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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16924465 No.16924465 [Reply] [Original]

I went to school for $20k debt, at 25, I now make $90k. It seriously not that fucking hard, how do so many americans fuck it up?

>> No.16924491

Low IQ is the cause of 99% of money problems

>> No.16924494


There's your answer

>> No.16924519

>artist twitter watermark

Cringe and reddit.

>> No.16924531
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All women are whores

>> No.16925166

In real money or moose dollars?

>> No.16925262

hey friend what study did you chose? i'm 25 myself right now and decided that i'll go to uni next year.

>> No.16925299

Kangaroo coins most likely.

>> No.16925301

>It seriously not that fucking hard, how do so many americans fuck it up?
Most of them go to an expensive college so that they can spend a few years drinking and fucking in exchange for $300k.

>> No.16925317

>tfw your parents royally fucked up by never enrolling you in violin and fashion courses
you autismos better do this for your kid, its the only way to truly ascend as a loser phenotype

>> No.16925327

data science is op rn, it'll be the next CS/law/biz meme degree. kind of is becoming it already.

also do this >>16925317

you have like 3 years left before your brain is largely rotted and crystalized by comparison to you today, make use of it

>> No.16925351

Data science ? you need to learn coding and maths and stuff or it's analyzing shit datas for companies ?

>> No.16925426

Little bit of both. I got a meme degree with data analytics in the title and it paid off well ($14k for the degree resulted in $20k/year salary bump). Mostly what I do in my wage cage is write SQL, dump it into Excel and clean it up a little for boomers to pretend to look at.

>> No.16925431

/int/ is the most cringe board ever

>> No.16925438

I cant study due not autistic brain and eye floaters on my left eye.

Thank god i make neet money on adsense.

Now I just have to go all in in btc and wait 3 years, then retire.

>> No.16925487

I was arguing with my wife about this. She thinks we should cancel debt of everyone, which is bullshit to me. Do I get paid back for my college tuition if we forgive debt? No. If you made the decision to pay for college with no trajectory/good plan for paying that back, you pay the price. Retard forgiveness is unacceptable and only promotes people continuing to make bad decisions. Look at how this played out, EXACTLY how it should have. Tons of morons took on debt for no good reason, now younger people see that and think twice before going to an expensive college or applying for a loan.

I believe everyone should have a right to higher education (for free, even), but the give backsies is fucking bullshit unless they give EVERYONE their money back. I shouldn’t be forced to pay for someone else’s loan when they were in the same position as me but just dumber.

>> No.16925510

Giving women the vote was a grave mistake.

>> No.16925609

actions need to have consequences

>> No.16925625

It is unacceptable that my meme has been used for such faggotry.

>> No.16925642

Zoomers graduating into this economy have no fucking clue what hard times look like.

Half of a whole generation graduated in a massive recession coupled with a ploddingly slow recovery paired with negative to flat wage growth. Those are most of the folks bitching, and rightly so.

Now, getting shit degrees for way too much money, can't fix stupid.

>> No.16925648

Based and good parenting pilled

>> No.16925665

What it really boils down to is, what effect would cancelling debt have on the economy?
It's nice to be vindictive and all about people who made retarded mistakes, but what effect would it have on the bigger picture?

>> No.16925670

That mean is pure faggotry kek

>> No.16925791

You went to CS/IT college or a pay to win private school ?

>> No.16925831

It would enable all these same retards to dig the same hole for themselves using a different shovel.
>muh tesla
>muh iphone 14x
>muh mcmansion
>muh gender reassignment surgery

>> No.16925889

IT school: www.wgu.edu
100% online and self paced, regionally accredited. Flat fee for 6 months ($3500 when I went) and as much as you can get done is what you get credit for. No forced interactions with retarded classmates or brainwashed libtard professors. It's the perfect school for autists. I spoke with 2 professors a total of one time each. I finished my meme degree in 15 months and it wound up costing the same per credit hour as the local community college.

>> No.16925909

Forgot to mention there is forced interaction with a "mentor" but for me it was a 5 minute phone call every other week.

>> No.16925917

Is it recognized by the State and companies or it's like a certification that you can do the job ?

