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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 331 KB, 640x427, 156470334142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17380633 No.17380633 [Reply] [Original]

I work as an American welder and make 500k a year. Without us your world would fall apart. That bridge you drive over its held up by other welders like me. That fucking car you drive is held together by my fellow union welding brothers.
I work in the medical gas sector. We weld and prefab all the working gas fittings for hospitals. Without guys like me your surgerys that you pay to go get in the hospital wouldn't happen. I Might even save your life one day because of one of my welds.
You want to know the best part about being a welder though? At the end of the day I can actually hold my hard earned cash in my hands. That's right I can count it and feel it. Unlike these scammy crypto coins that have absolutely no use case and will go no where but zero.
So why don't you do yourself a favour. Put down the laptop and pick up the torch. Ignite the spark to your financial freedom.

>> No.17380638

This kills the retard

>> No.17380639

for me, forklift drivng

>> No.17380640
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Welder making 600k a year here. I put all my cash into Crypto to accelerate my earnings so that I can retire in my late 20s/30s and not in my 40s with a blown out body. You are a huge gay, goodbye.

>> No.17380643

Okei mister welder

>> No.17380654

>Blown out at 40

>> No.17380735
File: 84 KB, 768x1280, than.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underwater welder here making 2m a year (not including bonuses and benefits), shit's easy. Training only took a year and a half and starting pay was 900k, went to 2m after a year. Literally a cheat code to life.

>> No.17380755

>Not becoming a space welder for 5 mill a year starting, any moon you want.

>> No.17380767

OP, I'm a welder also! Fuck me where do you get 500k. I'm only on 300k. Wanna hook an anon up, got experience & willing to work.

>> No.17380773

I'm just a chef working at Wendy's for 250k a year.

Even with a 9 inch cock I feel inadequate here.

>> No.17380912
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Suddenly everyone is a fucking welder

>> No.17380926

Burger king burger technician making 350k a year. Lol wednesy's is basically like going to college dude it's a waste of time and that salary is just gonna leave you with a heaping pile of loans.

>> No.17381266

nice larp welders don't make 500k fag

>> No.17381407

I’m a shareholder in a company that has welding manufacturing shops in the United States and Europe. Although there is definitely a difference in pay between the two, none of you slimy fucks is making 500k a year. Keep dreaming plebs. Eastern Europe is full of fucking welders from Russia and Ukraine and whatever, if it was that easy to make money from welding, all of them would be rich. Pro-tip - they’re not. Being a welder is the bottom tier of any fucking job you could actually have. Breathing in welding fumes, literally working like a slave in a shop.

>> No.17381432

I'm a turbo government carpenter making nothing but getting to keep all the houses I build

>> No.17381469
File: 23 KB, 500x296, 560CA291-C0D4-496C-99B8-D2AC9BD870FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew here. Filthy goyim work for me while I eat the finest foreskin and drink the sweetest goyim blood freshly obtained, and with stem cells from filthy goyim who give it to me freely cuz we told them it’s worthless. 100 trillion/yr here.

>> No.17381492

Industrial electrician here (licensed and bonded btw). I charge 1100 per hour and 600 of that goes into my pocket as I have my own business. I charge bloated businesses 12 labor hours and actually work for around 45 minutes. Best part of the job is getting called to a site to change a lightbulb for 3 labor hours.