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17403114 No.17403114 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17403168

>$875k for a shack
i'd hope it's a really nice area for that ridiculous price

>> No.17403180

We aren't falling for the boomer ponzi

>> No.17403202


>> No.17403286

Seems like you get a few bungalows to rent out and one to live in. Good investment.

>> No.17403296

Why live in a house when you could live in a cybertruck

>> No.17403670

Obviously mislisted by the agent, fat fingered an extra zero. Most millennials don’t buy houses because they are sucker to the “once I buy it I’m stuck” meme. They think they’re locked into a house for 30 years and the thought of losing the freedom to move scares them. Little to none have any idea what equity is, Let alone the ability to write of mortgage insurance. In other words, they simply are lazy/nonlucrative enough to pull the trigger. It will cost many of them dearly in the future

>> No.17403713

Id be willing to bet it’s a dump in a nice part of town, you are buying the land, planning permission and location. The ‘house’ will be knocked down and replaced with a McMansion.

>> No.17403898


>> No.17403999

It’s a typo. It’s only 87,500 I know the area

>> No.17404174

i can cherry pick overpriced houses too OP

>> No.17404230


>Time listed: 143 days

yeah. nope.


It's not cherry picking when 90% of them are overpriced

>> No.17404247

Why move to the burbs when the rest of your socialist polycule already lives in the co-op with you?

>> No.17404281

>bought a TH for 400K this past November
>parents helped with 20% dp
>paying just over $2,100 before utilities

I've got over 30K in LINK and can't wait for the day it moons to the point where I can cash out, pay off my (((mortgage))) and live a nice neet lifestyle and never wagecuck again.

>> No.17404296

I know what I got bucko

>> No.17404734
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>> No.17404772

This is all coordinated. They're trying to price us all out of private home ownership and herd us into mega city enclosures like cattle.

>> No.17404789

How does $3.00 sound to you?

>> No.17404823

I mean yeah if you buy at these prices and everyone else your age is up to their neck in debt, how exactly would you plan on exiting without taking a bath on the whole thing?

>> No.17404828
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Who's "They"? You act like their is some conspiracy by the "elites", which is an ambiguous term because you have no idea what you're talking about, to deliberately price you out of a home. The real cause is the FED as created cheap money which has inflated asset prices and we're due for a correction. That's it...

>> No.17405162

>Who's "They"?
>Proceeds to name exactly who "they" are

Blue-pilled brainlets.

>> No.17405379

Cashed out at the literal peak in jan 18 to pay the 20% down on a 500k house. Was afraid I bought the peak later that year but now zillow says its worth over $600k already so that's a 100% ROI on my downpayment vs being down 99% if I held my shitcoins.

>> No.17405413

>Most millennials don’t buy houses because they are sucker to the “once I buy it I’m stuck” meme. They think they’re locked into a house for 30 years and the thought of losing the freedom to move scares them.

whats wrong with that logic?

>> No.17405477
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I guess it's a summer home.

>> No.17405498




>> No.17405847

Nothing, assuming you're financially conscious
if you're a brainlet normie, buying a house is the only investment you'll make until 40 and then realize you've done goofed and have to unload this hot potato on the next generation just to have a semblance of a comfy retirement

there are pros to owning a house, well primarily it can be cheaper than renting long term since you end up with a house, that's obvious, but it's a bit risky because a) right now you're buying the literal top b) various expenses like property taxes and house maintenance, on top of mortgage payments c) it's an immobile asset and if your neighborhood/city/state/country goes to shit, so does your land value

Assuming you are financially conscious and haven't 'made it' yet, a house should be seen as an investment. So if you're not 100% knowledgeable about what you're investing in, you're going to end up losing money. If you're not an expert on properties, you should be working with someone who is, and they shouldn't have a conflict of interest or an incentive for you to buy the damn house. Although I admit I didn't do too much research into real estate after realizing that a house in my city will make ROI (renting it out) after about 30-40 years. Funnily enough rents didn't move a lot in a decade but house prices have.

Buy a house when normies unanimously agree that renting is superior.

>> No.17405867

yes sweetie and who controls the fed?

>> No.17405889


its a fucking typo

>> No.17405930
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>not dropping one of these on an empty lot with a foundation for 50k total and letting the "trailer home" stigma devalue your property and trick the government into paying lower property taxes

>> No.17405955

"There are 6 -2 bedroom one bath cottages one on the lake with a 24x24 boat house."

Sounds like 875K worth of houses and lakefront property to me.

>> No.17405988
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>> No.17406005

show me SOLD properties
anyone can ask any ridicolous price
show me properties where there was someone who actually PAID that ridicolous price

>> No.17406010

3500 sqft yet only 2 bed 1 bath, huh?

>> No.17406014

>Time listed: 143 days
gee i wonder why it's been on the market for half a year

>> No.17406030

Thinking of buying later this year as a starter home. Really want my own yard & garage, sick of apartments and want to build equity with the rent/mortgage money. I've been having doubts with this "buying the top" and maybe waiting out until it deflates - southern California is where I'm looking

>> No.17406035

because zoomers invented the modern cuckshack to inhabit

>> No.17406037
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Why indeed

>> No.17406070

top of the cycle boiz

>> No.17406084

>sold 2007
does the great recession ring a bell? this old owner almost certainly missed too many mortgage payments and the house was foreclosed and auctioned off. dig around for spare change in your couch and car, you probably have enough to buy a house in detroit circa 2007-2009 with the cash you just found.

>> No.17406100

07 was before the crash.

>> No.17406108

Yeah problem is if you try and do anything in detroit right now you will be royally fucked by the taxman and liberal government unless you are part of a massive conglomerate that can hire enough lawyers to push them around.

>> No.17406143

not in the south
t. former general contractor in florida

>> No.17406169

Still have to pay taxes on that.

>> No.17406171

you're either a liar, retarded, or both.
but clearly heavily interested in keeping the housing bubble inflated either way, good luck lol

>> No.17406175

You better be holding some other assets that can help get through any crashes. Places all your eggs into real estate seems like complete insanity right now.

>> No.17406185

>get curious and look at homes within my price range
>either a cookie cutter suburban home that is min 20 minutes form the core city
>literal shitshack thats closer to the city
>or a condo that is 500 sqft and has HOA fees starting at 400/mo

fuck boomers and fuck this retarded market

>> No.17406205

I wouldn't be putting all my eggs into the housing by any means. I'm decently spread across crypto, stocks, and silver as of now. I'm just split on renting for another year on a lease or buying when my current one finishes up in August

>> No.17406221

do you hold silver physically or in an etf?

>> No.17406227

Then I guess that's really the best you can do given your situation. Good luck, fren.

>> No.17406235

Physically, silver dollars

>> No.17406254

1 million dollars for a tear down 30mins from a good area.
No thanks.

>> No.17406269

This, I'm glad I'm not the only one that's concluded this, I know people in the UK and Aus and its the same situation.

>> No.17406299

Go away Elon

>> No.17406353

nah it's just a low iq shill with $350 worth of TSLA thinking it'll be worth $1 million one day

>> No.17406372

uh no, it started in 2007

>> No.17407225

Tachyon Uses AES to encrypt connection, so that the attacker cannot read the content even if
the connection is intercepted.

>> No.17407418

good post

>> No.17407469

Why does everyone post these crazy high prices houses? Not everyone is going to be able to live in a major city.

Same house where I live in Western NC would go for like 80k.

Not everyone can live in NY, not everyone can live in LA, you HAVE to be OK with living in a "normal" area. If you get rich then fine, do what you want but im sick of everyone thinking they are entitled to their proverbial "160 acres".....