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16943196 No.16943196 [Reply] [Original]

If worker pay had kept pace with productivity gains since 1968, today's minimum wage would be $24 an hour.


>> No.16943207

look at the cost of living in Australia. you don't want high minimum wages

>> No.16943212

whole economy is rigged

>> No.16943232
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Minimum wage does three things:

1) Increase unemployment among the lower classes
2)Causes greater inflation
3) Incentivizes companies to hire illegals under-the-table for less than minumum

Notice how none of those things are "increase standard of living for the worker?"

>> No.16943241


if a job doesn't provide a living wage, the government shouldn't subsidize that business owner maintaining his exploitative business.

jobs should benefit society, not exploit it. if you can't live on the wages of that job, that job shouldn't exist

>> No.16943246
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minimum wage should be $100/hr
you can't prove me wrong if you disagree i'll call you a bootlicker and i will win the argument

>> No.16943253

Neoliberal retard


>> No.16943256


marx advocates for the abolition of wage labor not raising the minimum wage

>> No.16943266

lmao bootlickers

>> No.16943287

>gov't shouldn't
>jobs should
>job shouldn't
Quite a bit of useless unsubstantiated assertion of imperatives based upon nothing but your feelings here. No surprise. Commies are emotionally driven creatures.

>> No.16943296

Reminder that Yale estimates between 11 and 33 million illegals are just hanging out, sucking up all the low skill/low wage work.

And nobody, not even Trump, has done fuck all to reduce that number.

>> No.16943298

Why is New Hampshire so based in that sea of progressive retardation

>> No.16943305

If an employer can afford to operate on fewer workers wouldn't they have already reduced staff? It's sloppy buisness to have more people than you need and corporate America has already made minimum wage jobs very lean. It's really medium wage jobs where they can cut the most fat. I don't think a wage increase would lose many mcjobs

>> No.16943311

We are going to be replaced by robots. It is essentially a system, so we get to design it. Part of that is a guaranteed income, a reverse income tax if you will. Crypto is ready to be a part of it. Its coming, they are preparing. So don't believe the cunts that say it can't/won't work. It is going to happen, adoption is a matter of timing.

The first nation-state to adopt bitcoin will push the price to astronomical levels

>> No.16943316

Their state motto is literally Live Free or Die.

Their license plate has a dude with a gun, if I remember right.

>> No.16943322


all corporations and businesses exist with the consent of the government, idiot

we live a democracy. therefore we have a say in what the government should or shouldn't allow

>> No.16943327

And Obama did anything? He was allowing refugees to come here and giving money to the Saudis. Let's face it: It doesn't matter who is president both the GOP and the Dems fuck the whole country over. It's the banks and the kikes that we have to worry about.

>> No.16943342

The benefits to the economy of everyone having enough money to spend far outweigh your bullshit inflation arguments, rich people just say that shit because they are greedy kikes who delight in watching everyone else suffer. go fuck yourselves

>> No.16943446

He's trying to stop the flow of them first is what it looks like and I'm not a Magatard. The wall is being built and he actually got Mexico to secure their own borders to from people from other dirt poor countries. Makes sense, if you just deport them with no strong barriers, they will just come back easily.

>> No.16943464

>It doesn't matter who is president

Nah, the right president could change this. Trump is just not the right goy for the job.

>> No.16943479

Too late, we bought this economy and with it, millions upon millions of illegals. This one, with the 7-11s and roads all over and shit. This is the economy. Now, the corporations own you because you have no guaranteed income. The right goy could in fact fix this.

>> No.16943787

obama deported more immigrants annually than trump

>> No.16943801

can explain point #1 please?

>> No.16943815


>> No.16943836
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Good thing I will be able to replace all my stupid workers with robots and if they complain I have waiting my whole life to get a chance to exterminate filthy normies, commies, parasites and shitskins.

>> No.16943865
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Say minimum wage is $10/hr, and you are a low IQ retard only able to deliver $8/hour of value to a business after all costs are accounted for. In this case you simply wont be hired, because no private business entity is going to hire a worker that is going to lose them $2/hour. Somewhere on the order of 30-40 million americans have IQ's below 83, which the US military considers too low to do ANY productive job (yes, even though its illegal for private industry to use IQ, the military has been using it for 120 years to great effect in hiring and sorting incoming soldiers)

>> No.16943902

The people earning min wage will be pushed to a higher tax bracket, negating any gains from the wage increase.

The real winner is the government. They will get more money for doing nothing.

>> No.16943924

Non-monetary compensation is still the same as wages.

>> No.16943926

A great man believed very similarly many years ago. He galvanized the people with his words, outlawing businesses which exploited rather than benefited society, but the usurers & usurpers of international banking financially manipulated foreign politicians into raising arms against this great man and burning the prosperous nation of his people to the ground.

That great man's name was Adolph Hitler.

>> No.16943944

What about 83 IQ retards who are running McDonald's grills and getting paid $15/hour? Or any shit job like that for matter? I live in MA and have found that as the min. wage goes up, entitlement goes up while work ethic drops. It's good for no one in the end.

