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17046860 No.17046860 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17046887
File: 316 KB, 574x333, Brian Kelly talking at CNBC’s Fast Money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this time will be unironically different

>> No.17046909

Pil basado y rojo

>> No.17046970

ever noticed they have entire cable channels devoted to financial markets?

world market bub. imagine using the same marker for last bull run's peak as the one for this one's, which will be 20-50x the size.

>> No.17047002

nah it's already priced in last year

>> No.17047009

i dont think it will moon that much

>> No.17047011

I don't know what to believe anymore...

>> No.17047024

nope, $20k was the top- never before did we see such a normie influx. When ETH surpassed $1k I was at the gym and overheard the most knuckle dragging pair of morons in the changing rooms speak about how one of them bought 2 ETH , that alone convinced me to sell everything as soon as I got home

it is unironically over for crypto, normies have been burned and institutions sure as hell arent touching this shitshow

>> No.17047031

>20-50 times the size
Why do you think this, nothing has changed in adoption or tech since 2017, there is no reason to think this run will be any different than the last, or the one before that

>> No.17047037

bretty true. i heard the local jock radio host talking about buying litecoin around that time kek

>> No.17047050

>it is unironically over for crypto, normies have been burned and institutions sure as hell arent touching this shitshow

i heard this in 2014 kek

>> No.17047070

Normies have an incredibly short attention span. They will come back when we approach ATH.

>> No.17047074

this is also true. they love wasting money on the next trendy thing

>> No.17047086

please add the 5.th and 6th halvening too

>> No.17047108
File: 60 KB, 1080x647, ptdr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bearmarket rally
but the dip is not that far

>> No.17047110

>nope, $20k was the top- never before did we see such a normie influx
imagine people still unironically thinking this
the vast majority of normies have never owned a piece of crypto in their lives
hell I'm in finance and work at the headquarters of a major north American bank and I was the only person in my entire department with any crypto. We had a meeting about it and people hardly knew what it was
nobody actually owns this shit

>> No.17047121
File: 7 KB, 225x225, gffghfgd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna cost a shit ton more for whales to pump this time
I don't understand why they would even take the risk to do it when they can make the same profit or more pumping and dumping between 10 and 6k

>> No.17047136
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going to be a yikes from me

>> No.17047160

what about halvening after that?

what about halvening after that?

what about halvening after that?

repeat until you say no and realise you should buy btc

>> No.17047165

I easily know +20 absolutes normies who bough near the top in 2017, none of them knew what BTC or eth was but they were shovelling +5k at it days after they saw it on TV
every shitcoin pumped to absolutely ridiculous numbers, 2017 was unironically the golden bull run

>> No.17047187

it wont go up in the time before the halvening you mongoloid. we're going back to 6k at least

>> No.17047190

people on this board don't even realize 90% of bitcoins have already been mined
forget about halving you are late adopter

>> No.17047192

The wallet numbers still prove that these people were in an incredibly small minority

>> No.17047197

number of wallets don't matter as 99% of people store their crypto on exchanges

>> No.17047210

lol what
both coinbase and binance had to stop new registry for a week because of the new users

>> No.17047224
File: 51 KB, 1357x628, biz hopium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely this. from a game theory perspective, it makes zero sense that btc goes to 100k+ this era. 2017 bagholders are still around and shilling the halving hard thinking theyll make it rich in a year by "hodl"ing, while MMs can make enormous profits at these levels, not needing insane amounts of liquidity like 100k btc would

the shake out just begun

>> No.17047226
File: 23 KB, 604x374, 57557574545434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17047236

Yeah and coinbase only has about 30 million users

>> No.17047264

beside for shit like monero or USDT crypto has nothing to offer in therms of currency and it cannot be used as a store of value with such volatility
there is zero reason for mass adoption, 30 millions is an insane number for a completely useless product

>> No.17047267

ok bro

>> No.17047271

coinbase isn't the only exchange
there are hundreds of them all over the world

>> No.17047341

thats one exchange which serves primarily westerners.
what about bitstamp? kraken? gemini? coinfloor? binance? Bittrex? Itbit?

and thats the west, what about Bithumb,UpBit,Huobi, OKex, I could go on

the golden bull run has already happened, the future is simply market makers squeezing 2017 bagholders who have since acquired more money to invest

>> No.17047346

Monero gang represent

>> No.17047382
File: 268 KB, 1141x712, 1580430554201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basado y rojopastillado.

It's going to 300k by the end of 2021. Lock into a good alt now.

