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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 335x311, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1707632 No.1707632 [Reply] [Original]

How much BTC are you guys holding ?

>> No.1707642

thats rude anon

>> No.1707643


>> No.1707647
File: 19 KB, 390x246, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only around 31 btc now. I had over 200 but sold off most of it around $700. Fuck.

>> No.1707648
File: 242 KB, 448x542, 1483209424822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only invest in Nataliacoin.

>> No.1707650

0.6 send me. .4 pls nigga


>> No.1707665


>> No.1707669

Don't worry lads, Bitcoin over 1000 means plenty of altcoin pumps to increase your BTC

>> No.1707674

About 45.

>> No.1707677

Agreed ETH the monero after fork for easy gains

>> No.1707689
File: 155 KB, 400x265, btcpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i regret not investing in more BTC

>> No.1707695
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To put it in perspective, this is less than a year's salary

>> No.1707712

none. sold the last of it around $960. not kicking myself too badly. it is good to lock in gains and not get too greedy.

>> No.1707716

to put it into perspective, he didnt have to wagecuck for a whole year for it to grow that much

>> No.1707736

6k my daddy and I bought and mined before bitcoins exploded, distributed through various wallets.

we'll keep on holding. It doesn't make a difference.

>> No.1707746 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20170104_144647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is less than a year's salary

Yea and so what? Are you assuming all my money is in BTC? I also have 20+ oz of gold, 2 properties, stocks, cash in bank, etc. No matter how sure I feel about BTC, i would never put all my money into it.

>> No.1707751
File: 19 KB, 401x301, 1352161722977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying he didn't have to wait at least 2 years or more
>implying he just sat around unemployed for 2 years
Nah m8

>> No.1707752
File: 44 KB, 633x758, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have 0.43 BTC and $300 in my name fuck my life at 22. Now I need a fucking minimum wage slave job now.

>> No.1707758


Also, the value of 31 btc is more like $35k now. If you've been paying attention, it didn't stop at $1k

>> No.1707760

What wallet do I use /biz/?

>> No.1707761

>implying bitcoiners arent NEETs

>> No.1707774

Bitcoin Core is the only true patrician choice.

>> No.1707784
File: 128 KB, 400x560, pepecash3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>holding worthless coins isntead of pepecash

>> No.1707789

want to at least get half a bitcoin soon... and then a full one.

>> No.1707803

I always want to hit myself when I see the bitcoin chart

>> No.1707824
File: 85 KB, 190x265, Ahmadissapoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100Gb download

Nah m8 I'll pass

>> No.1707845
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>my daddy

what are you fucking 2 years old or something ?

>> No.1707852
File: 698 KB, 1035x713, 1475295876683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep buying bitcoins, what ever you can afford. If you can get 1.00 thats OK.

Also concentrate on building up your skills and knowledge, that can't be taken away from you and will generate wealth. Your only 22 bro

>> No.1707865


A 2 year old millionaire, what about you?

>> No.1707879
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only a bitcoin 1/3 millionaire so far, but good luck bro

>> No.1707880
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I at least bought .5 because of you guys

stay poor lad

>> No.1707882
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Aren't you nervous about cashing in? What if something goes wrong?

If I were sitting on that goldmine I would be paranoid as fuck

>> No.1707888

4.5 that I bought at around $450, not a bad investment. I want to hold till like 2020 though

>> No.1707891

Holy shit he actually sent it the madman thanks m8

>> No.1707898

What skills and knowledges would you reccomemend?

>> No.1707900

dont worry boys, it will be worth millions in a few years
you wont regret buying such tiny amounts

>> No.1707901
File: 4 KB, 391x118, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting rich boys

>> No.1707906

someone send 0.0000067 to my account so i can verify that this works buying

>> No.1707913

ya at least you dont have $30,000 Kuwaiti Dinar of student debt my man and an afro-feminist basketweaving philosophy degree

>> No.1707916

0.81 wish i got more

>> No.1707919

Last bubble i turned 0.1 into 60 Btc with Altcoins and BTC dips....but then i got rekt and lost it all.
Could someone send me 0.1 so i can start over? :(


>> No.1707924
File: 40 KB, 431x250, Sin_city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome aboard, good sir

I myself am in possession of half a Bitcoin

>> No.1707925

I just made my first wallet. Send me .0001, see if it works.

