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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17242395 No.17242395 [Reply] [Original]


Conspiracy theories abound! Let's get that NWO coin pumpin boys!


>> No.17242595
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Comfy all-in and waiting it out. FeelsRelaxedMan

>> No.17242655

My stacks aren't as big as I wanted them to be (are they ever?), but I'm having a good time waiting. It's been 7 years, what's a few more?

>> No.17242688
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; 3

>> No.17242814

can someone explain how XRP will ever get above $10/coin? That's about a $500B market cap. There will be competition for transfers in the future, competition will bring prices down.

t. 1500 XRP token holder

>> No.17242879
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>> No.17242887
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As XRP is used to transfer more money cross-borders on things like remittances, bank transfers, derivatives, etc the price will need to rise in order to keep XRP liquid. Every transfer only takes a few seconds, but in those seconds the XRP is temporarily burned off the market. The more money being transferred, the more XRP is needed to stay liquid. Since there is a limited number of XRP, the price will need to rise so less XRP can be burned at once, otherwise the system will freeze and transfers will not be able to be completed.

Pic related is an idealized scenario and is used to illustrate why the market cap does not have an arbitrary ceiling.

>> No.17242907

It wont. Founders are dumping at an unprecidated rate. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.17242920

so what was all that cryptic twitter stuff about yesterday? nothing is happening

>> No.17242933

Nothing that this poster said is true.

>> No.17242936


thats a meme, it doesnt affect the price not nearly enough to have any dumpy result on the charts

>> No.17242961

Your fucking problem is that you think marketcap matters for crypto. Saged.

>> No.17243023
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>> No.17243143


>> No.17243314

Ok just sold all my link

>> No.17243336

Oh nonononono

>> No.17243342


based move

>> No.17243351


>> No.17243355

high iq

>> No.17243367

based. good job.

>> No.17243390

Or you could do the 200IQ move and be holding both already.

>> No.17243445
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200IQ is to go balls deep xrp rite now. LINK has topped off there, gonna tank for a while ngl.
better to rake in all ripple gainz then distribute later if link looks like breaking out again.
xrp has soooooo much room atm, its ridic

>> No.17243488

I put all my net worth in xrp will I make it with 110k?

>> No.17243505


lmao yes. this is a retirement tier stack

>> No.17243553

multi millionaire in the making

>> No.17244292
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 36AC6F4B-B186-46D8-BC2D-45F7C049FD7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 20k XRP. Is there still time to accumulate more? I’d really like to make it.

>> No.17244324

Nigger I only have 5k and IM gonna make it. You will have generational wealth. 90% of xrp holders have under 15k

>> No.17244415
File: 393 KB, 800x457, freaking out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

majorpoorfag here I only have 97XRP am I going to make it lads

>> No.17244441

Thats 97k

>> No.17244450

Sell high buy low based alfa

>> No.17244459

1.2k stack here. I need a home :(

>> No.17244493
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>> No.17244503

Topkek. You are finally winning.

>> No.17244632

Put that on bybit and 5x leverage youll have make it stack

>> No.17245147

explain plz?????? I NEED TO MAKE IT

>> No.17245232


>> No.17245304

price is tanking m8

>> No.17245348

Burgercuck here, US is banned from this site

>> No.17245377

XRP shills are literally bigger faggots than LINK shills, and that is saying something. It reeks of leftist psyop

>> No.17245506

Oh, forgot that youre not allowed to make money

>> No.17245575

>not using a vpn

>> No.17245697

>Price gas been stable at $.33 all day

>> No.17245744

Anyone unironically withdraw their IRA to buy XRP like I did?

>> No.17245803

the pump is over
nothing happened

>> No.17245848

I agreed a 3000gbp fee-free interest-free overdraft with my bank and then promptly moved 2.8k into Bittrex.
good, there's still time to buy more

>> No.17245902

Nothing will happen. No Indian coin is going to moon

>> No.17245931
File: 780 KB, 1500x1480, 32698752364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feb 14th is THE day....
>actually its presidents day
wow, fuck Riddlers. We only have about 2 hours left for any serious trump announcement. and nothing in sight

>> No.17246012

you retards why would Trump ever support XRP? you literally got psyopped by literal XRP kike cyber agents

>> No.17246045
File: 85 KB, 1242x825, EQvCH5TXkAAdAxH.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is his apparent price schedule

>> No.17246052

REALIZE we are constantly being monitored and influenced by actual jewish cyber agents on this site anon. They have realized they can use crypto pump and dumps as a mean to fleece money from us "evil nazis". This is why they pushed XRP so hard with the MAGA hats etc... The kikes on /pol/ can't get enough of the MIGA meme.. They are unraveling and spiraling. Trump is fucking up their entire jewish illusion that the world is currently still under. XRP was just another push to fleece some money before Israel goes under.

