and get skills.

>> No.1750739

It's like I'm talking to a wall. Just stop replying since you can't read

>> No.1750752


>> No.1750754
File: 58 KB, 500x502, m6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if you could explain what caused this situation you're in, we could help.

You dumb piece of shit.

>> No.1750758

>taking a loan to pay rent
You were fucked from the start, anon.
Enjoy homelessness, I guess.

>> No.1750763

What the fuck does it matter you faggot that's so besides the point
Point is I don't have any and need some
If you're gonna be an asshole and not provide advice , then don't reply

>> No.1750773

if you don't want to read it doesn't mean its not the answer dumbass

>> No.1750776

>But isn't that the whole point of loans??
no it's most definitely not.
if you use debt to grow your potential for profit it's fine. to some degree a student loan is a fine example. or taking a loan to get a better machine that increases your productivity in the future.

to take on a loan for consumption is insane.

>> No.1750778

Thanks, so what do you suggest I do then ?, I'm already looking for jobs

>> No.1750781

1. Use whatever you have left of your brain.
2. Failing that, get into contact with friends and family.
3. If you don't have any of those (considering your personality, I wouldn't blame them) then you might want to consider asking the internet for help. The world loves a good pity story, so put up a GoFundMe and tell the world of your troubles.
4. Given your reluctance to inform us as to why you hit this snag, I can safely assume that you only have yourself to blame for not planning ahead. Keep this in mind for point 5.
5. See your OP picture.

>> No.1750782

dunno it's just the general outlook you have to apply to life. only go into debt if your expected return exceeds the interest on the loan.

now if you have currently zero return but if you stay off the streets and can find a decent job because you took a loan to finance your job hunt that could be considered appropriate use of a loan. especially if you are sure you will find a job before your situation becomes untenable.
if you are not sure don't fucking do it!

>> No.1750785
File: 3.18 MB, 600x450, g5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly deserved the situation you're in.
The fact that you don't want to explain what caused this explains it all,
and the fact that you desperately look for a way to get money (loan) while you're already
homeless and in debt means you're delusional.

You probably can't ask your family for help since you fucked them over already.


>> No.1750826

I'm not in debt thankfully, I'm pretty confident I'd be able to pay back up to $5k in a year or less when I get a job. This is all just a temporary hiccup. Basically holiday season shopping, getting fired second week of new year, and frivolous spending is what did me in

>> No.1750836

That doesn't match what you said earlier

>> No.1750846

you have (((other))) means to get loans but if you don't return the money the consequences will be much harsher and the % interest is much higher so its not worth it

>> No.1750848


>> No.1750872

What doesn't match what I said earlier?>>1750846
What other means are there to get loans?

>> No.1751912

Threads like these make me feel good about myself, because I'm not retarded enough to get myself in a bad situation and yell at people for not posting "How to 5k a month in 3 hours EASY".

The only real way to make money without an intial investment is using your skills and education to find a job. If you don't have those then, work as a dishwasher, janitor, warehouse worker, etc. If I were you, I would probably try to do odd jobs like cleaning out houses/garages, mowing lawns, movingly furniture. That way you wouldn't have to wait that long to see your check.

>P.S Telling us your actual situation might give us some sort of insight as to how to help you.

>> No.1751941

Nigga, mine is in the 400's. Yours is definitely not fucked.

>> No.1751949

Tf did I just read?

>> No.1751956

wow lol. i lost a few brain cells reading that.

idk much about credit scores and stuff like that as a eurofag but loans dont work.
lending costs money, YOUR money.
the only reasoning to justify getting a loan out has been named in this thread already. try your parents for a small loan if its just "getting back on your feet"