>> No.1707926

verify this works before buying*

>> No.1707931


>> No.1707933
File: 3 KB, 125x120, 1481475867663s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begging for 11 cents

My nigga you kneed pads

>> No.1707934

eh nvm coinbase only shows 4 digits after decimal

>> No.1707938

I just want to see if it works before I dump more cash into it.

>> No.1707941

>I just want to see if it works

Then open an account with coinbase like other noobs

>> No.1707942
File: 349 KB, 300x169, 1482367105620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump .0001 of your own BTC into it then?

>> No.1707946

>0.0001 Bitcoins = 0.1505 Canadian dollars
Jesus Chroist jacky boy.

>> No.1707955


I'm a poorfag and only .04 BTC send me some coin u rich fags

>> No.1707957

they will be worth a small fortune in a few years.. but keep your eye on big dips boys, and when the oportunity presents itself, go balls deep on BTC.. thats how you make money from weak hands

>> No.1707962

Please help


>> No.1707969

Aidez-moi s'il vous plait !


>> No.1707973

Since everyone with one post ids resorted to begging im begging too. Thanks for the (you)s.

>> No.1707974
File: 284 KB, 410x434, 1466780905482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried to buy off coinbase, seemed to go through, was pending. Now the payment history completely disappeared. Dafuq?


>> No.1707978

does anyone have any experience using paxful?

>> No.1707990
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 9k=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate niggers. Send me money.


>> No.1708013

I handed out 0.01 BTC to so many people a few years ago. They all probably lost it.

>> No.1708023

Can someone send me as little btc as possible. I don't have any :(


>> No.1708031
File: 1.20 MB, 1068x747, swag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lads, here's my theory:

If China is influencing the BTC value then based on timezones (+8 hours) there should be an upward move of BTC within the next hour as China wakes up (9am).

Buy now before the red dragon awakes

>Screencap this post

>> No.1708056

Can someone write up what they use for bitcoin? I'm currently using Coinbase as a wallet, gonna transfer it over to Poloniex as my main exchange. I'm using my credit card to buy Bitcoin on Coinbase and am from the USA.

Is Poloniex the best one? Coinbase the best wallet?

I just got interested in cryptos last week but there's so much to look up and so many places to do business in. I'm not gonna do leverage, just gonna use my moon mission gains from my Robinhood trades to start up crypto gains now.

Thanks. I'm sick of being a nocoiner

>> No.1708065
File: 26 KB, 440x203, iamadegenerate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a degenerate gambler.

>> No.1708068


Pls send me 0.05 btc

>> No.1708069

What's margin borrows cash right?

>> No.1708070

41 coins in my wallet. 50.8 if I close my positions. 37 btc used as margin for the bitcoins I've borrowed. I would lose it 37 btc if all of my positions were liquidated. 13 btc free to buy shitcoins with.

>> No.1708074

What site gives margin to cop btc you a Jew?

>> No.1708077

Bitmex, everything is in btc.

>> No.1708081

why is there massive selling of bitcoins on all exchanges except for the chinese (which do more volume than all the others combined) ???

why is the price at 8500 CNY (~$1223) on OKCoin and only $1090 on Coinbase?

im seeing sells going at 1080 and 1070 now

what the fuck is going on
$150 price discrepancy???

>> No.1708088

Looks like its crashing i would sell m8

>> No.1708095

This is just the beginning

>> No.1708096

the only thing stopping chinamen from buying more bitcoins is the physical necessity of sleep, they just roll out of bed in the morning and start shouting BUY BUY BUY

>> No.1708102

Anybody care to enlighten a newfag why and where he should invest into bitcoins. Considering maybe buying in the future when I have some money.

>> No.1708104

whats your nationality

>> No.1708106

It will go to 10,000 USD


>> No.1708110

Romanian, currently in Britain at university.

>> No.1708114

I think the best place to trade BTC/Euro is Kraken but im not really sure

>> No.1708117

Thank you, I will read more on it.

>> No.1708125

here we go!

