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17128557 No.17128557 [Reply] [Original]

kek it's been 8 months since their "mainnet" and Chainlink hasn't captured a single dollar of the derivatives market, while other projects using non-Chainlink oracles just reached $1billion.

>> No.17128582

and nchain got the patents for the whole crypto industry anyway so you better just bet bsv at this point, craig said he's gonna put nchain profits to bsv ecosystem

>> No.17128588

Hi, first day here. Is this the insufferable faggots club thread?

>> No.17128608

Yea DEFI is going to be using town crier oracles

>> No.17128638

when? it's been 8 months since mainnet (3 years total) and still 0 users in production.

How long are you gonna wait, 8 years?

>> No.17129368

kek linkers are being awfully quiet. 0.2EOY

>> No.17129997

linkers BTFOed

>> No.17130008

wtf? why are you so obsessed?

>> No.17130041

Uniswap v2 is unironically going to be the standard oracle for Defi. There's no need for off-chain data for crypto price feeds and uniswap is arguably a better oracle than link for most defi uses.

But for offchain data it's still link, but we can't know how much will be onchain on uniswap pairs until it happens.

>> No.17130068


>> No.17130117

there's literally hundreds of blog posts of Sergey larping about partnerships and proof of concepts.

The fact remains there's not a single Chainlink user in production today 8 months after "mainnet".

Yet Maker and others have $1 billion deposited in their contracts and they're using oracles, just not Chainlink's.

>> No.17130152

aave is in production.
FUD harder.

>> No.17130165

It has 0 users, just like Chainlink.

>> No.17130441


You had 3 years. Let your faggot fud thread die now. Buy BSV.

>> No.17130454
File: 99 KB, 633x724, 1565545639098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard, Synthetix has 100m+ locked up and they use chainlink feeds.

>> No.17130470

Swingies get the rope. Neck yourself faggot

>> No.17130472

no link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan? Thank you for helping confirm there's literally not a single dapp using Chainlink oracles in production.

Because of you anons here can sleep comfortably knowing they made the right decision by not buying LINK.

kek no they don't

>> No.17130490

yes they do

>> No.17130564

no link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan? Thank you for helping confirm there's literally not a single dapp using Chainlink oracles in production.

Because of you anons here can sleep comfortably knowing they made the right decision by not buying LINK.

>> No.17130978

sounds like you are looking for the link threads

>> No.17130983

Idk how one can sleep comfortably knowing that they missed getting in early on the best performing crypto of 2019 and likely 2020. Neck yourself faggot.

>> No.17131001

kek you are that seething swing linker who spams
>no dap
>bla bla
>linkers: this is bullish!
aren't you? kek what an absolute faggot go spam some more lel