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17198314 No.17198314 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, a successful programmer making lots of money
>come home after long day of work, fairly tired but want to work on my personal business (games, software)
>open browser, 30 youtube tabs from previous session start loading
>open twitch and see if any of my favorite streamers are on (other programmers, starcraft 2, etc. not the usual garbage)
>open discord and check all servers and favorite channels in them, maybe chat a bit
>time for dinner, eat and watch three twitch streams simultaneously
>browse /biz/ and if it's boring one of the other boards
>shit, it's already 9:30PM (I usually sleep by 12-12:30AM)
>try to figure out if I should workout, read, or try to work on my project
>just browse youtube/twitch/4chan/discord for another hour
>time for shower, take 30 mins in shower
>11:00PM, might as well relax before bed
>can't decide between watching a show, twitch, youtube, or play a game
>just continue to browse and waste time
>brush teeth and go to bed
>wakeup at 8AM, watch youtube and twitch and get ready for work
>go to work, come back, and repeat until saturday where I can get some stuff done on the weekend

How the fuck do I stop this process /biz/? I think I am just burning out because of the stress of my job. The money is good though. My skillset is rare. I also work from home frequently. Since my life and skillset is in a computer, it has become a distraction hub. I've installed RescueTime and use leechblock but only during day hours.

>> No.17198333

Read books

>> No.17198360

Have sex

>> No.17198390


>> No.17198414

Have sex

>> No.17198417


You already know how to break out of it, the question is are you man enough to actually do it?

>> No.17198432

quit your job

>> No.17198533

I can somewhat relate since I'm also a dev and have my own side projects I want to work on. What's helped me is working out and getting a routine. So if I work out 3x a week I know on those days I can mentally be a bum when I come home from work as long as I go to the gym. The other days I use to focus on getting some work done. The other thing I do is that all day I'm thinking about what I need to do next. When I have freetime I'll browse the docs or jot down high level steps and all but actually write the necessary lines of code. Then next time I'm free I'll knock out that step and move on.

also realize some days you're just mentally beat up from work and take a break. it's okay to not be working 24/7

>> No.17198688
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this is stupid, i stopped whoring around to focus on personal projects and im in the same position as OP, monitoring thread for possible solutions

>> No.17198834


This is going to sound gay. This is going to sound really fucking gay; But you guys need to write down what it is that you want to accomplish. Further than that, you need to then write down, how you are going to reach this goal, by breaking this down into smaller, achievable tasks that are approachable in the time that you have available every day.

Write it down on physical paper, and have it nearby. On your desk perhaps. Strike things off your list when you do them.

The only other thing you can do, IMO, is to work out. Cardio, heavy lifting - get your energy levels up, and put your body in a state that supports what it is that you want to do with it. Sedentary work is fucking hard, because you have no energy if you never leave your desk.

>> No.17198880

Stop distracting yourself with media, go to the gym and work out :)

>> No.17198948

You sound like those beta male CONSOOMER programmer, you're white and fat also.

When you get older, you'll regret all the times you spent watching faggots on twitch and youtube and chatting with random faggots on discord.

Good luck programmer anon :)

>> No.17198992

Also I notice that you lack female interaction, why aren't you going on tinder to get thots are wanking off?

>> No.17199048


I should mention, I came up with a strategy of compartmentalizing browsing habits by having three separate browsers: the main one for programming/project related content or general things that need doing, another browser for pure entertainment (twitch/youtube), and the third browser for music while working (youtube/pandora/brain.fm). The third browser uses a separate youtube account that is only for music on youtube, anything not music is immediately marked as "not interested". The non-entertainment browsers should be locked down with leechblock 24/7 for all non-productive sites. This works well when I actually follow the ruleset but I usually don't follow it like I should.

The other problem is discord, which could probably be compartmentalized as well using two different accounts for any servers related to productivity (in my case, only one or two).

That solves the media distraction problem. There have been some good suggestions in this thread regarding outside the computer.

>> No.17199168

I have one thing for you to consider:

I think you need to ask yourself - why is it, that you want to work on your personal project(s)? I find, that if money (in some capacity) is the main motivator, then that, quite simply, is the issue.

When I get excited about a side-project, I literally can't stop working on it. It's all I think about. To me, it sounds like you are imposing heavy restrictions on yourself, essentially beating yourself into submission to work on something, that you are not fully 'in'. This has been an important lesson to me. I have almost never created anything (really) good, when I finish a project that I kind of just wanted to finish in the end. And why is that? Because details end up getting swept under the rug.