>> No.1708191

If i was to put my extra money into BTC this year like a savings account, how well off do you guys think I would be at the end of the year?

Good idea or nah?

>> No.1708226
File: 211 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-01-05-03-29-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my current xbt + shitcoin portfolio

>> No.1708232

>no ETH

Missing out on solid gains m8

>> No.1708239

My advice sell now boys, the PRC arent stupid and already saw how the chinese are getting money off the mainland expect heavy clampdowns from the communist.

Capitalism ho!

>> No.1708256


Someone send some. Wanna get on my feet in this market

>> No.1708279
File: 153 KB, 255x224, 1475705960191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.0 and i fucking was looking at getting 2 bitcoin when it was 432 aud back in jan 2016 .....


>> No.1708284

Pump is barely getting started

>> No.1708286

If you think that's bad i was about to buy 100 in 2011 when they were $4 each and my ex-gf talked me out of it.

>> No.1708298

It's still money he created by simply waiting.

I grew $20 into $250 over a year through just idly buying and selling when I felt like it. It's not a large amount of money, no, but you shouldn't look to win the lottery with these kinds of things.

>> No.1708306
File: 3 KB, 104x125, 1482898519722s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never listen to women

>> No.1708309

Same. I was working a dead-end minimum wage job while going through college and living at home. Almost dropped half a paycheck on them when they were like $5 just because I was amped up on them, but decided against it when I felt like the steps I needed to go to to do it were drawn out/shady.Would have been $200,000 if I'd bought and held.

>> No.1708312

omg you're all rich I'm literally 0.0020 short of getting this porn pack accepting tiny donations <3


>> No.1708329
File: 11 KB, 632x231, We&#039;reGoingToBeRich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1708337

Send me like 30 btc


>> No.1708350

can a richfag turn me into moonman


>> No.1708426

Very nice anon, I'm glad for your success, hope you enjoy that 500k turning into a million.

That's my whole goal, make that one million.

>> No.1708432

very good now withdraw that from coinbase before you get hacked

>here's a secure address to send it to:

>> No.1708437

agreed. XMR and ETH are consistently beating btc right now and XMR has insane longterm growth potential

>> No.1708441

I read your above post. Don't feel bad, I got paid 2000 BTC to make a website and pissed away over million dollars worth of BTC when it rose to $235 during the congressional hearings a few years ago.

>> No.1708450

Fuck that's bad

>> No.1708451

This is now a beg thread


>> No.1708461

I see. That sucks. I'm sure you regret it, but you still have a lot to work with. Their value will keep rising, just have to wait for a year or two.

How did you end up pissing them away? Just jumped off the ship at the wrong time? Or spent them on frivolous things?

>> No.1708464

I've had major depression for 4 years now and have been contemplating suicide on a quasi regular basis. My life is pretty terrible will anyone help make it better by sending bitcoins to


>> No.1708469

I gave away 100s of BTC, to my IRL friends and family. Sold a lot at bad times, used a lot of that money to trade the stock market.

I really believe in the potential of BTC, that's why I was so interested in it at the start. $10,000 for 1 BTC is my dream.

>> No.1708472

Give a poorfag a hand, today for me tomorrow for you.

>> No.1708483

You don't sell during a crash

>> No.1708484

I see. I agree, which is why I've similarly invested, though with a smaller amount. I'm not sure if BTC will be the one that makes it to that kind of value, but I feel cryptocurrency is the future.

Time will tell I suppose.

>> No.1708493
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0 because I'm told that it's mostly used by drug dealers and Shady people but this is 2017 and I voted for Trump so I guess I'd like to diversify my portfolio

What are some common things people do online exchange for Bitcoin? Other than sexual stuff I'm open to that though. Also how hard is it to transfer Bitcoin into my actual debit account or Into Cash safely?

>> No.1708494
File: 23 KB, 432x165, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me bro it's all good.

>> No.1708496

Can anyone get some margin don't quite get it but I'll gamble with some one else's money all day

>> No.1708503

Most big exchanges will have an option to move money in/out of bank accounts so that's not too hard. As for what services/goods I have no idea. I honestly use alt-coins more like stock market nonsense and plan on cashing it out if I ever make enough to be worth figuring out how to file it for taxes.