>> No.17246127

anon get real. That shit looks like it was made by a child. I guess Q anon helped me be able to point out actual intel/ information, and has helped me point out actual disinformation as well. I was able to look through all of the BSV Fud, buy 140 of them and now I'm up $40k in 2 months. Can XRP shills say their 30 cent shit coin has made the same gains? NO, and they will talk shit about BSV and try to say Trump is going to make XRP moon blah blah when the actual information released on /biz/ points to a truth that the Q team and BSV/ Craig Wright are connected. All the XRP shills do is say its the next bitcoin (when BTC is about to die and BSV will take its place), and give out ridiculous price predictions like $2000 EOY (just like the link shills posting $1k EOY). Remember only a week ago, we had actual nigger clowns on twitter pushing for XRP trying to shill it to its monkey followers (who have no clue what bitcoin probably is). Whats also sickening is these shills have done their homework on board culture (racism, sage, the rehtoric etc) so they actually appear to "fit in" here. But once you start arguing with one of them, their r3ddit-never trumper commie comes out.

>> No.17246129

good? this is so disappointing; you could've made thousands in other altcoins while XRP stagnates

>> No.17246134
File: 68 KB, 1242x726, EQU-Gv_WoAALXG_.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im looking at his image. the feb 14th is right at the bottom of the mountain and just before a giant peak. perhaps 14th was supposed to be the start of a massive bull or something
i never read up on Q cause dont care about politics. just money

>> No.17246176

What is this image supposed to signify?

>> No.17246185

>BSV shill
craig is not satoshi. i trust the chink that called him faketoshi.

i bet Q never even shilled BSV and youre extrapolating

>> No.17246206

how does 97 trillion dollars sound

>> No.17246216

I have 200 I’m going to be fucking rich

>> No.17246218

i guess the holy trinity of value or something

green = cash
blue = xrp
yellow = gold

xrp is right next to the yellow mountain, signifying it being tied to the gold standard. the very bottom of the mountain is february 14th, representing the beginning of the bullrun prediction here >>17246045

>> No.17246236

Anon you actually seem like a real person. Which is nice, I'm not talking to a shill. I know politics seem like a drag etc.. but what is really cool is when you start to dwell into the every day politics (/pol kinda stuff), you start to figure out financial opportunities. Each one is different but slowly you gain a better picture of what is a reasonable investment, and what is not. Its all gambling but you start to improve your odds, and what is really cool is you actually start to spot out the "disinfo agents" that troll on here. Not caring about politics, is not caring about money because there is money to be made (for instance on predictit.com you can bet on the 2020 election etc)... The more you open your mind up to things, the more opportunities present themselves. When Craig was first posting information about BSV, it seemed like every other coin trying to dethrone BTC. But when you started to dig in to the stuff, collect and actually lurk /biz/ waiting for more of these tid bits of BSV information, it all started to paint a wonderful picture of opportunity. And then when you see the fierce FUD campaign deployed on /biz/, stocktwits, etc it really glows at you... XRP ran to like 3.50 in 2017, i rode the waves and sold off. Never bought back in to this day. XRP is a shitcoin with billions of outstanding coins out there. It cannot pump to $1000, its not fucking possible.

>> No.17246256

Oh, I get it, 14 inside of a heart is valentine's day. I see.
So it has been foretold, so it shall be.

>> No.17246262


anon see the above post? Do you see the fierce FUD campaign against BSV? BSV threatens them all. This is why they are desperately trying to push XRP as the next bitcoin, because their bosses know the real bitcoin is actually BSV (but their warped perceptions of reality do not allow them to act on this information, they instead use their energy to fight it)

>> No.17246270

Looks like a map to the bath house, anon

>> No.17246288
File: 137 KB, 1080x741, Screenshot_20200214-152454_Blockfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah well if craig is satoshi and youre so smart, you should have a higher networth than me

>> No.17246290

Imagine STILL not having at least a suicide stack. when shit pops it pops real hard buddy boyos

>> No.17246304

Why do people spread this bullshit? It was some random on Twitter and people take this as word of God or something. He's not even a riddler

>> No.17246319

whats a sui for XRP
>tfw 3k shrimplet

>> No.17246321

>proof of anything
You can literally input whatever net worth you want, you're so fucking dumb

>> No.17246337

craig wright is an egotistical retard who used cypherpunk forums back in the day and probably interacted with satoshi once. If you actually read satoshis posts, the way he talked, you would understand that he is a private secretive individual. Craig Wright loves the cameras, loves telling people to fuck off and threatens to sue people who say he's not satoshi. That is not even close to in line with the satoshi everyone remembers. Face it, he's not your guy. You have confirmation bias because youre invested in it. Take a step back and realize it's a scam.

then go all in xrp.

>> No.17246338

the weirdest and most wise statements come from the most random obscure sources. the greeks used to get high in caves emitting volcano gas some wise sage lived in for answers.

>> No.17246355

craig is basically an anti christ to satoshi. LOL

>> No.17246369


sui should be around 5k i suppose. I see retesting 3$ as almost guaranteed in the next weeks

>> No.17246371

Just bought 6k xrp let’s go

>> No.17246420

So it's an upside down pyramid scheme.

Not sure how to feel about this, tb.h

>> No.17246424

I admire your effort but there is absolutely no point telling them, they don't want to listen

>> No.17246441

Bruh. Lookit dis dude.

How much did you have. Lets make the screencap extra juicy 3 mos from now.

>> No.17246661

Can't wait to be a trillion gazillionaire my dude!!!!

>> No.17246688


He's gonna piss Dollar bills on you, while you are still mentally damaged from the brutal correction to 15k sats, when the real bullmarket hits and only proven quality projects survive