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File: 128 KB, 1280x720, chadthevidtshill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17108080 No.17108080 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I see this shitcoin everywhere? Did the team hire pajeets to shill it? I'm fucking tired of VIDT this VIDT that. It's a fucking /biz/ pnd shitcoin anyway. Memes are funny though.

>> No.17108099

Also why is their Telegram chats full of bots but only a couple thousand of them? Did the team run out of money when they decided to pay for fake accounts? Please stop shilling this crap already.

>> No.17108112

I lost $5000 on this shitcoin. I bought in ~August 2019 for $0.28 and recently sold for $0.12. Marked dumped this shit and bought LINK. This is the scammiest fucking coin. I used to be one of the biggest shills of this piece of shit. Unbelievable. I hate seeing the sight of it. It grotesques me now. I would sue those Dutch motherfuckers if I could. Fuck them and fuck satsgang

>> No.17108137

It's not thousands of bots, only a couple hundred. They have so small community yet they are everywhere on this board. It's fucking unbelievable. What a pajeet shitcoin.

>> No.17108143
File: 237 KB, 960x960, 1564934427706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry for your loss. I see you are very frustrated because of your amateur-trading decisions.

t. bought at the bottom and i am up significantly.

>> No.17108177
File: 160 KB, 400x400, 6VTxNHaY_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VIDT is literally almost at ATL. It's still way too overvalued. Satsgang pumped it from 5c to 55c and dumped it back to 5c. This created thousands of bagholders who are blocking every single pump as we can see now. VIDT will never pump to over 15c. Market cap of VIDT is very inflated.

>> No.17108207

give me proof that satsgang PnD it and i am selling my stack

>> No.17108215

Wow OP you're right. It's as if 50%+ of trader is only fake bots.

>> No.17108232

i think its a psy op at this point.

>> No.17108262
File: 880 KB, 1439x2288, Screenshot_20200206-023449_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go!

>> No.17108289
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>> No.17108335
File: 942 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200206-024033_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was when they were dumping VIDT and lying to the VIDT bagholder community.

>> No.17108345

thats a screenshot from the vidt telegram group and i dont see the word satsgang anywhere

>> No.17108359

its getting interesting

>> No.17108372

Someone tell them that VIDT will be getting a call from my lawyer. I want a check for $5000 USD. They scammed good American citizens

>> No.17108374

I was in that chat too but it's removed now so there's not too much proof available. I held VIDT for a long time too but sold it all when I realized that I was holding an overpriced pnd shitcoin with huge risks.

>> No.17108441
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>> No.17108455

the main person fudding this was this satsgang person who was good at photoshop and also made the subway meme with Jared. I dont know what his end game is.

>> No.17108463


>> No.17108468

Yup I sold this shit too. I was really active but this shitcoin made me lose a lot of money. It was too late when I realized that I am going to get even more fucked on VIDS conversation unless I sell now. This coin is unironically the most risky investment ever as you have no idea if they're going to give VIDT bagholders 1% of a company worth 2m$ which is entirely possible and legal.

>> No.17108491
File: 13 KB, 394x394, _HfLplcY_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be photoshopped. U salty?

>> No.17108500

fuck off dragon. nobody likes you

>> No.17108526
File: 857 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200206-024014_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go see it for yourself.

Fuck you cunt

>> No.17108547
File: 196 KB, 1024x1024, istockphoto-1125722835-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love him. We hate VIDT shills like you.

>> No.17108596
File: 859 KB, 1440x3040, wfefewfewfwe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not dragon. All you guys talk nowadays is this fucking Dragon guy. Take your fucking medication. Did he dump on you?

>> No.17108641
File: 202 KB, 600x600, vidt-scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the main person fudding this was this satsgang person who was good at photoshop and also made the subway meme with Jared. I dont know what his end game is.
The start of the game was warning anons of the dump, the end game was trolling those who didn't listen.