>> No.1708508

Ty for reply

Is there even a legal way to pay taxes on a currency that isn't really a currency? I'm starting to get into this whole business stuff so I know stuff like assets can count towards your net worth or something like that stuff like gold or an expensive television.

So I guess a virtual currency could also be considered an asset under the FED/IRS?

Has anyone ever been prosecuted for not paying taxes on their Bitcoin LOL

>> No.1708510

I think I've read on this board that you're supposed to take money earned via trading coins and treat it like money gained from stocks. Coins sold and gained from mining your are supposed to value at the cost of the coin at the time of being earned. But then again I haven't actually cashed my shit out myself yet (riding the TrumpCoin train) and the advice I've gotten has been from /biz/ not someone I can safely say fully understands tax code.

>> No.1708512


Nah, I mean it outside bitcoins but also a bitcoin millionaire hah.


As I said, we don't have all our eggs in one basket, we already have plenty. I convinced my father to hop on this adventure 'cuz he likes gambling and he's already an investor himself, far more experienced than I am. I told him about bitcoins back in 2009 but he already heard about somewhere. It took one day and a pack of booze and we went on it, glad it was the early days.

The only time I panicked inside was when the devs started to go apeshit and the whole thing was looking like it was about to collapse from the inside. I still think it will.

My dad had multiple panick attacks after we choose not to cash in on the first peak, now he's partying. The thing is, we didn't invest much, about 10k, and we already made this money and triple back on other investments, so what's the matter? It's basically free cash, we want to buy a house on phi phi island with this money.

My only fear is "satoshi" coming out of nowhere and crashing this currency with no survivors. Since the chineses are pumping this fucker up, we're waiting for the magic 8 (8888 dollars per bitcoin) to cash in and call it a day, IF it isn't looking like it will hit 100k +

>> No.1708523
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if you buy in yuans it does not mean it's the chinese

>> No.1708539


How do I trade BTC contracts with no experience? I have 12btc in coinbase, should I try using bitmex for leverage?

>> No.1708548
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thats literally the high right now on OKCoin (in CNY)

>> No.1708555


good hint, but then who?


kek, holy shit. I will keep an eye out to see if it goes higher than 8888, but I doubt it

>> No.1708563




>> No.1708575

When do you think that will happen?

Also, what would be the best way to keep track of this? I barely kept up with crypto currency until recently

>> No.1708577

I started with 14 btc. All I do is buy and hold with leverage.

>> No.1708579

Only sitting on .5
Would appreciate the other half senpai


>> No.1708610
File: 32 KB, 1502x500, Screen Shot 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean? Also is strongcoin a good e-wallet?

>> No.1708614
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anything will be good appreciate it

>> No.1708621

I assume any profits made on cashing out of crypto in USD would be subject to capital gains tax.

And well, since everyone else is posting, maybe you could send over 9000 satoshi to 1N92xXWB2bWFgtWrve6ZCSXww2cTDM93bU and see how fast it reached my wallet.

>> No.1708637
File: 110 KB, 800x536, Zamarashka_v_grjazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys Im from Ukraine,We have war here.
and now i dont have even something to eat.
not joking :( i can send you any proofs that im not lying

If for you possible send anything, god will save you

>> No.1708648
File: 1.02 MB, 1136x640, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help a white poor American out


>> No.1708649

am i banned

>> No.1708650
File: 6 KB, 456x110, 15825984_10154986613261424_5945511279973422782_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont be selling anytime soon

>> No.1708654
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Who else is in the same boat tho

>> No.1708661

Just wondering, but why don't you bother selling in any capacity when the currency drops in dips? Wouldn't you stand to gain by occasionally doing so? I've doubled my bitcoins (well, half of a bitcoin) in doing so.

Is it just more difficult and less profitable to do it in larger capacities?

>> No.1708729

If I went to a Bitcoin ATm in real life and inserted $20, probably how much would actually get to my wallet? You don't need ID picture, fingerprint and stool sample to just buy with cash, right?

>> No.1708737

So, right now I'm only holding 1 BTC and planning to buy 3 more.

When is the best time? Now or should I wait for a little bit?

>> No.1708741

I have epilepsy and I'm on Keppra. If anyone of you know what that's like, then you know I'm not doing too well...


