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File: 1.13 MB, 2560x1536, Bitcoin_Moneda_Digital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1740013 No.1740013 [Reply] [Original]

Ok , heres the deal I´m fucking tired of being a noncoiner,
I´ve tried to buy some bitcoins on localbitcoins using paypal
but its seems I can get scammed for using such method,
Is there any place where I can buy bitcoin with security and
a guaranty that the deal will get done properly without any scams using paypal or other ease method.
*breathes heavily

>> No.1740020


you are an idiot

go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.1740028


>> No.1740065

Country not supported , can I still use it ?

>> No.1740214

Virwox does paypal
Horrendous fees though

>> No.1740244


>> No.1740277

or skype me:


>> No.1741283

Just use a debit card and buy from a reliable person from the same country and buy small bits every time so you can accumulate a reputation.

>> No.1741314

coinbase closes my account as soon as i verify my bank transfers

kraken wants my SSN. get fucked, kraken

why is is so god damn hard to buy bitcoin?

>> No.1741326

What kind of shit country do you live in?

>> No.1741328 [DELETED] 


Just look for a reputable vendor. Better than localbitcoin for sure

>> No.1741332


Just use paxful.

>> No.1741339


I'd wait for Bitcoin to hit bottom before you buy, however you choose to buy.

I'd recommend Bitstamp myself.

>> No.1741343

Affiliate link, kek

>> No.1741346


>> No.1741683

i can sell you some if you are willing to take some risk. i have offered it to an other anon but he never came thru. i can't help with the security, because either you open yourself up to scamming or i do. but i have to give my identity to you (my paypal, with my card linked and verified) which i would definitely not like smeared shit all over for a few $.

and in the unlikely case you try to pretend i scammed you for shits and giggles i can just post the transaction link to blockchain.info to prove you are a lying nigger (yeah you would have to post a btc receive address and the amount you want to buy here for everyone to see beforehand otherwise it wouldn't prove a thing i guess).

but if you don't want to deal i fully understand. if you feel adventurous tho with a few $ i'm kind of excited to try this.

>> No.1742378

Stick that Bitcoin up your......

Oh wait nevermind.

It doesn't exist.

>> No.1742756

somewhat interested.

ive used bitcoin in the past, but all through coinbase, so im no expert.

looking to buy 50 USD worth of btc

>> No.1742791

you're gonna pay a 20% surcharge or thereablouts if you try to use an online escrow service like paxful.

just put the money in a bank account and use coinbase or gildera or something like that. you can get a small amount like 50 or 60usd instantly if you use your card instead of the bank account directly (or you could in the past)

>> No.1742936

sorry sold at localbitcoins last night. it went lightning fast without a hitch can recommend.
only had to confirm my email. the guy i did business with was cashforbtc. paypal charged a 4-5% on the purchase the assholes, but that was it. i still got decent money for them.

>> No.1743050

Iconomi is the next big thing. If you know how big Forex is, now imagine the same thing for cryptos and currencies.