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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16933653 No.16933653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be American
>Wake up early
>Browse /biz/ in the morning
>3 threads by Europeans wanting to live their continent
Why is the European economy so fucked?

>> No.16933699

>>3 threads by Europeans wanting to live their continent

>> No.16933705

American living between norway and USA. There's things I love and hate about both countries. The high taxes in Norway make it more profitable to work in USA 1/2 the year. But there are things you cannot really put a price on. Like not having to be surrounded by Mexicans and niggers here in Norway.

There is no greener grass. Just different sides of a round shit sandwich.

>> No.16933714

I think he meant 'leave their continent.'

>> No.16933719

pls tell me she found that in the forest

>> No.16933722 [DELETED] 

Mutts are disgusting.

>> No.16933736

Rofl, you know she busted that gremlin from her more busted vagina, you dumb fuck. You can’t even take care of yourself, let alone children and a family. Now go masturbate in the corner like a good white boy.

>> No.16933763

>Why is the European economy so fucked?
You've never left your state
Also, 3 /threads? There was 1, a Bulgarian, which is the equivalent of Alabama in your union, a popper shithole.

Go fill in your 1040 retard

>> No.16933824
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Europiss economy is broken because of white fucks. That’s all white people do is steal, rape, lie, and enslave. Even then, they still fuck up everything. And when confronted with the facts they will resort to name calling. That’s why the universe is killing them off. Making white people extinct is the only solution. And not a single fuck was given.

>> No.16933836

I noticed you're jewish

>> No.16933865


I hope you realize that Norway is (maybe except for Switzerland) the best country to live in as a yuropoor, comparing it to the rest of europe isn't fair

In eastern european countries wages are too low for the average person to build wealth
In western europe your wages are still too low to build wealth, because of the cost of living and the skyhigh taxes
I know, most americans aren't building wealth either, but they're doing this because they're consuming a shit ton, they at least have a choice, we yuropoors don't

>Why is the European economy so fucked?
Skyhigh regulation and central planing and it will only get worse, much worse imo
Germany is destroying the only industry where Europe used to be ahead of other continents
You remember that laughable green new deal proposal by AOC? We're actually doing it. We are going to invest 1 trillion euros into that climate change crap
Also the head of the ECB made our climate shifting the economy to a green one goal of the ECB, that can't end well

>> No.16933874


Resorting to name calling?

>> No.16933887

I'm aware that Norway is gravy train compared to most other countries in the world

>> No.16933889


Fuck off with that bullshit. I live in Norway, this frigid and desolate wasteland of a communist dystopian hellhole. It's not a good country to live in at all, the people here are all depressed as fuck. They are all just great at pretending to be good and not deal with their emotions at all, but under the surface it's completely different.

>> No.16933892

>green new deal proposal by AOC? We're actually doing it

Damn anon, big and sad if true. Always said make your bed now sleep on it, but even I feel sorry for you guys now.

>> No.16933898


>be American
>wake up early
>brain instantly starts thinking about mutts

>> No.16933902

Thank you, people misunderstand it too much.

>> No.16933907

I used to live in bongland and honestly it's not so bad there. It's actually one of the cheapest first world countries I've ever lived in. Even earning as little as 30k per year leaves you relatively comfy, provided you're nowhere near London anyway. The UK does has other problems however.

>> No.16933911

Yeh, now let's talk about Africa without resorting to blame muh white men, kek

>> No.16933956

Fy faen you sound like you've never left Norway.

>> No.16933957

Tell me what place is better in europe, other than Switzerland

>Always said make your bed now sleep on it, but even I feel sorry for you guys now.
I can't stand that expression, I've always been against big government, always voted that way, always did my best to make people realize that its the government and the central banks that are keeping them poor and still I have to suffer because of their retardation. And like I said, europe will become signifcantly worse.
Either a big recession will hit us causing all of our big banks and thus our zombie companies to run out of money, causing 20% unemployment, or we are just slowly going to decline like Japan. I don't see another scenario.

Yeah you might be able to live "comfortably", but you won't be able to build wealth or own real estate. But I agree, bongland is still one of the better european countries. The total tax burden is "just" 30%, in Austria, Germany, France and Belgium its 50% for the average worker.

>> No.16933980
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western european living in eastern europe now here

western europe was good during the 90's now too much niggers jews muslims and cucks

this flat is not mine but you can rent it for 500€ per month.. just saying (same would cost you 3500€ in Paris) and here it's 99% white

>> No.16933988


This. Pretty weird desu.

>> No.16933998

True, if you're wagcucking you're basically never gonna make it. However it is easier to open and run a business there without too much bureaucratic interference and without being taxed to death.

That's a comfy flat mate. Which country?

>> No.16934012

Living in eastern europe only makes sense if you're working online
In most countries 500€ will be 80% of your paycheck

>However it is easier to open and run a business there without too much bureaucratic interference and without being taxed to death.
You're talking about the UK, not europe in general, right?
Because starting a business here in Austria/Germany is next to impossible thanks to bureaucracy

>> No.16934024
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How's your BTC short going, Frenchfag?