>> No.1708782

I hold 0.36 . Poorfag from developing country. Ramen taste good here tho. 1C4AEuFeb99tsF9G95YHV6Wa3XaqPeXvym
Would be glad to get some satoshis from rich dudes tho :)

>> No.1708783

Where exactly?

>> No.1708786

Lithuania- The Baltic Tiger

>> No.1708788 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 1080x1920, phonewalletscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing alright I think.

Although I made a dumb move yesterday. Needed some USD in my bank account immediately to help pay an emergency expense before I got paid at work on Friday, so I sold about 50USD worth when it was about 1028.

But then I got some assistance from family...so I bought back 45USD worth...after it had climbed to 1100. Damn.

Ah well. C'est la vie, I think the saying goes?

>CoinStream? What's that?
See >>1708743 in the other thread.

>> No.1708821

With 384 BTC he is already set for life. No need to take risks and try to predict dips like a moron when you can just sit back and relax knowing you are a guaranteed millionaire within 5 years.

>When is the best time?
Nobody knows. Buy for whatever amount of fiat you can tolerate to lose completely and then just hold until moon or 0.

>> No.1709173






>> No.1709207

>inspect Element
people actually believe him lmfao

>> No.1709279
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>> No.1709369


>> No.1709412

Just got hacked, lost all my investment, donations would be appreciated...


>> No.1710122

donation faggots

where do you guys buy and sell bitcoin? don't want to pay 5$ fee on something like coinbase

>> No.1710324

Time to get out the begging bowl.


>> No.1710333


>> No.1710358
File: 4 KB, 238x102, 2017-01-05-210814_238x102_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be rich !
r-rtight guys :D ?

>> No.1710361

the time to buy is now right ?
or should i wait if it falls even more ?

>> No.1710367
File: 46 KB, 1325x207, bitcoin - another victim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these pleb tier beggars

Fuck off

>> No.1710529

Hey at least better than my 4 dollars.
I'm truly terrible at altcoin trading so I'd have more luck mining them, but my rig is a toaster.

>> No.1710533

He truly is an artist.

>> No.1710543

/biz/ I made .05 BTC off from this crash!. Now I have 0.48BTC. Will I make it?

>> No.1710546

Any one want to take my BTC virginity? You can only suck so many faucets.


>> No.1710547

I bought 200 dollars worth of bitcoin in 2011 and haven't been able to able to recover my account since I used to use throw away emails

>> No.1710565
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>> No.1710607

I'm pretty sure I lost some ETH that way. Luckily I have all my TrumpCoin on my local wallet so I won't lose it.

>> No.1710617

0.05 and some change

>> No.1710620

2.3 started buying last year so the first coins I bought have doubled in value,but at this point I don't care if I'm in profit or not i just want more bitcoins before it's too late.

>> No.1710629
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Was 38 in the morning

>> No.1710632

What's the best place to buy bitcoin? I'm sick of coinbase

>> No.1710636


>> No.1710644

W-will we meet on the moon?

>> No.1710698

Can anyone here sell me some Bitcoin via PayPal. No Atms where I live.

>> No.1710699
File: 971 B, 112x25, 0BTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz help this poorfag


>> No.1710700


Get Reckt ki

>> No.1710722
File: 1 KB, 250x250, BTCaddress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.13092117 BTC
My goal is to have at least 1 BTC!
Started with 0.06 BTC a few months ago, now I'm trading altcoins to get there.

My birthday is in 2 days so if anyone want to help me reaching my goal, I'll give you the chance!:D

>> No.1710727
File: 4 KB, 299x89, SADNESS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


help ;-;

>> No.1710902
File: 21 KB, 400x400, MI0003590313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put all my money in doge a few years back. Should have invested that £15 in btc instead.
plz gib monie

>> No.1711541

according to my research they do theft-by-lockout scams, where they automatically freeze your account one day without warning, don't respond to your inquiries, and you can never access your funds again.

>> No.1711628
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>tfw paid 200btc for an ounce of weed like 5 years ago

>> No.1711634 [DELETED] 


Oh wow, one of you fuckers actually sent some. Now I'm past 0.15! You could call that a milestone, right?

