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File: 76 KB, 798x414, averagesalary .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17027465 No.17027465 [Reply] [Original]

how does it feel knowing that people younger or as young as you have already made it and its still not enough?


>> No.17027481

I make way less than that and survive. He needs to get frugal and buy chainlink

>> No.17027534

I don't even have to watch the video to know that this faggot is a massive fucking faggot.

>> No.17027552

based and fagpilled

>> No.17027554
File: 162 KB, 1080x720, Photo le 26-01-2020 à 17.53 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live like a king with 3000$ per month in Bulgaria

I have a 140 sqm flat fully furnished

cayenne gts 2018 leasing

I never cook

Best gym, spa, massages

mutts are just living a zimbabwean inflation and honestly I don't care I hope they die

>> No.17027562

>saves $3,000/month

What the fuck is wrong with the world

>> No.17027597

>6 figure salary job at 23 at management consulting
>no talk of how he got the job
>family are anonymous financiers
Hate faggots like this, I hope he moves to Zanzibar and gets gutted

>> No.17027612

I don't understand people like this. Hyper-normies and such. For all his success, he is still a giant tool.

>> No.17027767

>the nyc virgin vs the LA chad


>> No.17027856

based berber bvll

>> No.17027903

cool i love yuppies thanks for the video op very interesting

>> No.17028002

nobody wants to admit that they can easily live on a third of their salary, because in today's world that means you are a greedy asshole.... better to piss it away on nonsense and then claim that you're "broke"

the sad thing is that this actually works for most people and you can get sympathy for your shitty decisions up to about 100k.

>> No.17028083

This literal faggot is lying for attention I live in manhattan and made around $200k last year and I’m comfy as hell. I eat out multiple times per week and drink like a fish and still have enough left over for a fat LINK stack (50k) fuck this faggot

>> No.17028135

since i got rich i have started noticing myself spending more money on stuff but even then i find it pretty difficult to spend more than 50k a year even when i'm being ridiculously extravagant.

i think it's just that when you get used to nice stuff you start wanting better stuff and if you have no discipline you start getting $150 bottles of wine

>> No.17028137

i lived there at the beginning of the decade and made 13.50 an hour and probably didn't have that much a difference in quality of life. You prob have a better apartment and take cabs more but otherwise same shit.

>> No.17028157

why the fuck would anyone want to live in the fucking inner city even in the rich areas hobos are living 4 blocks away souless idiots trying to become interesting by spending money a classic coomsoomer

>> No.17028229

Shit i was about to start a blog to make ends meet, only retards believe ops video

>> No.17028242

Sofia? how is it?

>> No.17028254

>live in Jew York City
and he's complaining? what a retard, just wants youtube hits.

>> No.17028274

Do you have an extra room?

>> No.17028276

Nice fucking BDSM lair in the back there

>> No.17028282

Delete this

>> No.17028307


This is one of those people who'll likely wage until late 60's. No sympathy for his behavior.

If I was making 172k AFTER TAXES I'd be retired in about 15 years. Who am I kidding 10 years via long commute from a cheap area.

>> No.17028319 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 1342x1306, Sir do you know why I stopped you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17028409

Based town rapist

>> No.17028494

The guy mentioned nothing about struggling. His monthly budget is actually very reasonable.

You and the other poorfags bitching in this thread will never make it!

>> No.17028548

NYC is crazy. You step out your front door and you'll spend hundreds of dollars without trying.

>> No.17028598

They make you pay to excrete unless you master the skill of going pee between cars.