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17013241 No.17013241 [Reply] [Original]

I started learning Japanese a few months ago. I still suck, but I'm getting better slowly. How good do I have to get before I should list it on my resume as a second language?

>> No.17013269

pass jlpt n1 and then some. im serious, thats the minimum requirement. any other answer is a lying nigger

>> No.17013270

10 years.
You’re better off learning spic and using google translate.

>> No.17013290
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Just imagine forcing your face into her ass and just having her let go with some delicious liquid girl shit. She could shake that delicious ice cream machine all over my face to make sure my whole head is covered

>> No.17013317


>> No.17013321

too bad she ate boiled cabbage and an extra helping of re-fried beans at the Mexican joint just before her night of bonging cheap beers and margaritas with the girls!

(protip: farts are delicious, raw butthole is sexy, shit is shit)

>> No.17013323

10 years means shit if you cant easily pass the jlpt n1

>> No.17013351

A test means nothing if you lack any experience speaking the language.
It’s like learning english in a foreign country and going to any English speaking country in the west and sounding like you rolled out of the year 1412 on top of your asinine accent.

>> No.17013419

if you cant pass the jlpt n1, something 95% of the population of japan can do flawlessly, then you dont really know japanese well enough to put it on resume
this is for a resume.

employers trust the jlpt n1 more than muh 10 years experience. If you never passed the jlpt n1, japanese employers would laugh at you

>> No.17013481
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Id be surprised if they could speak 1412 English.

>> No.17013555


N1 will take me forever. What if I just note it like

> Japanese (N5)

>> No.17013579

I want to smell her asshole I must have the best aroma ever, and the feel of that soft meat of her ass.

>> No.17013581

N5 is pussy shit. i dont even study japanese anymore and i passed the N4 from half a year of studying. kys

if you study 10 hours everyday, you could probably pass n1 in a year

>> No.17013609

I have to go to work you miserable piece of shit. Not everyone here is a NEET with 10 hours of free time a day.

>> No.17014612


>> No.17014621


>> No.17015339
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Just imagine taking her hair in your fist and forcing her face into the dirt while she cries and squirms. Then raping her mercilessly as her family home burns in front of her, knowing her family is still inside. Then imagine cumming inside her and bringing her back to be a brood mare with the other riches of her village.

>> No.17015375

just put Japanese Level N4 or N3 on your resume whether you've got it or not. you get the gains of having it on there but it isn't expert enough to land you in trouble

>> No.17015384
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>ice cream machine

>> No.17015421

I just tried the N5 practice test. I couldn't even read a single word in the first question. I have a way to go.

>> No.17015452

Japanese is a cope language, to be successful you need to learn German or Mandarin

>> No.17015485

I wish I had the “do not learn Mandarin” thread shots to share. Full disclosure: my mandarin is passable but I’ve learned it to spite all the chinks I’m surrounded by, with their assistance just to make that much more delicious. That said, I do not advertise that I speak Mandarin as half the point is being able to listen in on them without them being aware. Some of the shit people say, I tell ya

>> No.17015502

unless Japanese is specifically needed for your job they aren't even going to know what N4 means (and in that case you'd need N2/1 anyway). it looks impressive even though you know it isn't really, and no one can call you on it because recruiters aren't weebs. resume is just for show, it gets you an interview and is then disgarded

>> No.17015527

Based and nordic pillager pilled.

>> No.17015553

>hes actually gunning for N5
kill yourself you fucking casual. learning japanese just to half ass it is a fucking waste. get a certification in a subject thats not japanese you retard

also, n5 is the easiest fucking japanese in the book. if you cant even read n5, you should just quit now

>> No.17015559

>being able to listen in on them without them being aware. Some of the shit people say, I tell ya
Story time

>> No.17015565

fucking this

anon that wrote that nailed it. it was a classic. you could just feel his dsdain for the chinese coming through the screen. I spent 4 months there and would be so fucking REKT if i'd have learned chinese

>> No.17015582
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that would be cool haha

>> No.17015585

If you are actually interested in it as a hobby then by all means but don't learn Japanese anon if you are trying to do it for business purposes.

Japanese is a very outdated language for business since the crash in the late 90's. It has never recovered and there is no signs for a boom anytime soon.

Chinese will be the best language to learn for at least another 5-10 years or until all of the Chinese international students get a foothold in foreign countries.There is minimal declining demand for Chinese+English speakers in low tier jobs but for middle and high tier jobs there is a big demand.

I have my own small business in my country and I often source and purchase goods from China. My inlaws are also Chinese so I am exposed to all of their successful businesses overseas when I visit. I often get asked to work in upper tier positions within Chinese companies as operations managers between their main Chinese hubs and whatever offices they have overseas so long as I learn Chinese.

>> No.17015606

I would like to be able to understand Japanese music and game shows. What's wrong with that?

It's a mixture of hobby and business. I figured it would be easier to learn if there was some stuff I actually wanted to understand, and out of all foreign music I like the sound of Japanese music the best.

>> No.17015629

Let’s just say that Chinese people are not at all fond of black people, Indian people, muslims, Vietnamese people, etc. Best I can tell they grudgingly accept white people as their betters, at least for now, but the Han Chinese are definitely intent on colonizing the world. Also, women on busses talk about yeast infections and various other horrific female issues a lot. A lot a lot.