>> No.17108644

If their business is even close to what these 4chan threads are they will be bankrupt in no time. What a fucking shitcoin.

>> No.17108648

Sold the a week ago. Vids makes me sure the token is useless. Vidt fuckers know what I mean.

>> No.17108653

This one also made me lol

>> No.17108688

I remember seeing this in Telegram on the day of as well. Because I got a PM regarding it. I am Satsgang.

>> No.17108703

After all these months, I admit defeat. I finally capitulated and admit that this was utter pajeet poo in loo. The memes were fucking hilarious though. That's when I started realizing that I was holding an absolute mockery. Feels good to be out of that shit at least lmao

>> No.17108803

So first you bought high, then sold low, then bought high again.

Typical biztard

>> No.17108817

never buying curry again

>> No.17108848

This is a fucking shitcoin

>> No.17108850
File: 89 KB, 1200x532, 6-days-left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is still time before the crash to the real value of VIDT: Less than one cent. Bagholders, take note of this smart anon and save your ass. There is still time. But we cannot hold up the price much longer...

>> No.17108885

When will this piece of bhuna die?

>> No.17108957
File: 126 KB, 927x500, Acronis Does More.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acronis CEO bullish as specialist goes beyond backup:
>Beloussov claims a certain uniqueness for the combination of backup and data protection – in the sense of protecting data from external threats – which the Acronis suite of product promises. “All the things we do are very unusual and no-one else does,” he said. “You can build it from five or 10 vendors, but it’d be very cumbersome.”
>“We are very aggressively seeking new partners. We have 6,000 service providers now, and we plan to grow that by 10x in three to five years’ time. “We are also looking at making five to 10 acquisitions per year. We have three companies in process right now."

>> No.17109557

This is the tactic of Satsgang. They do this in every PnD operation they have going. Its quite brilliant actually. They create a strawman so when 50 people are calling it a scam, they just blame it on one person so it looks like one salty guy is responsible while they spam with their VPN to make it look like 50 other people agree its only 1 person.
In reality its one pajeet with a VPN and 10 actual people telling them to fuck off. But by the end of the thread it ends up looking the opposite if they did it right. Here are their stawmen

VIDT: Dragon
QNT: Donnie
DAG: Raphael
FTM, SENT, COTI, FRM, also have a strawman but i cant remember his name for the life of me

>> No.17109566

Actually I maybe for that wrong, FTM is Donnie and QNT is Cobra?

>> No.17109619

>They do this in every PnD operation they have going. Its quite brilliant actually. They create a strawman so when 50 people are calling it a scam, they just blame it on one person so it looks like one salty guy is responsible while they spam with their VPN to make it look like 50 other people agree its only 1 person.
Yes. See this thread and post: >>17100998

>> No.17109788

The FUD campaign for this coin is just in-fucking-sane. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY spends this much time posting in these threads if they are not vested in the currency.

Be it that they are trying to swing it to their benefit (which is easier here, considering the MC), or that they've simply understood that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

>> No.17109805

So its been proven Satsgang pumped and dumped this shitcoin to ATL. Does it occur to you that maybe the former raped bagholders could be salty theyve been scammed?
Or are you too busy watching cricket and shitting in the street to have empathy?

>> No.17110123

Dragon’s not the only guy. There is shizo ron and there was altseason as well. All have distinct posting styles so it’s easy for us to know who is who. Imagine thinking one PND group is responsible for everything bad that happens on this board.

>> No.17110256

I am so tired of hearing about muh Satsgang. Fucking every coin on Idex at the time was manipulated. This is still a potentially very lucrative investment.

If anyone former 'raped' bagholders are sitting out there, so butthurt that they invade every thread with the same FUD over and over, I doubt that they would post mostly untrue information, which frequently is the case. Why would they need to?

And IF that is the case, their level of research on this project is showing, and they straight up deserved to lose their money.

>> No.17110548
File: 14 KB, 448x252, waaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17110621
File: 34 KB, 326x294, dingding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