>> No.16943994

Minimum wage only affects small businesses negatively. Leftists that actually believe Amazon will truly get owned by a minimum wage increase are delusional. Realistically they will just start outsourcing and automating shit. Meanwhile the small businesses will all continue to take the hit. But let's be real that's kind of the goal of the marxists anyways so I don't think they care

>> No.16944004

The only reason Massachusetts work ethic is dropping is because the retail workforce is entirely made up of Puerto Ricans and Dominicans rather than white teenagers with IQs above 95

>> No.16944014

Nah, it's a mountain shaped like a dudes head but that mountain doesn't even exist anymore because the head fell off in real life. Sort of like how New Hampshire is essentially slated to stop being based by the year 2025 when the entire electorate is massholes and Hispanics

>> No.16944020

I work my ass off to get pay increases and faggots keep getting the minimum wage increased completely offsetting everything I've worked for.

>> No.16944091

Sounds like you need to get out of a minimum wage job then.

>> No.16944108

Bootlicker edgelord repeating Koch brother propaganda

>> No.16944156
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Big Corporations LOVE minimum wage increases because:

1. They can afford to lose a bit of money while their small/middle size business competitors can't. Minimum wage hikes are in fact an excellent way to get rid of competition and form a monopoly.

2. Corporations don't even have to pay the price of higher minimum wages because they have the money and resources to install AI/Computer/Robots in place of workers (see: Mcdonalds installing computer Kiosks for orders) while a small restaurant can't and will close down.

>> No.16944158
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That just means that Mcdonalds is still getting more than $15/h of benefit from those workers. Larger, heavily systematized organizations have an easier time squeezing value out of work hours, and automatizing when wages are too high for profit. Also, these people are probably in the 85-100 range of IQ, as you still need basic math and reading skills to work at a McDonalds.

>> No.16944208
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Big Government LOVES minimum wage increases because:

1. Creating a small business is one of the strongest and most timeless methods of going up the economic ladder. Small businesses brought countless families up from the low ---> Middle ---> Upper class. It is what makes or breaks the middle class. *****Ease of starting/running small business is the indicator of a HEALTHY MIDDLE-CLASS DOMINANT ECONOMY. Small businesses are important because it is independent and compete with megacorporations, preventing monopolies. Increasing the minimum wage to ludicrous amounts only kills the small businesses while giving large corporate chain competitors a clear edge.

2. Closure of small/medium size businesses eradicates the middle class, creating a larger low income low class population dependent of big government welfare and minimum wage increases. Leftists promising welfare and government public service jobs will always win the elections and never lose. The nation will end up becoming a leftist run welfare plantation with happy slaves asking for more welfare while working at McDonalds.

>> No.16944226

This. Ausfag here, i get $24hr but choose to live in a shit apartment and eat store pasta and tuna to fully dump savings in to investments

>> No.16944273


In conclusion: Big corporations and Politicians pretend to be opponents but in reality they are allies working to erase the middle class and enslave the lower class.

1. "Liberal" politicians make all these labor laws that appear to be attacking the huge corporations and helping the common people, but in reality corporations with their cabinet of lawyers manage to get away with not following the laws and these corporations can afford to follow the law anyways. Meanwhile small businesses are killed by stronger labor laws and big corporations gain from the loss of competition.

2. "Conservative" politicians straight up just help corporations and the rich by massive tax and regulation cuts that barely help the middle and low class.

They are both on the same side.

>> No.16944285

What hourly wage do you think is the cutoff for being unliveable?
How do you define unliveable?
How do you define a job that benefits society?
Do jobs exist primarily to provide for the employee, employer, or people purchasing a good/service?

Finally: If someone homeless is living on the street and can only find a job for $.10 under the "living wage" (seriously who tf determines what that even is?), do you beleive he shouldn't be allowed to enter a mutually accepted agreement and work for some business owner? Note: This wage will be enough to afford a room somewhere (i.e. $200 a month) and enough cheap food to survive.

>> No.16944325

>people are too stupid/selfish to be allowed to decide what they agree to do amongst eachother.
>Also, they should be able to tell the government what they agree to do amongst eachother.

>we live a democracy.
Actually, we live in a representative republic. Almost zero true democracies exist. But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were just speaking conversationally.

>> No.16944542

How would you even be able to quantify someone's value like that based of an interview? Not to mention min wage jobs are literally sub 80 IQ jobs with no complexity and a static work routine.

Your idea about the US military using IQ is true. But people constantly rank higher and ace the IQ test for the military because you are allowed to study for it. Seriously, Google it. So this claim that the US sorts people by IQ is just completely inapplicable evidence because the results are skewed.

Go clean your room like a good boy Jordan Peterson fan.

>> No.16944662

Iq Is the largest factor in determining outcome. People who are unintelligent, poor workers, do not usually produce high value in their jobs; they are easily replaceable and cannot advance further.

