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File: 24 KB, 930x698, instagram-logo-930x698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1706239 No.1706239 [Reply] [Original]

Was thinking of making a website and an app with the word gram. Unfortunately the word is under copyright by instagram https://appadvice.com/appnn/2013/08/instagram-says-no-to-apps-that-use-insta-or-gram-in-their-branding

But what if I add a double m like gramm or grama?
They say it applies to apps but what if I buy domain name (uniqueword)gram ?

>> No.1706250

I'm surprised someone hasn't copyrighted any Greek characters yet. They're great names for companies and you already have a logo. I guess Omega watches is doing that.

>> No.1706278

If you would have bothered to read the whole article you would have noticed, that this only concerns apps that work with instagram.

"Now, while developers are encouraged to append "for Instagram" to app names to indicate that their apps are integrated with Instagram, the use of "Insta" or "Gram" as well as "Instagram" or "IG" is altogether disallowed."

>> No.1706297
File: 7 KB, 200x169, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Alms for the poor...?


>> No.1706323

Western Union should bitch slap them for prior art.

>> No.1706587

Should I buy more domain extensions for this certain name? The site's name would work for at least 4 countries...

>> No.1706660

Whew, I'm glad that my new app "Instegrahm" is safe.

>> No.1706735

you're not allowed to profit off a site running on a third party API like instagram

>> No.1707078

>copyrighting words

why is this allowed

>> No.1707255

How come no one has copyrighted "The" yet?

>> No.1707418

because its too common of a word...

Things like IG/Instagram/Insta are 'original creations/brands'

The other thing is, as >>1706735
said was that you're splitting profit using Instagram via third party API. You contributed nothing to their profit, yet you're digging in their pocket by using their name, product and resources while contributing nothing back.

I've had a few ideas of using instagram myself and I thought i had a great idea, but as such, I'm just an ideas guy because I lack the ability to make it.

The best result I could get was, use the name either way, or don't, and grow the idea as big as you can and try to have them approach you for a buyout.