>> No.17047392

I've convinced 3 zoomers to buy chainlink who never bought crypto in past month. People saying there isn't any more normie blood is full of shit

>> No.17047403

There's a sucker born every minute

>> No.17047419

Exactly, which is why market cycles are a thing

>> No.17047451
File: 508 KB, 1496x644, cup handle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hwuehwue

>> No.17047462
File: 35 KB, 771x720, 1571490449205-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit...

>> No.17047483

> still using log chart with 100 bln marketcap
stop being a deluded bull

>> No.17047591


>> No.17047631


>> No.17047663

Normies are all over this. Pajeets, terrible English speaking browns. No one knows wtf they are doing. It's going to be a bloodbath. Dotcom bubble hasn't even happened yet. Not that everything is trying to prove utility they will realize nothing works or is a Rube Goldberg rig. Ethereum enterprise alliance is horse shit. It's all garbage. BTC is garbage. You guys have no idea what's coming

>> No.17048005

severe cope

>> No.17048078


>> No.17048136

At a long enough timeframe BitCoin replaces money. This isn't just internet / websites anymore. Neither is it mostly US based anymore.

If we don't see a BSV price at some point worth (×21million coins of course) that is worth more than all of the wealth on planet earth (or close at least) I'll be mildly surprized. Fomo and absolute mania never die and the average iq is still only 100.

>> No.17048161

what a retarded chart lol

>> No.17048167

you forktards are the dumbest cunts on this planet.

>> No.17048193

>what is Lightning Network
>what is CashApp
>what is Schnorr

Pajeet my benchode.

>> No.17048200
File: 34 KB, 200x200, dfbhfhdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those stupid logarithmic charts....

>> No.17048211

Crapto investor here. Where can I invest $10,000 to double it

>> No.17048227
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Thanks me later

>> No.17048257

Jew, scam and chink. Are you trolling?

>> No.17048295

>Are you trolling?
No :^)

>> No.17048304
File: 64 KB, 720x960, 9774403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice :v

>> No.17048316

>Lock into a good alt now.
No worries. I'm a Harmony Chad.

>> No.17048328

ive been calling $200k next peak at EOY 2021 for 18 months now

>> No.17048344

>Using log charts so it does look volatile.

State of bull cope.

>> No.17048348

Fuck bulls, but fuck retards who study multiplicative processes on non-log charts even more. Fucking retard.

>> No.17048365


>> No.17048376

The first halvening was werre crypto wasn't traded as seriously as it is today. If you look at the early part of the Bitcoin chart, it doesn't look like a normal chart, it looks like a shitcoin chart that is traded with low volume.

I do think that Bitcoin will increase a lot in value up until the halvening, after that i am not entirely sure if it will continue or go back to sleep/perma bear market.

>> No.17048419
File: 6 KB, 250x234, bobo cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

priced in

>> No.17048476

you missed your chance, stop fucking coping like a little laggard piece of normie shit

>> No.17048483
File: 184 KB, 483x470, 1562277495605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize Bitcoin is tiny in comparison to other global markets? You can't think of Bitcoin as a single company that you own stock in. It is its own entire market.

It hardly takes any money to move the price of Bitcoin. The small number of normies that did fomo in 2017 have been shaken out. Hardly 1% of the world's population even owns crypto. All of India didn't even have a proper fiat onramp in 2017, same with many other countries. There are plenty of places where the money can come from. QE, negative yielding bonds, global instability, etc. The list goes on.

I have been here since 2016. I knew I was early then, but this is still pretty fucking early in the grand scheme of things. I don't know if we'll see things go 1000x left and right again, but everything is just a market cycle. There will be another bubble and another one after that.

>> No.17048512

As always, based normies will FOMO in poster tells the truth.

>> No.17048532

The normies already KNOW about your pedo pesos. After the 20k bubble nobody cares anymore. Normies are fully aware of Bitcoin and collectively determined it to be useless.

Only thing is good for is unconfiscateability, but since that is not even a word you can conclude world doesn't give a fuck about it either.

>> No.17048535

>never before did we see such a normie influx
Normies talked about crypto a lot, but very very very few of them actually bought any.

>> No.17048589

Now tell me what percent 25 million is of 1 billion, mathlet (popn of USA+Europe)

>> No.17048610

Also, a user on an exchange doesn't necessarily own any crypto and in fact most are probably bots with 0 interaction so you're still looking at much less than 1% of the developed world owning any crypto much less any significant amount of crypto

>> No.17048644

So you guys have officially moved from "crypto will revolutionise the world" to "some normie will buy my bags eventually"?

>> No.17048674

You're missing the point fuckface.
The amount of people that own or have ever had crypto at some point in time is about 2% of the entire world population if we're being generous.
Two fucking percent.

>> No.17048680

I have a business friend who gives loans and financial advice but he knows little about crypto. A few days ago, he came to me saying his clients have been asking him about bitcoin.