When you create a high minimum wage, you make it extremely difficult to make these idiots employable, because it's more efficient to automate than to figure out how to pay some dipshit $15 an hour to flip burgers

>> No.16944793

don't get too emotional, don't be like commies

>> No.16944799

it's democratic enough to be causing loads of utter horseshit (exactly due to reasons in your greentext)
I don't crave for more democracy and so should not you

>> No.16944804

yep, those people should be put out of work, but what do you give them to spend time on then? probably the hardest nut to crack for commernism

>> No.16944909

I'm assuming your the person I was replying to. Good job not replying to first reply.
Also, your ESL is really bad. I don't understand what your saying. Please rephrase.

>> No.16944931

Can't wait to quit my rigorous regulation job to shoot the shit as a cashier in bumfuck nowhere

>> No.16944934

One fights for the ideal, one is in the pocket of the companies. I never understood the “We shouldn’t do it because they’ll dodge it” argument. I needs to be done and then government needs to find ways to prevent them circumventing the law.

>> No.16944960

>The world should be the way I say!!
Based commie

>> No.16945023

Sounds like capitalism is flawed. Its simple, make every business non profit. Any excess profits go to the workers equally.

>> No.16945034

wtf is excess profit, you dolt? How in the hell do you define that? Like, I want a percentage.

>> No.16945177

We all do too you idiot. That is typical and expected in usa except usually making 12$

>> No.16945187

It's clearly defined that you any individual shouldn't be spending more than 30% of ones paycheck on rent. But minimum wage means a minimum of spending 60-70% on rent. Because that's the cheapest price available.

>> No.16945690

I make $25 an hour. I started at $12.50 an hour 5 years ago which is now less than minimum wage in my city. Now faggots like OP want to make my wage baseline for every nigger working in KFC.

>> No.16945737

>1) Increase unemployment among the lower classes
This has been disproven.
>2)Causes greater inflation
This has been disproven.
>3) Incentivizes companies to hire illegals under-the-table for less than minumum
This doesn't even make sense, since they have to report payroll taxes and will get audited if they try anything stupid.

>> No.16945964

There's a huge flaw in that claim: the productivity gains have not been uniform.
In some businesses, productivity gains have been enormous. But productivity gains in most businesses have been much lower than average.

>> No.16947012

Fuck a minimum wage. Let the market dictate your wage you fucking worthless cucking incel

>> No.16947022

You are getting fucked too, you just don't realize it.
You don't mind being paid less than you're worth, because those below you are suffering more.

>> No.16947337

most retarded shit I've ever read

where's the proof this has been disproven? most people who are habitually poor are so because their labor is not worth very much. if you raise the minimum wage, all you're doing is erasing the labor worth less than that.

Greater inflation is a problem. show me where it's been disproven retard. last I checked, every economy theory from Keynsian to Austrian suggests that if you give lots of people lots of money the value of that money's gonna fucking drop retard

As a senior accounting major with a focus on taxation, it's very difficult to report under-the-table workers. if 25-50% of the workforce is under the table, it'll be really hard to find. If they're audited they can just fire the workers dude, they're disposable like that. most people who hire illegal immigrants as workers don't get audited straight away and don't face repercussions.

>> No.16947352

Okay, then let’s emulate the conditions that made that possible back in the day.

>> No.16947392

If you're making $20/hr then you've agreed your worth $20/hr. If someone offers you $25, then that's what your worth. You literally can't be getting paid "less than what your worth" in a free market. If you were you'd just switch employers and magically get what you are worth from someone else. Can't find a place that pays more? Then your labor isn't worth more. It's very simple.

>> No.16947416

>know you're worth more
>wont get hired for desired amount because it's cheaper to train up a newbie or immigrant for 5 bucks less an hour
>if they cause problems they get canned and hire someone else
That's how it actually works

>> No.16947467

I'm actually 100% with you on the immigrant part, that needs to be addressed.

>> No.16947531

Yep, not to mention my dad is doing as you said, but he is about 47 and has no retirement fund because he had to move jobs so much just to barely make shit work.

>> No.16947562

I really need to jump to another job now that min wage is creeping up. I make 50\hr currently and do financial analysis. I will seek 65\hr

>> No.16947599
File: 167 KB, 620x376, FartGuyFarting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Analyze THIS

>> No.16947654

Welcome to global trade. If you want $.50 tshirts, someone has to work for $7.25.

>> No.16947703

>waaaaa I wouldn't feel special anymore waaa my retarded wagecuck job makes me feel waaaa waaaaa

Wake the FUCK up retard, so easily manipulated.

>> No.16947732

I dont want 50c tshirts, they only last like a week before they get holes and shit in them. Besides, nobody is making them by hand, it's all automated.

>> No.16947742


>> No.16947803

>zoomer faggot thinks his incomplete college education gives him the ability to speak on anything with authority
Neck yourself

>> No.16947836

My argument is that the Liberal politicians do this in purpose knowing that the labor laws will kill small businesses and help the big corporations. They are in the same bed

>> No.16948255

>they have to report payroll taxes
>"Gosh gee Mr. Cohen, but we cant be dishonest!"