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File: 25 KB, 608x352, zenon-twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17127915 No.17127915 [Reply] [Original]

For all ya spineless motherfuckers spamming biz with this conspiracy theory scam shitcoin project PIVX fork claiming it has something to do with square crypto, you must be retarded or the scammy devs. Pajeets thinking they can dump their bags on other plebs in here. By just looking on Zenon Network bitcointalk or twitter tags $znn / Zenon_Network, you can see how this spineless crooks are trying to unload their bags on other plebs :




>> No.17127944


>> No.17127956

well yeah, the "proof" is pajeets pretending two unrelated tweets are related. it's legit the dumbest pnd strategy I've ever seen on biz....and that's really saying something.

>> No.17127998

ask yourself this.... if zenon were really squares secret crypto project and the anons shilling it here truly believed that...then why the fuck would they be making multiple threads about it on biz trying to get you to buy up the books on it? it's a low cap shitcoin. if it actually was valuable and someone wanted to ride it to it's full potential, they would be accumulating a position for themselves and keep it secret as long as they could. cause obviously this would pump itself when the time comes. that's not what's happening though. pajeets are simply looking for a top buyer to unload their $50 bags on.

>> No.17128041

Bullish on mentally retarded ? i wish this was on a futures so we can long x100 the retarded evolution of this pajeets

>> No.17128231

1. How many scam projects return BTC to contributors for staking/securing the network? Zenon has been returning it over 24 months through XStakes, which is a smart contract. 5000 ZNN/BTC becomes FREE after 24 months.

2. The only marketing they have done was in November when they had a couple of contests where winners walked away with a few thousand ZNN each. No Balina or Ivan on Tech shilling, totally community centered.

3. The Square Crypto tweet connection is un-fucking-deniable. There is absolutely no possibility other than it being a big breadcrumb left by SC. You have to have to be a fetal alcohol syndrome victim to think otherwise.

4. They never had an ico with a ridiculous valuation when they easily could have. I think they raised 2 or 3 million USD very quietly through their bitcointalk page.

5. Their very slick and professional website has been there from the start, long before the network went live. Why the fuck would anybody put in the money and effort for this and then have a very conservative raise of 2-3 million?

6. Scams go big and try to rope in as many people as possible, and this is the antithesis of every scam project in crypto. I think it is the perfect alt project: low supply, ambitious roadmap (SDK for nanosattelites), mysterious background because of anon team, connection to Square Crypto, maniacal fudders who made it their job to fud this project, etc.

Zenon is by far the most intriguing project in all of crypto - let's wait and see what the whitepaper reveals before picking winners and losers. Should be here by the end of March.

>> No.17128251

They would be telling even their dead relatives about this before telling us...there is more than enough evidence in those links that this is the worst scam ever...even the zenon network devs are beyond stupid...

>> No.17128254

Just read. If you dont read yourself and dyor then you don't deserve to not be scammed out of this 100x


>> No.17128270

yes it's a scam. now fuck off

>> No.17128311

>only raised a conservative 2-3
kek. that's enough to feed a village for life in in half the world. bear market ICO can't raise the 20-30 millions like they could in 2017. doesn't mean 2-3 million isn't one hell of a payday.

>> No.17128329

fucking spineless motherfucker, can't you fucking read what was posted? Are you really that retarded? I refuse to believe that

1. piece of shit, this is covered on https://zenonnetworkscam.com

2. who the fuck would shill a pivx fork? even scam promoters know that this is impossible

3. You have to be retarded to think there is a connection and still think there is after this :


4. Insane valuation for a pivx fork? When will you stop the bullshit you cocksucker pajeet? There was an ICO and they are lying about it. It's here : https://zenonnetworkscam.com

5. Because they have premine that they can dump on retarded pajeets like you. It's here : https://zenonnetworkscam.com
"personal investment" kek kek

6. Nano Satttelites kek kek And we thought plebs from 2017 that believe this kind of shit don't exist anymore...

>> No.17128387

head on over to Stex and pick yourself up a bag! good illiquid idea!

>> No.17128415


>> No.17128500

why? am i bothering you from dumping your scam stash on a more retarded pleb than you? kek

>> No.17128516

great two words sarcasm there : STEX and illiquid kek

>> No.17128530

Dumping isn't gonna happen. No one wants to sell.

