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File: 30 KB, 700x393, covid-19-corona-virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17402398 No.17402398 [Reply] [Original]

So about 10% of mostly old people will die soon of corona in europe, now that quarantaine failed because of a italian fuckup.
Is it good to hold crypto during this time? Most people will be home anyway when shit hits the fan and they will be watching news. Stocks are a no go because productions gets halted, events and public places shut down.
Should i sell my crypto bag and return once the market gets bloody?
Or is this bullish for assets like crypto?
I do think economy will flourish after this event and after the chaos because wiping away a lot of elder people means less money has to be spend on pension pays.

>> No.17402721

>assumes that italy has been competent at anything since ancient rome
>worried that because the goombahs failed, the rest of europe will too

I haven't laughed this hard in my life.

I do hope though that it spreads to scandinavia and whipes them off the map. They'll probably have some reason why putting people in quarantines "deines them of human rights".

>> No.17402758

> reading jewspapers
Why italians fucked up, mong?

>> No.17402801

You fucking coronavirus over-hyping niggers are actually insufferable to listen to

>> No.17402827

what fuckup?

>> No.17402829

thats you right now faggot

>> No.17402830

I know, right?

I hope they're at least partially right though. The world would be so much better if a big chunk of china disappeared. The people left would probably revolt due to the ensuing economic catastrophe and we'd get rid of the CCP.

>> No.17402869

>China halting exports of countless vital medical supplies and mecidines
>"Nothing to see here, goyim, move along!"

>> No.17402927
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>> No.17402931

What fuckup? You have to ask? Geez. The large increase in cases originates from italy. So flights from china havent been checked properly.
Its not stopable anymore. Not wanting to panic anyone but be realistic. Open traffic, no border control, all the cars that drive, and a week at least before you see someone's infected while he's already contagious.

>> No.17403003

>muh flights from china haven't been checked
Do you know how many chinese niggers moved through *unofficial* channels? Do you know their movements across europe?
In italy there was a prompt reaction so you're reading this now on the jewspapers, maybe in the rest of eurocuckland they're still figuring out what's the gender of the patients, and there will be a bloodbath sooner than we all expect.

>> No.17403068
File: 124 KB, 620x330, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of medical supplies and drugs in America and Europe depend on ingredients/parts from China.

If you or a loved one is dependent on a drug to survive then you should stock up an year's supply right now.

>> No.17403087

There wont be a bloodmath lmao.
Mortality rate is low. We young anons wont die from this, crypto already gave us a strong immune system.
But chaos is a other story. Expect runs on super markets, very limited travel and all public places closed.

>> No.17403106

We can also hope that a vaccin is found in a decent time frame but thats all gambling. Chaos in europe is already guaranteed to happen.

>> No.17403117

Think about how to get profit from that, just don't buy the news.

>> No.17403127

ya fuck those schizo meds muhfuugga

>> No.17403128

You’re being told the mortality rate is low. How do you know it’s not actually a higher rate?
>but why would they lie to us
So what happens if everyone finds out the mortality rate is say, 50%? Extreme panic. People immediately sell their stocks positions and global market crashes.

>> No.17403173

Lmao im dependent and asked and got told to fuck off.

>> No.17403183
File: 43 KB, 877x713, atten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tip: don't listen to what they say, but pay close attention to their actions

China says everything is fine and show low numbers, but at the same time the quarantines and punishment laws for violating the quarantines are getting worse every week. They are also quarantining most of their citizens and destroying their economy.

Would China do this if this virus was "just another flue" with low fatality rates? I suspect not. Pay attention to their actions, not words. Actions speak louder than words.

>> No.17403196

If that were the case there would be mass fleeing from china. All the Chinese students and workers abroad would be talking about the 50% of their family that died. We have data from the princess diamond as well.

>> No.17403215


heres a respectable british doctors opinion on covid-19. maybe his accent will change your mind.


>> No.17403216

Question: If things are so bad, why is China not closing their airports and banning flights?

Answer: China refuses to suffer and go out alone. They want the virus to spread.

>> No.17403333

You didn't explain waht fuckup, i guess you just don't know then.

>> No.17403348

Question: How is China maintain infrastructure and airports if its so bad?

Answer: its not as bad as some /x/tards say

>> No.17403391


Just another flu, bro.

>> No.17403539

Just stock up on supplies and hold your Bitcoin SV. Crypto will probably mostly crab. I don't think the price action will really be that dramatic until after the bulk of the pandemic has passed, at which point BSV will moon hard as fucking fuck.

>> No.17403572
File: 18 KB, 355x355, B29057EE-4A36-4CD2-AD9C-3E7151333CC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe is fucked

>> No.17403584

Never said that it's going to be that bad. The utilities still work even in Wuhan.

>> No.17403617

>So about 10% of mostly old people will die soon of corona in europe
So? Just import more immigrants from India and Africa like we always have been doing. India and Africa has been untouched by the virus, so that is literally billions of replacement workers just waiting to immigrate.

>> No.17403694

Boomers are the ones that run everything from elections to governments.
Finally we young people will run Europe again

>> No.17404527

India untouched, that beyond retarded.
Africa having the testing capabilities is laughable at best.
This is the Black Swan event that will cause Chaos world wide.

>> No.17405001

>crypto already gave us a strong immune system

>> No.17405150
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>Not taking this opportunity to invest in biomedical companies
You're missing out dumbass.

>> No.17405182
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>> No.17405251

Aww, poor little wittle subhumie mad his gf ditched his penniless ads for a tall handsome nordic man with money?