I really think that all the meme-esque motivational speakers are sort of right when they tend to say that "The money will come". It shouldn't be the primary motivational factor. The money will eventually come, because you make something really good - BECAUSE you really care about making it.

>> No.17199190

He already told you: have sex.

>> No.17199303


It's okay to relax when you need it. Don't mentally punish yourself. You could try having a separate browser for work and play, you could even dual boot an entire OS on startup using something like grub.

The core issue here is that you tell yourself you want to work on this project very much, but then don't. You don't need to lie. You work hard enough.

>> No.17199325

this but also, theres an x button top right you fucking mongs

>> No.17199413

Have sex and lift weight you fucking beta male.

>> No.17199468

lmao just don't browse to other sites when they're not related to what you want to do, close twitch, close discord, don't chat, turn off notifications, no distractions. Then open your project and get to work. It's that fucking easy.

>> No.17199730

No it isn't because it's his identity is a simp that is only capable of coding and consooming media.

>> No.17199971
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The answer: Atomic Habits

Correct. Does he really have the guts to become the kind of person who would live a life without instant entertainment?
The habits are ingrained and his cravings must be overwhelming.

..and buy Bitcoin Cash

>> No.17200064

Same position. What seems to help me somewhat is going to bed really early (9pm ish). That's because after I come home after work I am in no mood to do anything except eat and watch youtube. So what I do is go to bed early, get up early (5ish) and work on my personal projects then, when I am fully restored.

>> No.17200158

Yeah, I can tell he's a simp by the way he consooms too much media, white incel probably consumes reddit, twitter, instagram, twitch, neflix, anime, answering emails for work, discord, telegram etc.

Consoom less you stupid fucking mong. Lift weight and havesex.

>> No.17200261
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It starts and fall with the mindeset, do you REALLY want it?
As long as there is no NEED to change it probably won't happen on it's own.
Not being back to the wall without any other way.
Your current life is cosy and working, so why change?

I can understand you guys, I am in the same shoes.
Start simple, take a coffee, tea, beer and sit down. Look outside the window and just sit there.
Think, think about yourself, your life, what you truly want. Self reflect about your life, what you are doing.
(only possible if you are NOT an NPC) inner monologue, own thoughts, reflecting upon them, observe your thinking pattern.
later, do this throughout the day too, not only at home while gazing outside.

From there on, you will do more often what you have to do on your own.
It won't happen over night, it will be change slowly step by step, but it will change.

You can do it!

>> No.17200303

The thing at the heart of this issue is twitch and discord (maybe 4chan too if you're using it wrong like some here do)
Quit watching streamers altogether and quit using discord other than to talk with your actual friends if you have any on there

Watching streamers is an utter waste of your waking time, like the worst that daytime television has to offer, and discord was not meant (according to God) to be used as a meeting place for its own sake, it's a messenger.

These things leech off your time and mental energy, overdose your brain on quick dopamine hits, and leave you with nothing in return but shitty inside jokes no one else will ever get and wasted time.
Not even the memory of a good (or hell, even bad) story like a movie/book would give you, or the memory of good times talking with friends, or funny memes and occasional historic moments like even the site known as 4channel delivers

Also, these repetitive activities make time literally seem to go faster for you, and contrary to most popular belief, this is not an inevitable effect of age; it is merely your brain consolidating experiences it has seen and done before in an effort to make you "better" at doing them, and faster.
New experiences of all kinds can actually slow this process, and when it happens to you dramatically like it did to me, a week can suddenly feel like a month did again.

>> No.17200387

Dude just get to work, I have been working all week, and there are bugs everywhere please help!

We won’t finish this game without you anon!

>> No.17200454

>stares at a screen all day

>> No.17200487

Bunch of chads on this board, huh? Fucking larpers I swear to God..

>> No.17200526

Yep. Smells like incels or broscience losers

>> No.17200536

The funniest part?
When the international banking system implodes, all of your work will be for nothing.
On the other hand, hopefully you ll get rid of the glowniggers monitoring you.
I mean, i kinda like the ones on me, but the survaliance gets kinda tiresome after a while.

>> No.17200543

This anon got it right. Your job is killing you day by day. I recent left a very similar situation myself. Despite making mid 6-figures per year, I could no longer justify the stress and meaningless existence.

>> No.17200583

Whats mid 6 figures? 150k or 500k?

>> No.17200653

Last 3 years were 180k, 475k, 250k. Guess that's more like low-mid if we're being honest.

