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1714799 No.1714799 [Reply] [Original]

What jobs do you suggest for people with an iq of 94.

>> No.1714807

Any production labor/blue collar labor. But even then, you are one retarded mistake away from getting shit-canned. God luck bro.

>> No.1714811

aw that sucks. My parents want me to get a bachelor's but I'm starting to see that might not be possible.

>> No.1714815


>> No.1714819

Whatever you want. You'll just have to study a little bit extra.

There was this one guy who became an investment banker with an iq of 85.


>> No.1714829

wow. That's surprising. But I think the adderall had a lot to do with studying 10 god damn hours a day.

>> No.1715376

Become an SJW and set up a patreon.

>> No.1715391


>> No.1715400

You must kill rich trust funds and steal other smarter man's money.

It is unfair that you are stuck in a shitty life due your genes not being able to generate big wealth, therefore, in order to uncuck yourself, you must kill and steal pussy ass high IQ faggots bread. Every other alternative is being a c uck. Just lol at being stuck in McDonalds because of your genes and not revealing against the universe.

>> No.1715407


Plumbing, septic tank work. It is pretty high paying despite being technically easy because it can be a dirty smelly job. Ditto with working in waste disposal.

Electrical and HVAC work should be possible too, but require a bit of technical knowlege.

>> No.1715428

Anything to do with bitcoins. Remember to hold until they are worthless.

>> No.1715434


Web Developer

>> No.1715469

Become a stockbroker, and then become a prank phone call maker on the biggest radio show on Sirius XM

>> No.1715471
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 281rc55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube celery + t shirt scamming fans

>> No.1715482

the worst part about blue collar jobs is the fact that even THOSE take technical knowledge.

>> No.1715490

how much is the equipment for mining bitcoins?

>> No.1715494


Yeah but it's mostly following a set of instructions the same way every time. And when it comes to driving a septic tank pump truck, your whole job is driving a truck and operating a pump, literal 80 IQ tier work, doesn't get any more basic. If you cant do that, go to the social security office and tell them you need to get tested for being retarded so you can get neetbux.

>> No.1715538


>> No.1715540

Plumbing actually is a pain in the ass-takes mechanical and mathematic knowledge

>> No.1715561

I'm not worried about it being too complicated. I'm worried about the investment of technical education compared to the shit-wage I'll be getting.

>> No.1715563

My friend owns a porta potty company. Grosses roughly $120k a year roughly? He pry walks with 100k after expenses. Works three days a week is all.

>> No.1715598

does taking the online mensa quiz give you the right to say you have the IQ it results in? or do people actually bother to take the proper one?

I got 131 on it but i don't know if I'm smarter than 98% of people

>> No.1715606

If you really are asking that question, followed by saying that you have a 131IQ, I think you've answered the question yourself...

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.1715608

If your a girl, sell used panties online

>> No.1715717


All that would do is put you in debt and you'll still have an IQ of 94.

>> No.1715736

IQ is an irrelevant measure for intelligent, let alone success. You must be a retard though if you put so much significance in it

Anybody in academia will tell you this, the only people who believe it is at all significant are uneducated virgins on 4chan.org

>> No.1716088

yeah I think I'm good guys. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1716091

i would suggest you practice the iq tests because you can score 10-20 higher if you do. that should give you enough confidence in life. you will be fine.

>> No.1716095

iq is mostly based around pattern recognition which is basically your frontal lobe getting trained to recognize patterns but it also makes it harder for you to learn new things. it's not some restraining intellectual quality as people make it out to be.

>> No.1716486

Just wondering how the real test results compares to the online one if anyone's taken the real one. Jesus fucking christ i must be stupid.

>> No.1716521
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i have two friends

one became a doctor >iq 95

other remained a neet and works a 10 per hr job >Iq 130+

these were official tests for getting into gifted talented programs. Doctor friend was successful because he spent all his time studying and reading motivation shit like jim rohn. while neet friend screwed around smoking pot and watching porn.

>> No.1716615

Don't underestimate skilled trades jobs. I know guys in Electrostatic Operations that pull in 80k+ a year, with guaranteed overtime on top of that.

>> No.1716619

I work in the edible oil field and pulled 62k last year.

>> No.1716627

Come on. Obama isn't stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing.

>> No.1716632

Don't bother with that. Do whatever you want.
94 is actually within one standard deviation from the mean, so it's average, not stupid.

>> No.1716648

How many employees?

>> No.1716658

with those numbers it would be 0 or maybe a part-timer.

>> No.1716668


what the fuck does he do exactly? sell potties or maintain them?