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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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17364976 No.17364976 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin unironically needs to die for crypto projects ($ETH dapps, $LINK, $CHZ etc) to have a bright future. Everything tanks with BTC because whether or not people want to by tokens of those other projects, their entry point into crypto is buying BTC with fiat.

Obviously when BTC price crashes it means people making more entry points from fiat to crypto all of a sudden have more Bitcoin, even with the same amount of fiat as the previous buy ins, and because then they trade Bitcoin for the projects they want, they are all of a sudden affording more tokens than the previous buyers, the price goes down...

The future of defi should be stablecoins backed by whichever group currently has the strongest militia (or is controlling the previous ancap warlord's capital city)

BTC is like 90% chink owned and pumped and dumped.

>> No.17365031
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>> No.17365035

You don't really understand why were a here do you

>> No.17365050

keep dreaming with your shitcoins kid.
BTC is king and here to stay.

>> No.17365068

i have some BTC that id happily watch go to $0 just so that the paradigm shift begins sooner. bitcoins value proposition seems cringeworthy at this point. hard to believe its spent so many years as a "revolutionary" investment.

>> No.17365083

You're inbred group is literally just buying BTC, not to hold it or use it, but in hopes someone else will buy it for more. There's tens of thousands of you, and Chinese scammers hold most of it. If you think this is going to end well for you. Gl.

>> No.17365090

To laugh at idiots who think dapps are actually decentralized and think defi is anything more than Bitconnect.

Get rekt bitch nigger

>> No.17365143

yeah sure kid, i own btc, bch, bsv, ltc, xmr, zec and some others pow coins.
Bought my first btc in 2014 to buy stuff on dnms. Cant wait for normies faggots like you to get obliterated with your ponzis coins.