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17343268 No.17343268 [Reply] [Original]

I tired of this bullshit. Look at those shitcoins

>> No.17343688
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>The only project worth a damn
>Will be responsible for the next great crash
>Old stale trash
>A steaming pile of shit
>Exchange token that I retardedly did not buy despite hopping on Binance early to buy LINK

>> No.17343706

Fuck you seriously, why do you think is better than any of these coins? Why do you think it's better than BSV?

>> No.17343720
File: 2.85 MB, 2000x1578, yoa armpits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the most lucrutive crypto in the short term beside chain link and tezos?

>> No.17343731
File: 15 KB, 638x149, Screenshot from 2020-02-19 19-41-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17343738

cuz bitshitv is a garbage token ran by a garbage fraud of a "man" who calls himself satoshi and is really faketoshi. why do you cultists have to seethe and whine so hard if someone doesnt like your shit token. be a man and accept not everyone likes something and stfu instead of weeping like a bitch made faggot

>> No.17343740

3-9 are all shitcoins that will be purged in time. Tezos is pretty legit

>> No.17343742

Honestly beside ETH and BTC, Link is the only one worth being there and Link is already overvalued by at least x10. Saying a lot about crypto.

Not gonna last long tho, Huge projects like Dfinity, Polkadot, Gram etc. are surely going to replace some here.

>> No.17343764

Our day is coming

>> No.17343767

An absolute embarrassment


>> No.17343778

Also there are rumors about sony using Dfinity for PSN purchases in PS5. If true that's gigantic and probably will push crypto bullrun in itself.

>> No.17343788

>buying large caps expecting to get rich.

>Doesn't even look at Fantom a low cap gem that will 100x.

>> No.17343801
File: 107 KB, 750x422, 665F0F7A-A82E-41D5-87B0-C69646BCEDD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC - big and slow. Gimped by blockstream. Can't be used on DEX's and smart contracts.
ETH - actually useful because it can be used on DEX's and smart contracts.
XRP - a scam to prevent normies from investing in cryptos that pose a threat to the financial system.
BCH - fast Bitcoin.
BSV - fast Bitcoin.
USDT - actually useful, even if it might be a fractional reserve scam.
LTC - fast Bitcoin.
EOS - i don't know what this shit is it what it does.
BNB - pump and dump shitcoin.
Tezos - actually useful

I expect most of these shitcoins will be sold for LINK and LINK will moon without any new money entering the crypto market. When new money enters the market, LINK will moon even harder. LINK will eventually have the #1 market cap.

>> No.17343820

eos is garbage

i have been holding for like a week with no increase in value. i am trying to get to the amount i put in so i can sell the piece of shit

>> No.17343825
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>when shitcoin shitters' entire shitfolio shits the bed at once

>> No.17343829

>BNB - They delisted our sir Pajeetoshi so we hate their coin

>> No.17343876

There's no reason for an exchange token to exist. Other than for the exchange to print it from nothing, and pump and dump it.

>> No.17343890

That's not how you estimate value retard. Link is massively overvalued and its current pump is purely speculation one and not driven by actual use case, Chainlink literally pushed it's maximum limits of potential value while it barely started producing things of value.

What i'm saying is that link, even assuming full commercialization and use case, shouldn't be valued this high, Read the whitepaper.

>> No.17343916

I unironically agree with this evaluation.

BTC is slow as balls and without LN its literally useless
Why is LTC even a thing?
Does anyone really care about BCH and BSV?
EOS is a centralized cartel that doesn't scale dapps have already left it for Tron

>> No.17343933

>that inflation
expecting for FTM to 100x is a just a dream anon screencap this.

>> No.17343935

LINK can be used as currency, just like all the other shitcoins, and it also solves the oracle problem.

>> No.17343947

When the market hypes is when you need to look at selling.

When people with little to no financial education start investing or buying, look into selling.

You were supposed to be in first. If you didn't have an exit strategy it's your own fault. You pay the price for simplistic thinking.

"Buy low sell high" doesn't cut it

>> No.17344040

Ok tell me why $100 million is the maximum intrinsic value of Link you fucking retard.

>> No.17344176

cool so when is it gonna do that? it's had almost 3 yrs and nothing so far just alot of nothing and talk.

>> No.17344337

Maybe stop looking at shitcoins and look at CENNZ for a change