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17268900 No.17268900 [Reply] [Original]

If women make shitloads of money doing cam shit, findom, selling jars of their piss for thousands of dollars, etc, why are you upset with them? They're just being good capitalists. They found a marketing opportunity and they're mining it for all it's worth. What's wrong with that? It's literally no different than noticing there's no italian restaurants within a 10 mile radius of somewhere and starting an italian restaurant there. Where there's demand, supply follows.

So, instead of REEEEing at e-thots, shouldn't you instead be upset with the men whose financial largesse and perverted tastes allows e-thottery to be a viable profession in the first place?

>> No.17268910

nothings wrong with that

why did you make a thread about this

>> No.17268962

literally at least once every day some faggot posts a cap of some thot's insta where they're selling their piss for ten grand or draining a beta faggot's bank account. Then 300 posts ensue where anons call women whores. I don't get what's whorish about mining an opportunity, and yes ironically that extends to actual, literal whoring too. In all cases, it's men and their weakness that allows women to do what they do to them.

>> No.17268996

All women are whores. I might sell death, but that doesn't make it okay. Same goes for selling decay and degeneracy.

>> No.17269024

They're only selling because you're buying.

>> No.17269069

this is nothing wrong with it
people are just mad that they weren't born an attractive female so they have to find more creative ways to scam people

>> No.17269156

I have two objections:

1. The males who buy this kind of shit are utterly contemptible and the culture we have that has enabled them is pretty sick.

2. The women are wasting their youths until their cartons are empty when they should be having babies instead.

It's not that I mind women being childish and whoring themselves out per se. They should be doing something better though and it's all the shit around it that's bad.

>> No.17269224

I don't have a problem with it
What I have a problem with is the same women promote this horse shit idea that the world is on easy mode for straight white men.

>> No.17269477

Got it with 1, but my objection is that women would degrade any man who dared try the same thing. Don't forget that most of them proudly don't do their taxes (They're not even scared like most of the retards on this board who try the same thing and eventually capitulate).

Anons hate it because it's the ultimate example of female privilege. Most of the women doing this are so bubbleheaded it hurts.

I don't have any problems with actually doing it. But the same women who live life on an even easier mode than NEETs--they actually have people who want their attention--basically refuse to accept that they live an incredibly easy life.

NEETs admit their life is easy. That's what they want. NEETs are also insulted constantly by everyone. These women live the same easy lives but get the exact opposite treatment.