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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16938537 No.16938537 [Reply] [Original]

Faggotest faggot coin ever faggotet.

>> No.16938549


>> No.16938567

at least

>> No.16938580

>t. missed out on sub $100 BSV

>> No.16938601

extra curry plz sirs

>> No.16938616

>t. subhuman that smells so bad, you would get fired if you didn't work remotely

>> No.16938630

kek absolutely seething

>> No.16938643

try harder faggot

>> No.16938659

Ahaha you can't be serious dude

>> No.16938674
File: 393 KB, 618x511, 15781084945716398455842772503460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are anti-BSV retards always so salty

>> No.16938724

1000X EOY not pump and dump satsgang scam melt faces partnershups decentrailized golden bull run best team in crypto not a scam i promise seething he missed the bottom next year easy top 20 look at eth imagine missing out not a scam i promise not satsgang pajeets low IQ dont listen to fudders jealous of your gains just market buy im holding to $2350 next golden blockchain parabolic generational wealth not satsgang buy my bags not pajeet fingers crossed EOY 20X minimum nodes look at the github code looks legit im blind next bull run not pajeet

>> No.16938770

are you ok anon?

>> No.16938839

Tell me to market buy Raj i need to hear you say it. Take my money, all my money just need to be robbed right this minute please send ETH address i want to market buy anything just make sure its some bag of shitcoin please hurry Raj i cant wait much longer some other Pajeet is waiting for my money too

>> No.16938857

are you on drugs or something ?

>> No.16938865

Seriously, flags when.

>> No.16938880

this, why? Did they miss out on Bitcoin twice?