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16968093 No.16968093 [Reply] [Original]

i'm black and in two years went from a shitty engineering degree to self teaching myself programming and now have an offer to be a software engineer in the algorithmic trading team at a hedge fund

i talked about crypto the entire interview

what's your excuse whitey?

>> No.16968103

Based. Racism is an IQ test and a divide and conquer tactic applied to retards

>> No.16968125

I’m black and currently working on the same after seeing my friend (blk engineer) quit and teach himself programming

>> No.16968170

i'm black and received a cease and desist letter from the legal team at 4chan.org banning me from participating on any boards.

>> No.16968179

are you sure your father was black?

>> No.16968200

let us know which one so we can warn our friends, and recommend your hedge fund to our enemies. Sounds like its a hedge fund run by niggers, or some guys who never hired nigger coders before

>> No.16968232

i dont need to wageslave i make enough on my own. you couldnt pay me to be a slave commuting to an office. congrats though

>> No.16968384

hedge funds are a dime a dozen and fail more ofter than restaurants. but good for you. hope you didnt take equity.

>> No.16968502

I'm black and had to keep a 2.0 in college to graduate with an engineering degree, which means I didn't have to study and went around banging all the whiteboi engineers girlfriends lmao shit was so cash. Had a 2.1 at graduation and got a job immediately in NYC making 130k for being the "quality supervisor" which means I look at everyones completed work to make sure it looks presentable. I turn away white boi work when I want to make them feel like shit lmao. Then I bang their girlfriends as they have to work overtime to redo it all.

>> No.16968513

stopped read at "im black"

>> No.16968521

if you want to captivate and grab audiences attention whatever you do, dont start your sentences with "im black" that shit puts my ass to sleep realquick and i lose any interest i had in this post before i even started reading it

>> No.16968524

>diversity hire

>> No.16968525
File: 84 KB, 720x450, I'm black psyop team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16968568

Not black, but hispanic. I'm still in uni for comp sci. Hopefully I can get a software engineering job as good as you after unio.

>> No.16968916

its one of the oldest and largest hedge funds in the world, its not failing any time soon

i have my own self sustaining crypto business too. all i have to do is run a script once a week. im only working to see how software engineering works in practice so that i have best practice when i expand my company


good luck brother

>> No.16969276

desu, if you're black (or a woman) comp sci is a breezy career path since you will be the preferred candidate in hiring

>> No.16969295

can't have it both ways though. don't come crying around here about institutional racism when you're given free rides in the professional workplace

>> No.16969319

I actually prefer honky

>> No.16969400

Black Anon here. Recently got offered an intership at NASA's JPL after graduating with a theoretical physics degree at a shitty state school. Interviewers told me they generally advance an offer of employment after internship, starting at around $110k.

>> No.16969410

I’m Jewish and I own your hedge fund.

>> No.16969450

My excuse is that I am a white male. It is such a handicap in the modern job market. A black woman is given many more opportunities in engineering than a white man. Literally have a black female coworker who scored 23 points lower on the GRE and .5 lower gpa but got accepted into a grad school and I didn't. Management created a position for her to be promoted. I unironically wish I was born black...

>> No.16969457

>hurr durr I'm an AA hire
Don't worry, when your kids are retarded niggers you'll blame everything under the sun, but everybody else, even niggers with some sense, will know the truth: you're just an AA hire and you don't really know what it takes to succeed, so you have no foundation to pass to your children. Seen it a million times. Enjoy your shitty life, nigger.

>> No.16969484
File: 389 KB, 1026x768, 1574334840192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My excuse is that I don't have the entire state apparatus working to elevate me based on my race, nor the social backing to elevate me based on my race, despite the fact that there is a very high likelyhood that I am of lower intelligence and capability than my peers of other races.

Niggers are the most systemically privileged group in the western world bar none.

>> No.16969493

lmao ima fuck your girl just because you posted this, shits gonna be so easy too

>> No.16969513

good on ya bruv

>> No.16969530
File: 32 KB, 600x572, 1573971006513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend is just as racist against blacks as I am -- a consequence of having had a black lesbian as a roommate.

>> No.16969533

bar (((none)))

>> No.16969567

We wuz programaz n shiet

>> No.16969576

itt: whites cry and blame blacks for their failure

>> No.16969593


muh dick

>> No.16969606

Based proud diversity hire

>> No.16969660

You are a white nigger.
You whine like the feminists and deserve nothing. Swim or drown, bitch.

Muh discrimination, lmao.

>> No.16969760

Congrats, nice. I did EE and right after college realized fuck this I need to be able to work remote. So eventually kicked my own ass and learned enough python to make up for my years and years of CS classes in high school/college that I completely fucked off in the whole time lel

Am white also. But race doesn’t really have much to do with CS, unless you’re in some SJW state like cali, or maybe a bible belt state that unironically discriminates against nogs

>> No.16969800

I’m white and I sign your check boy. Now get back in that digital field and pick me some digital cotton.

>> No.16969805

>Am white also.
Fuck outta here white boi, we be the programmers now.

>> No.16969810

>diversity quota

>> No.16969971
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>> No.16970295

how would he know?

>> No.16970431

Post hand

>> No.16970725

Cope. Don't blame the player, blame the game.

>> No.16970961
File: 452 KB, 1692x1936, 1559748656480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't benefit from institutional racism, aka affirmative action
based AND redpilled