>> No.17200714

Okay there fucking pajeet incel.

>> No.17200720

download some music, unplug your router, and get to work. it will help

>> No.17200723

So ... what you're doing now?

>> No.17200754

I am also a programmer that made an indie game as a side project after work and on weekends. After 2 years wage cucking I quit to go full time on my game. After another year boot strapping it I've made 300-400k a year for the last 6 years. AMA.

>> No.17200822


What game did you make

>> No.17200899

>everyone is programmers
Why? Isn't there any other way to make something in your free time that isn't programming related? I tried programming and it's just boring as fuck. I jumped on it 4-5 times at this point all the way back from C to java to c++ and now python and it's still all just as boring. The problem solving is fun, the learning of syntaxes and shit and then typing the code lasts for me all of about a minute before I start getting bored.

>> No.17200920

you know i'm exactly like you in some aspects.

i replaced twitch completely with podcasts, if you don't know where to start I recommend my 2 that i'm gonna catch up completely before thinking about others; Anthony Pomp (off the chain), and peter schiff

the only thing i don't share is that i don't have a job like you

More on the point, I notice i only watch those podcasts whenever I eat, just 2 times a day. it really forces you to watch them in a good way, even though i finish eating in the first 15 minutes, i now know that I started it i might aswell complete it. Also I recommend you watch peter schiff at 2x speed to save time, and don't put your attention anywhere else and just listen to what he is saying, if you don't understand go slower, at most 1.5x speed, or just keep your attention onto what he is saying. with anthony pomp it might need to go a little slower, 1-1.75x speed. all this is just to save time really, and also making sure you still understand it - at times i don't completely. but its ok aslong as i try

so in conclusion with that first part: if you are watching twitch, start muting the audio *unless your programmer streams are actually educational, and replace that twitch audio with podcasts, i think eventually you will start to fissle out of that useless medium and just stick to your habit of the podcasts. an interesting phenomenon is if you pick podcasts that interest you, like maybe say, talking about a video game sphere, your natural born curiosity will keep you coming back to watch more of the podcasts so its not a dieing habit. Do NOT pick podcasts that don't interest you, otherwise you'll just force yourself, really just watch things that interest you and at the same time are partly educational

>> No.17200968

I agree with you I find it awful.
Fun to solve a problem but you end up debugging the most inane esoteric shit for hours. Some package or other conflicts with another, neither of which you made.

It's like, to be proficient, you need to practice this shit all day long, but the whole process of staring at syntax is so divorced from the human experience. I dunno how people make a lifelong career out of it.

>> No.17200974

Getting paid to not work a year (strict non-compete agreement) during which I'll be traveling and spending time with friends and family. After that, I'm not sure, but something I feel good about everyday. I've also saved enough (thanks /biz/ and bogleheads) I don't really have to work again if I don't want to.

>> No.17200991

for the 2nd part I relate is in keeping a habit that is VERY hard to keep, and i know, and i simply state it as VERY because I try to "write"- regardless of any stigma you might apply to that meme hobby.

before I had a "time", this time was late at night, it wasn't defined. I had a mental time of when I wanted to write

I always noticed when my day got around to this time i would needlessly procrastinate, (side note, you might have heard to counteract procrastination you just need to set more things for yourself to do, and i wasn't a believer of this at first, because i would call myself "the worst of procrastinators" but oddly it does work. and i have a small theory on this, by giving yourself alot to work, and i'll keep it short and in 1 sentence: you might feel like you have to "accelerate" your time in one of your projects, because your existential self might be recognizing your not gonna have enough time in your life to complete all you want to do. its not as self deprecating as I described it, but it already sounds like you've made alot for yourself to do on your own. and i live a lax life, separate from your working life)

sorry for my random ramblings. anyways when it got to around the time i wanted to write, in this instance its at night, the last action i do before bed, i would needlessly keep looking at 4chan specifically.

i want to just wrap this up to my point: it wasn't until i set a specific time in mind for the exact thing i wanted to do. It wasn't until i literally wrote "write at 1:00 am - no exceptions" on a small peace of paper right next to might computer mouse, that i feel like i really can keep progress at a habit, that is naturally very hard to keep. that was 22 minutes ago i was supposed to start writing btw, so i'm going to need to do that now because of writing this, i am also in a rush and so it might seem a little incoherent. anyways i hope some of it is useful

>> No.17200998
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I recommend this.

>> No.17201118

Ya'll should get your dopaminelevels in Order:

>> No.17201188

I don't have a job and my days are the same as OP's evenings.