It's happening again.

>> No.17048745

>It's happening again
absolute nomans are fomoing the top? ye sounds about right

>> No.17048818

No lie, you turn on fox news or watch fox news videos on YouTube, you'll get ads and commercials about diversifying your portfolio into crypto.

2020/2021 is gonna be the golden bull run because the dying gasp of boomer money to is gonna go for broke in crypto to expound their retirements.


>> No.17048889


>> No.17048968

you become a late adopter at 40% adoption. we are sub 1%. not even early adopters yet.

>> No.17049035

yup, that happened
you don't even go to the gym

>> No.17049136
File: 260 KB, 1344x1406, bitcoin-log-log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the blue line is all that matters.

>> No.17049180

>crypto will revolutionise the world
>some normie will buy my bags
Both of these things can happen. After all, that's what's going on in the stock market all the time: normies buying some of some early adopter's bags after they moon.

>> No.17049199

I hope this time is different. I made $7.6MM selling near the top ($15k). I traveled the world and did a ton of drugs, fucked some prostitutes and a bunch of whores (non-professional women who wouldn't call themselves prostitutes but were clearly just fucking me bc I had money and took them cool places).

Honestly I was so wasted most of the time I don't even remember a lot of it. The days I do remember stand out as being ones that were particularly depressing and lonely.

I took my last $200k and split it into BTC and an ERC token which this board knows well but I won't bother naming it. I got in late bc I was spending 2018 as a degenerate, so I have around 50,000 tokens. Luckily BTC had shit itself so I have 25 of them.

I would love another chance at wealth and to do it differently this time. I have since found hobbies I want to spend my time on but have gone back to wage cucking and living with my parents and it is admittedly worse than being a rich piece of garbage though not by much. I want to live a peaceful life spending time on my hobbies and finding a woman who cares about things not financially related.

>> No.17049240

Jesus christ how the fuck do you blow $7m in just a few years

>> No.17049515

Wrong most of them didn't even buy or fomo. But they will this time and you want to know why ? Beacause we got coinbase and a lot of other "legally compliant" exchanges all over the world now. Normies want stability, ease of use and legality. The exchanges now provide all of that with convenient interfaces and easy to use websites. With that sort of infrastructure, the halvening and the already bullish environment you can be certain that 2020 will be one hell of a year for crypto if not the biggest yet.

>> No.17049636
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1432724756686s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One celebrity in all of Hollywood shills crypto one time on her Twitter.
>hurr durr the normies know.

>> No.17049698


>> No.17049795

I literally do not believe you are dumb enough to think this is true.

>> No.17049807

Okay you convinced me guys. What should I buy besides bitcoin?

>> No.17049846

shoo shoo, curry.

>> No.17049961

imagine having this kind of optimism

>> No.17050079

kys naive faggot

>> No.17050149

vidt fren

>> No.17050178

U underestimate human greed

>> No.17050193


>> No.17050211

People have had this debate about halvening for literally a decade and each time newfags who arrived after the post halvening bullrun argued that this time is going to be different and for sure bitcoin is going to zero now.

>> No.17050251
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lolno. early 2014 was a fucking joke compared to dec+jan 2017.

You're probably the type of person that did nothing but jack off to their portfolio during these times. Anyone who bothered to look at the world around them would have seen swarms of normlings on every social media platform discussing their newly acquired bags that they bought ATH, and the legions of "crypto experts and entrepreneurs" that cropped up overnight. When my jeet taxi driver was telling me about his $3 XRP bags, I knew this was reaching dotcom levels of stupidity. It was over.

Crypto was essentially nonexistent outside 4chan and reddit in 2014. It went almost completely unnoticed to the average idiot.

>> No.17050352

>One celebrity

Another pea brained coomer that wasn't watching in 2017. Celebrities left and right were shilling the shit out everything.

Djkhaled and floyd mayweather actually had to pay big fines for promoting trashy ICO's

>> No.17050357

Satan believes in you.

>> No.17050365

It's not over yet. We still live in a time where boomers are alive. World grows more digital every day. Young people are pessimistic about the market, banking system, everything in the current structure (since only boomers are profiting)

Time and trend are both on crypto's side. Don't fret.

>> No.17050949

Fuck off retard

>> No.17050969

I'm pretty sure binance had like 10 million users at that point and it's propably the biggest exchange around. That's litetally a small minority of people globally.

>> No.17051040

>Normies want stability, ease of use and legality
and they had all of that in 2017- via Coinbase and Bitstamp, what the fuck are you talking about?