>> No.16925954

Regional accreditation means it is a recognized bachelors degree program, same as a traditional university. Other schools accredited by the same body are Oregon State, Northwestern and BYU (to name a few). There are IT certs built into the program that count as credit hours, but you get that bullshit piece of paper known as a bachelors degree as well.

>> No.16925974

That sounds like something we could profit off of.

>> No.16925983

They take foreign students ?

>> No.16925989

Only if you live in burgerland, sorry fren.

>> No.16926011

Stay on vacation count ? or i need a long time residence in the land of the free home of the brave ?

>> No.16926020

I think it's mostly the latter what grouped in with the former.

>> No.16926053

Not sure, I think you need some sort of visa at least. They're pretty responsive to inquiries.

>> No.16926087

I mean if you were looking to live here for school, a student visa is the easiest one to get.

>> No.16926638

I went into accounting, then went to work for deloitte, got my CPA and did that awful stint for 2-3 years and went to industry. Im cruising it right now and a promotion to manager is coming up soon.

>> No.16926712

>write SQL, dump it into Excel and clean it up a little for boomers to pretend to look at.

>> No.16926749

has this ever actually happened to you, or is it something you're just worried about

>> No.16926811

>ta hooloy doooolah doortaoo yoooo?
I don't actually know Russian but this doesn't look like it.
>punch in text
>it's mongolian
well there you go. I didn't know Mongolians used cyrillic characters, Im just practicing them at home.

>> No.16927009

This. The majority of mine was paid by my parents. If the debt gets cancelled than I want my parents money back. Cause id have been better off getting a loan, not wasting my parents money, refusing to payback the loan, and then have the loan forgiven. A net profit, I get a degree for free and my parents keep their money.

Considering going back to collwge for a more useful degree but getting a loan this time around as it is beginning to look like those loans are going to get forgiven. Might as well take advantage if I'm gonna get screwed over for having my parents pay for it.

>> No.16927174

I buy a bike at walmart. Breaks first day. I get a refund. I buy a degree at government university. Cant get a job. I get a refund

>> No.16927190

Would have made more sense to take subsidized loans because no interest while in uni then pay off in full 6 months after graduation

>> No.16927229
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>> No.16927265

>cancel all debt
Look forward to never being able to make new debts again. The economy would massively stagnate because no one would ever be able to do anything if they don't have cash to pay upfront. Too bad leftists can't into the concept of time preference.
>I believe everyone should have a right to higher education (for free, even)
Congrats, you're both retards.

>> No.16927400

Banks made bad loan -action
Banks lose money -consequence

>> No.16927596

Anyone who paid for college out of pocket should be given a refund.
Anyone who took a loan should have their loan doubled to pay for this.
seems fair to me

>> No.16927652

Oy vey. Think about all that interest

>> No.16928188

anything at uni you can teach yourself, appart from med school and other hands on jobs like these.
-math? everything is on internet
-computer science/IT? same
-finance/accounting? same
-design/drawing? even truer for this
-marketing? same
-logistics? same

>> No.16928262

True, but you autists have the mental focus of a fly in a shit field. That’s why I went to a brick and mortar university because it forced me to go and focus and try to get the shitty piece of paper that landed me a $90k job straight out of school. In burgerland that stupid piece of paper is infinitely more convincing to HR that you can function rather than just “trust me I learned all this on the internet”. I don’t make the rules I’m just saying what worked for me and clearly OP.

>> No.16928293

Also, since it was a public university I graduated with only 11k in debt which I paid off right away with my 10k sign on bonus. Cs/IT is absolute easy mode rn in the corporate world. You dickweeds already spend 90% of your time on your computers might as well start doing something useful instead of watching hentai and your <1k crypto shitfolios fluctuate daily.

>> No.16928328

Case in point if you have the motivation at first and the discipline then, you can do it the same. I'm a finance guy and I can tell you that a someone who passes the first two level of the CFA, who can do a bit of math and programming in VBA/Python is miles above people getting out of business school. And all of that will take him 2 years and about 1500$ (for the CFA levels).