Fuck it, someone want to help me reach 0.2?


>> No.1711636 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1080x1920, phonewalletscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot my pic.

>> No.1711656

mate why did you buy a ledger wallet when you have minuscule amount of bitcoins, something doesn't feel right about you hombre

>> No.1711657

can confirm, lost something around 0.2 BTC to these russian scammers

>> No.1711661

Some1 can send me some BTC to start?


>> No.1711672 [DELETED] 

1) It won't be miniscule forever, and I would have gotten one anyway. I am putting money into it at regular intervals. I'm getting in, slowly, but I am.

2) I'm developing software and other projects related to/around BTC, and felt it appropriate to at least own a Ledger for testing and verification purposes. I'm not an experienced-enough developer/engineer to be making a whole lot of money, but hey it is what it is.

The Ledger was my first major purchase using BTC, and hell, it now contains more than double what I paid for it.

For a lot of people, Bitcoin is the inspiration that got them into Finance in a real, serious way.

For me, Bitcoin is the inspiration that got me into software in a real, serious way.

>> No.1711700
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>> No.1711703 [DELETED] 



>> No.1711722

Never even heard of anything like this happening. If it had happened crypto websites would have written about it for sure, also they know that if they did it they would lose their credibility and the millions they make each year running the exchange. In reality btc-e is one of the most reputable and trustworthy exchanges there are.

Yeah you totally did.

>> No.1711770

15.23 something bought at 820-880 each

>> No.1712026 [DELETED] 

I'm always late to the beg circles.

Spare some coin for my startup? I'm going to custom make and 3D print prosthetic parts. Building my cybp future one joint at a time.


>> No.1712033
File: 1 KB, 100x100, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm always late to the beg circles.

Spare some coin to help my startup? I'm going to sculpt and 3D print prosthetic's. Building my cybp future one joint at a time.
The tiniest bits of coin will make a difference.


>> No.1712124


I'm schizo


>> No.1712143

Poorfag here, 0,1 btc. Wanted to buy in when it was at 200, but was still underage and my parents wont let me.

>> No.1712161

We havent even hit support yet, relax

>> No.1713004


I need weed money.

>> No.1713030
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Please Gib

>> No.1713174
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>mfw I was unaware of BTC until last year so I completely missed the opportunity to get rich easy but my friend has known about it since it began and sold all of his a while before it really took off so he could get upgrades in an online game so in a way he's even worse off because wasted an opportunity I never even had to begin with

>> No.1713177

>didn't see the decimal

I thought you were the gook who made bitcoin for a second

>> No.1713185
File: 1.47 MB, 1904x3000, 1482141053668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not even asking for a lot here, just a microscopic amount, just for the sake of owning a bitcoim without signing up to an exchange or whatever

>> No.1713294

Kys. Think how sad you look. I really hope you kys. Fuck this makes me angry.

>> No.1713337

delete this now

>> No.1714701

shuld I buy

>> No.1714705

im bipolar

>> No.1714707

buy and exchange to monero

>> No.1714716


This, don't miss the space ship twice (;

>> No.1714717


>> No.1714721


wait 3 more days guys there is no reason to buy just before a hard fork.

>> No.1714762

It will go up right after inauguration after it finally sinks in Donald has a direct impact on the world economy with what he does and says.

>> No.1714764

what's a good site to buy/sell currencies?

>> No.1714776
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2.11298012 BTC

I automatically buy $9.56 ($10 - fees) every week at whatever the price happens to be.

I own small amounts of various other altcoins too.

>> No.1714801

>bought 5 btc at 750$
>didn't sell at 1150, thought it would go higher

>> No.1714873

forgive me but i'm starving


>> No.1714886


>> No.1714970


zero shitcoin
just gold and silver

>> No.1714997

>holds highly manipulated shiny metals

Might as well buy BTC.. its Digital gold.

>> No.1715663
File: 27 KB, 554x332, Screen Shot 2017-01-07 at 11.36.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not planning on spending it anytime soon

Will i make some money soon?

>> No.1715680

Back down to 0.1, might buy some more if it stabilises or tanks again.

>> No.1716001

I'm poor help


>> No.1716010

maybe your grandkids will