>> No.17015654

Sorry, they also really, really dislike Japanese people, and Taiwanese people, and phillipinos, and Russians. Come to think of it lets just say everyone.

>> No.17015672

This is part of the reason I decided against Mandarin. I generally don't like their culture. I've heard they are terrible to work with, where as I've heard good things about the Japanese.

>> No.17015710
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I'm about an n3 in speaking to n2, I was studying from high school then dropped it at a university level.
from my experience if you live there for 6 months and turbo grind it you will be better than most n2 and n1s. Your accent will disappear and become more natural. I say if you can hold a conversation about business, weather and your hobbies you should be able to put it on your resume. If they actually bring someone in to test it and it's a chick just hit on her and get her number/ Line. That's an instant pass.

>> No.17015715

>It's a mixture of hobby and business. I figured it would be easier to learn if there was some stuff I actually wanted to understand, and out of all foreign music I like the sound of Japanese music the best.
Then learn Japanese. Any 2nd language is honestly very difficult to learn and you really need a reason to feel motivated to continue learning it. A hobby as enjoyment is the best motivation you can have.

I have stopped and started learning Mandarin at least 10 times now because I don't have a real motivation to learn it besides "I maybe could use it in the future" (My inlaws all speak English).

Also think of it this way. You will always be better off knowing Japanese for your resume then not knowing it. It will open a lot more doors for you.

You could even think that most English + Japanese speakers these days are one of two people.
1. Native Japanese
2. Neckbeard Weebs.

Who would they rather employ 90% of the time? You a (I assume) normal person who speaks Japanese, or the weeaboo autistic neckbard?

>> No.17015746
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How are you learning Japanese? I've also been learning Japanese since August. Decided to declare a minor in Japanese to pair with my STEM major because it's a fun class + all the teachers are native Japanese. We have a conversation table thing where the teachers and students get together and speak in only Japanese twice a week though. I do wish I had people to speak Japanese with, but all the people in my classes are autistic/nerds with no social skills.

>> No.17015761
File: 142 KB, 378x464, 1D46C198-E7C4-4B6E-A67B-C92BC3700CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are both societies based on shame and honor. The Chinese however, are much more cynical.

>> No.17015769

This. not being an autistic neckbeard (or at least having social skills) will set you apart so much that you won't really have any competition.

>> No.17015778

Based and chadpilled. What if it's a guy though? Do you still hit on him and get his line?

>> No.17015804

I wish I had applied myself back when I had more time. Instead I just played vidya every day.

I'd like to go to Japan someday, but I don't have the means to right now. Living there might not be possible since I'm in a LTR now.

I've been using the Duolingo app. I know it's not the best one but it's free. Eventually I'll probably buy a Memrise subscription.

Once I get better I'll start watching Japanese TV regularly.

>> No.17015828

I am a 29 year old full white American + Australia citizen who married a Chinese woman when I was 25. I have lived in China mainland for about 1 years since then and also travel there 2-3 times per year for about a month at a time.

I can tell you now that a lot of what was posted in those Chinese threads is likely true but is cherrypicked or extremely exaggerated. It also really depends on where you go within China mainland and the kinds of people who associate with.

It's the equivalent of saying you went to America and got harassed by some fat south obese people on scooters who were shitting in public,saw a bunch of rednecks get in a shootout with blacks then post as if this is what 99% of Americans are like. If you go to the shithole part of China and associate of literally who shithole backyard business then of course you will have an insane experience full of scammer sidewalk shitting Chinese people.

I have lived for a reasonable period of time in a few of China's tier 1 and tier 2 cities and they are at the very least on par with the most developed city in Australia in both technology and social culture of the people there. If not more advanced to be honest. I have also often gone to the literal most polluted city in China in the middle of nowhere such as Linyi and you will then indeed experience some of the stuff people post about.

You can ask me more if you want but I suggest you don't get so easily baited by whats posted here so often. The main screen shot I see posted here is about some guy trying to purchase steel from a manufacturing company and he basically expected to get diamonds while spending pennies. Clearly there was no due diligence on his part before buying from the company.

>> No.17015863

Never used duolingo.


In my class this semester, we're learning casual speech, so it's a lot more fun than last.

>> No.17015905

I had a friend go turbo mode and basically master Japanese within 6 months. I'm not sure of the test he passed but he told me he basically got on the level below a perfect native speaker which not even most of the Japanese can pass. I saw what he did for this and I was honestly quite amazed.

He downloaded a Japanese version of windows so all of his computer was now Japanese characters. He was FORCED so learn to read Japanese or can't ever use his computer for anything. The same goes for all his video games and phone. He also only watched Japanese shows and taped a piece of cardboard to cover the subtitled on the screen which he removed every now and then if he didn't understand something.

He also had some strange AI program which could speak to him in Japanese which he said helped a lot. It worked best with the most simple and basic questions and replies. If it didn't understand him it would basically say it so he knows when he said something wrong.

He also

>> No.17016233

That's good to know that there are some good areas. I was talking to someone from the USA who lived in China for about decade before coming back. She said the deceptive culture eventually wore her down until she was severely depressed. I don't know what part of China she lived in.


>In my class this semester, we're learning casual speech, so it's a lot more fun than last.
I'm no where near casual speech yet. I'm still learning basic words. I haven't even gotten to conjugation yet.

I knew someone from Russia who became fluent in English in just a few months. It's definitely possible. I wish I could dedicate more time to it.