>> No.16934035

Yes that's correct, easier in the UK. In France it's also prohibitively difficult to get the ball rolling when it comes to starting a business. And the tax system seems like something from the 1970s.

>> No.16934086 [DELETED] 
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Everything good here, I have more than 110k € in my bank account and you?

>> No.16934095

They had 2 world wars where we basically took all their money. We also historically never paid Euros back when they loaned us money.

>> No.16934127


id neck myself if i had your jelly belly body mate

>> No.16934156

i doubt they want to go to america

>> No.16934166
File: 42 KB, 720x603, 1578264491779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow you're so rich bro. And look at that 10/10 model suckig your giant cock! How did you become such an overachiever? What's your secret?

>> No.16934204

Good for your age I guess, but definetely not /made it/
What is your current BTC position? Long/short?
How much did you lose on the short at 6.5k?

>> No.16934298
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 647CF712-B495-45EA-A2BE-D9DBEDC6D904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is the European economy so fucked?
>free market guys
but then you have production quota, you need to keep price stability by having high unemployment, you need salary deflation, retirement age at 70...
basically both price and supply are fixed arbitrarily by bureaucrats
>eurozone to compete with the superpowers
currency value is fixed and it cannot work at all since Eu it’s not a federal union with common fiscal laws and national debts were converted from sovereign to foreign currency, making debt unsustainable
Eurozone is a cage where Benelux, Ireland, Cipro and Malta are fiscal paradise for corporations, so basically there is an internal war
Germany is also net exporter and it accumulates a huge surplus, and in a deflationary scenario it means other countries are becoming more and more poor because of that

EU economy is shit because of Euro

>> No.16934529
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> mfw living in pic related
> literally promised Land

Nigga fuck your U.S.A., tyvm

>> No.16934584

These mutts should be shot.

>> No.16934601

Luckiest person in the world right here. What ever the mutts think they have you actually have.
Jelly AF

>> No.16934678
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Makes more than basically every Euro country except for maybe Switzerland/Norway/Lux

>> No.16934742

FFS, have you ever been there? Some dumb ass mutt relied with the same tard response. you aren't him are you?
Also you can't compare Burgerland wages with the 1st world as the standard of living is much lower for a much higher price in burgerland. Health insurance is a great example.

>> No.16934794

It's only fucked in Spain, Italy and Greece, countries which are frankly famous for being full to the brim with lazy fucks. America is a great place to live for a lazy fuck.

>> No.16934853

max cope

>> No.16934865

max projection
Another Mutt that has never left his state

>> No.16934866

Lol are you joking? Those cucksheds Euros live in are an embarrassment. Our middle class live in what Euros consider mansions.

>> No.16934878

Holy fuck this is the biggest projection i've seen from a Mutt, you have cunts living in fuckin shakes that would considered sheds.
>>16934865 applies to you also

>> No.16934882

So you're saying that even the 3rd world makes more money than Germany?
shit I didn't know you guys had it that bad over there

>> No.16934901

>So you're saying that even the 3rd world makes more money than Germany?
Nope, i'm saying your using metrics that don't equate to reality.
>shit I didn't know you guys had it that bad over there
I know, you've never left you state, TONS of shit you don't know about but get all arrogant about. typical mutt

>> No.16934915

Also retard, your comparing mean to median.
learn the difference

>> No.16934922

The jew cries out in pain

>> No.16934937

>your using metrics that don't equate to reality.
How so? The reality that the Alabamans who you consider to be 3rd world le mutts make almost 40% more on average than Germans? All facts backed up by commonly available statistics.
>I know, you've never left you state, TONS of shit you don't know about but get all arrogant about. typical mutt
lol triggered

>> No.16934944

>median household income vs disposable household income per capita

>> No.16934960

Get a proper bed

>> No.16934972

you live in cardboard houses
any euro peasant has a brick house
even gypsies(indians)

>> No.16934977
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>> No.16934985

>>44 replies
The answer is socialism. We all know that. In Europe they have accepted a life of low income and zero upward mobility in exchange for government gibs. If you’re lazy it’s still a nice place to live since there is no real incentive to work hard and they have better social safety nets than us burgers. If you want to “make it” that isn’t happening.

>> No.16934993

How so?
I can see you haven't left your state, left me, a foreigner who's been to more states that yourself, tell you about reality.
> All facts backed up by commonly available statistics.
see >>16934915 You aren't comparing facts, but obviously to dumb to see. Also quality of life is shit in america for the average america compared to EU.
KEK, yes, waste money a shitilly made car, destroy your capital, good goy

>> No.16935020

Holy fuck, i should have read further!
Fuck mutts are dumb!

>> No.16935024
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absolutely seething

>> No.16935033

I’ve been to over 40 countries and lived 4 US states. I’ve never set foot in Alabama and probably never will but from a purely economic perspective the other anon is correct. Are the people there dumb? Sure. But they aren’t being crushed under the boot of socialism so they are taking home more money than almost any europoor.

>> No.16935038

Don’t post disgusting race traitors