>> No.16928346


Based music


>> No.16928363

the only reasoning that makes sense if they would ever cancel loans. well played anoon, well played

>> No.16928419
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If your degree path does not lead to some kind of license or certification it can be outsourced or replaced by AI. Most popular examples are nursing, CPA, law, doctor, teacher, among others. If you want to take the compsci meme go ahead, maybe it will work out, but remember there are millions and millions of chinese and indians who study that too.

>> No.16928439

True I just find those who have the motivation and discipline are few and far in between.

>> No.16928450


>> No.16928457

Now you have a job that has locked you in to thinking a particular way and serving a particular type of customer (that is, your boss whose dick you suck for $90k per annum). Good luck with the rest of your life you pigeonholed one dimensional fag.

>> No.16928471

There have been university/college degrees in Europe "state" universities which dont give a lot of job opportunities. But this happens almost exclusively with degrees that have been "invented" a few years ago and dont really are valuable on itself. These are degrees like "VR 3D specialist", "Applied architecture" - which doesn't give you the title of architect, in this college program you spend most of your days designing buildings and making scale model copies which IS cool af, but......


>> No.16928492

>absolute cope
People been saying this shit for years way before your time and there’s still such a need. It’s literal basic /biz/ why programmers are getting paid boat loads. Supply and demand. Now you tell me weeb, what is more likely to happen: that most/all jobs get outsourced by AI(which you probably havent the slightest fucking clue about) or that you end up being a low paid wage slave shaking his fists in the air yelling like a lunatic in mom’s basement that “the robots are coming”. Make a bet and live with the outcome fuckin nerd.

>> No.16928501

I always tell them it'll take me a couple of hours but I'm usually done in 15 minutes, breddy comfy indeed

>> No.16928541

You must be the stupidest nigga alive. AI and space travel is the future. AI is creating AI and every major company is investing in automation.

>> No.16928545

also you shouldn't buy bikes at walmart

>> No.16928621

I’m balls deep in the software engineering field dumbass. AI is a fucking meme and you’re eating that shit up. The most AI can do for us right now is beat fucking Chinese at Chinese checkers.
>AI is creating AI
sounds like something ripped straight out of Alex Jones asshole

>> No.16928634

He is not a chad you idiot, look at that feminiine lips and nose, u fucking FAG!!

>> No.16928665

As a fellow train driver this post is fucking golden. Lmao.

>> No.16928844

Except in the year 2024 nobody will give them that shovel. They'll have to dig the holes with their own hands.

>> No.16928860

That's double as appealing to bisexual goth sluts. You on the other hand...

>> No.16928924

if this doesn't awaken our desire to rape and pillage I can't help you


>> No.16928930


Any leafs know if there is an equivalent of this in Canada?

>> No.16928950

Girls are awful about going out of state and spending even more

>> No.16929149

High estrogen blonders only care about testosterone and big dick.. I dont care about weird goths sluts pieces of shit

>> No.16929238


>> No.16930720

any business worth their salt dont want to hire these foreigners because they fucking suck compared to locally trained

>> No.16930985
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They use Cyrillic in the country of Mongolia proper, because of years of it being a Soviet satellite state, but in Chinese-controlled Outer Mongolia, where the majority of Mongolians actually live, they still use the traditional Mongolian script.

>> No.16932066

>I don't want to cancel student debt we shouldn't give out freebies
>Why yes, my parents did pay for my tuition how did you know?

>> No.16932077

They dont invest in themselves, but rather the promise they will be better.
That promise never comes, but the degree does.
Because you can promise that same person anything, for any price, especially when they can pay later.

>> No.16932223

got more tips to land a finance job with a shitty degree ? who do i need to suck

>> No.16932241

So UAV nest to plan mass attacks like in Black Ops 2 ? no huge cyberwarfare ?

>> No.16932870
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>50k debt
>dropped out
>3k in the bank and dropping

>> No.16933250

>I'm a finance guy and I can tell you that a someone who passes the first two level of the CFA, who can do a bit of math and programming in VBA/Python is miles above people getting out of business school
Can you or anyone else expand on this a bit? I'm in school for CS and thinking about doing a minor in Finance. This sounds like it could be interesting, especially since I live near NYC.

>> No.16933604
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You laugh, until the boogiods pull the full anarchist card and start pulling your rails out. You trainfucks will get some of your own medicine.