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16979328 No.16979328 [Reply] [Original]

it was over before it even began


>> No.16979383

October master-race can confirm.

>> No.16979408

Yep. Born in September and younger than everyone by a year. It was particularly bad in sports as the puberty advantage of the older guys is massive.

My kids will be the right age or even a year too old, there's a compounding effect there. They'll be more self-confident and mentally/physically mature.

I'm doing pretty well for myself but it was a tough slog through grade school.

>> No.16979412


Can partially confirm.
Aug 20th student, so the youngest kid in my class of 250. I was almost held back in pre-school, because the teachers noted how young I was, and thought it would be best. Mom said no.

I think I did find it difficult for most of my school life, but I ended up befriending kids 1-3 years older than me anyways. I definitely had a hard childhood, but I'm doing fairly well for myself now at 29, so it's hard to say.

In general though, I think that study is probably fairly accurate.

>> No.16979430

Fake. Born on December 30th and am the smartest kid in a classroom of more than 210+ students. Im also black. Sooooo....

>> No.16979434


>> No.16979445

i’m a july kid, i’m never making it

>> No.16979466

we have the same birthday !
also fuck off nigger

>> No.16979469

born on march 14th can coinfirm. already made it.

>> No.16979567

This is excuses and cope.
I have a December birthday and was always by far the youngest child in class, most of the time being an entire year younger (all kids were 8 and I was still 7).
I have an IQ nearly 3 standard deviations above the mean measured professionally by a PhD candidate and so I excelled no matter te hat the other kids were older. In middle school I would larp that I skipped a grade that's why I'm the youngest and they would respect me for it and come to me for advice (normies were too dumb to figure out it was a matter of months).
Don't make excuses for being a sad sack of shit, just own it and be the best you can be in whatever you do.

>> No.16979584


If you were smart you would actually understand how probabilities work. Your experience isn't representative of the normal since, by your own admission, you are 3 standard deviations above the mean. You're an outlier. The article mentions that 5.8% of July kids are still "making it" as CEOs.

I was young and smart and did fine for myself too but I would have stood to benefit from more time to mature mentally and physically. 1 year is a long time in kid years, no need to hamstring your own upwards potential.

>> No.16979589

> I have an IQ nearly 3 standard deviations above the mean measured professionally by a PhD candidate and so I excelled no matter te hat the other kids were older.

>> No.16979597

yep and goes to every aspect of life including sports

>> No.16979608

bs my younger brother was born 27th of december and he absolutely killed it in sports and I even remember him dating a 19yo girl when he was 15, absolute chad

>> No.16979614

March Master RACE!

>> No.16979619


>> No.16979625

Nigga, please.

>> No.16979628


See >>16979584

Then your brother was a physical outlier, those do exist. This is literally basic biology, kids who are a year younger are not going to be as physically developed on average. This really isn't difficult logic.

>> No.16979634


Literally this!


>> No.16979659

>born in October
>suppose to be youngest in class
>mom says fuck that and starts me a year late
>end up being the leader in everything because a year older than everyone
>tfw just retired from being a ceo of 4 years at a Fortune 500.
Life has been good to me biz bros

>> No.16979683
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I was a year younger than everybody, and the top athlete in our class was a year older (held back), so a full two years older than me.

I used to be pretty successful in basketball/football until middle school, where most of the boys started hitting puberty and leapfrogging me. I had a solid few years in there of lagging and being smaller/weaker which really hurt my performance and self-esteem, I quit football my freshman year. My sophomore year my hormones and development really kicked in, I jumped up to 6'2 and started putting on muscle easily. I could toast kids in sprints at gym class. If I'd been in school at the right age all of this would have been happening at the beginning of high school and I could have achieved sports chad-dom.

Not that I care at this point, just pointing out how it can have a big effect. I was a problem child my freshman/sophomore year as well, acting out due to my building insecurity for basically being a baby compared to the other guys now.

My kids are going to be the right age for school, not going to limit their development due to arbitrary factors like that.

>> No.16979920

Imagine going to public school

>> No.16979940

I see a pattern here. Also born late December and usually all of the greats to ever do it are born in late december to early january.
>tiger woods
>lebron james
>elvis presely

>> No.16979945
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