>> No.17128568

everyone wants to sell but it underwater and there's no liquidity. it's written off as a loss. if you buy this shit you are literally retarded.

>> No.17128616

you mean no one can sell, not wants to sell. there are 4 btc buy orders on two exchanges. 3.5 btc is sitting at 4x less than the current price. go sell this shit car salesman pitch somewhere else trapped maggot...

>> No.17128938


Let me introduce everyone to Luna, the author of this very angry response. Why so angry? Because Luna is the person who hacked over a million coins but got them frozen. Ever since then, Luna has been on a mission to fud the project. Multiple twitter accounts, the Zenon scam website, and even a scam exchange called "Initialcoin". Luna is well-known in the Zenon community and has been banned from the Telegram group countless times. Luna's only trying to lower the price through a fud campaign to acquire more ZNN, and has admitted to this. The whitepaper is coming and nothing can stop this from taking its rightful place in the top 10 market cap projects.

>> No.17129078

kek kek

So let me get this straight? whoever shares/posts solid evidence on the fact that this is a scam or ask some questions is "LUNA" and admins ban him from telegram... a mysterious hacker that is on a mission to fud the project. he has multiple twitter accounts even created an exchange. you ask a question you get banned, that sounds legit...

Are you really that fucking retarded?

If he has multiple accounts on twitter and what you are saying is true why the fuck didnt SQUARE CRYPTO (TWITTER) ban him TILL NOW? i can this is going for weeks and you they down two guys medium posts by reporting them... i guess your plans didnt worked out for twitter...just when i thought this cant get more retarded

kek kek kek

>> No.17129166

>The whitepaper is coming
ya bro just like it was "months away" in feb 2019, then "by dec 2019" in march 2019, and now it's "soon dont worry about it"

>> No.17129199

I just want to correct you. Luna stole 2m. The 185k was what I thought I was buying on CB and the team decided to block. I came to terms about it. But luna screwed me the hardest. No way would Luna steal 2m and buy 184k more. I lost 50 BTC buying his stolen coins.

>> No.17129219

imagine buying a domain to fud something everyone with 3 braincells can tell is a scam just from the name

>> No.17129257


i just joined their telegram group to see how retarded they are... three more users joined along me and they are saying : "this last batch came from kucoin tg, we have the same group in common, kucoin must be listing this" ... yeah kucoin will list a piece of shit scam pivx fork with an anon team...

kek kek kek

>> No.17129290

Ultrabullish. Zenon triggers losers who say "kek" and "pajeet" over and over especially hard. They must've bought the 4chan starter kit.

>> No.17129316

Fear. They don't want this news getting out.

>> No.17129354

you must have bought the zenon retarded starter kit. hang tight

>> No.17129380


That's funny - the community chose Kucoin as the next potential exchange a couple of months ago....and I believe an admin said they would look into the possibility of this happening. Don't be surprised when it does.

>> No.17129392

At a 2.5x right now, friendo. This will 100x by 2021.

>> No.17129442

I think admins are doing everything they can so they can dump more of their "personal investment" - PREMINE on plebs, before they exit scam . launching some rumors is a good way to do it

>> No.17129466

This info is unfudable.


>> No.17129521
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1554988830823.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wha-wha-WHAAAAAT?!?! A fricking MEDIUM article?!? This has gotta be legit!!

Upvoted and clapped.... so this is what its like to be an insider. Thank you for your altruism in sharing this kind sir!

>> No.17129550

The images on Zenon's website were there long before Square's now famous tweet. There is a 0% chance that it is a coincidence.

>> No.17129551

get the fuck out of here noob with that shit. There was an ICO and they have an undisclosed premine + a public one. seems when you ask about that you get banned just for that : https://zenonnetworkscam.com

what's stopping zenon copying square's crypto steps?

>> No.17129676


This info is unfudable : Zenon Network is just a scam trying to associate themselves with SquareCrypto :




Drops mic...

>> No.17129908

4x now. My mistake.

>> No.17129943

Zenon makes no claims, and Square Crypto have their hands in many pots. Mic is in your rectum.

>> No.17129993

yes yes...