>one celebrity
were you asleep late 2017? crypto was literally top trending on snapchat for weeks during december 2017. Normies tweeting about TRX, XRP, XVG etc. delusion at its finest

the only dumb one is the person who thinks normies will return in such a short space of time after being financially ruined by crypto

>> No.17051051


Huh? Adoption has gone way up. BAKKT, futures market, increasing regulatory guidance from the feds, institutions are piling in. Just imagine what happens when governments wake up and start buying it themselves.

>> No.17051065

people said the same thing before 2017 in regards to 2014

>> No.17051135


t. 2013 oldfag

>> No.17051260


>> No.17051273
File: 195 KB, 711x1024, EC10845C-2775-42E2-9922-9CD4AF3848EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironic peak in 2021 will be $350k

>> No.17051294

its too late, at this price normal people think its too risky so they dont buy in.

>> No.17051319

lets b real, 95% of the volume is fake
Next 4% are Chinx dumping on burgers
1% moon boys hodling
Over a 150 million USD worth of BTC gets mined EVERY SINGLE DAY, no way organic buying is supporting that
Only way Bitcoin survives is one of these shitcones produces something of value that has real life benefits
Maybe then a blockchain economy starts and BTC becomes digital gold similar to real good when we had the gold standard

>> No.17051349
File: 862 KB, 1125x2436, 9071555D-CBA4-48B0-A549-C65737A231AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this

>> No.17051359
File: 66 KB, 700x481, greg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Greg

>> No.17051449


>make 7 million
>needs another chance at wealth

You are disgusting. You need to do some serious self-reflection.

>> No.17051461

will anyone actually pay over $100,000 for one bitcoin?

>> No.17051479

nah, you know what will be big? if pension funds can add a few % of btc etf to their portfolio. that will be crazy.

>> No.17051493

Once it passes previous ath by a decent amount they won't consider it risky.

>> No.17051496


Yeah, shortly before it drops back to 20-30k. There's a top to every bubble. Be ready to profit and offload bags on the boomers.

>> No.17051497

How does someone make that much and they lose it all? Smart enough buy Bitcoin, but dumb enough not to get good at money and time management.

You don't deserve another go around for that.

>> No.17051501

idk guy, does everyone have $100,000 to spend on a whim?

>> No.17051510



>> No.17051520


>> No.17051607

You do know that Bitcoin breaks down into smaller decimals right? 0.00000000 to be exact. Get used to it or not.

>> No.17051608

There’s only 21 million. If all not Murs owned a bitcoin price Per BTC would be 1 million+

>> No.17051636

there is not enough bitcoin for every $ millionaire to own one... let that sink in!

>> No.17051654

Well, people pay over $ 50k for one kilogram of gold, and if pretty much has an infinite supply (asteroid mining in a few decades), so $ 100k for one Bitcoin is not that absurd

>> No.17051664

has greg an hero'd himself yet?

>> No.17051716 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 588x280, greg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true:

"There are a total of 46.8 million millionaires worldwide, according to the report, and they collectively own approximately $158.3 trillion."

He lives in denial now. Pic related.

I'd definitely be dead if I was him.

>> No.17051718

gold has actual real world use apart from speculation tho

bitcoin is a currency. not equity, not a commodity

>> No.17051724


>> No.17051729
File: 45 KB, 588x280, greg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true:

"There are a total of 46.8 million millionaires worldwide, according to the report, and they collectively own approximately $158.3 trillion."

He lives in denial now. Pic related.

I'd definitely be dead if I were him.

>> No.17051733

true, but at the same time a bunch of normies and boomers in the first world countries aren't a representation of the entire world, for every bullrun consisted of normie randos and boomers and it won't be the last

>> No.17051766

>bought at 30 cents and sold at 15k to pay off all my debts

>> No.17051891

hugely bullish thread

>> No.17051937

>miners getting half the amount of bitcoins to sell per time spent mining with the same hardware
>electricity bill still the same
>somehow they need to make make as much money selling 12.5 BTC per block as when they sold 25 BTC per block

>> No.17052505

You are a clown , the existing supply in circulation is going to be even less than 2016-2017



>> No.17052539

Block reward collapses in sats and goes 60x up on fiat as miners refuse to sell at low prices.


add to that the ammount of dormant btcs


and we are going to the fucking moon, i mean there is 5.08M btc that did not moved since 2016 and 13.15M in total that have not moved since 2019

Even assuming that 4m are out of circulation forever if we reach gold marketcap we will be above 450k

That's assuming just 4m are out of circulation and the marketcap follows the previous halvings.

Assuming a halving half as powerful we are above 300k.

Let's make it 100% weaker and only 4m out of circulation and we are about 180k with a base price of 55k(miners won't sell bellow that even in 2022-2023.

This shit is going to the fucking moon.

>> No.17052750

this... actually seems reasonable.