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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 221 KB, 740x1132, judge satoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16915475 No.16915475 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest trick /biz/ ever pulled was convincing linkies that bsv was a meme.

>The reason BSV will win is quite simple: institutions, businesses, "enterprises" will have no choice, just like they had no choice with the internet in the 90s. Cypherpunk politics and loudmouth "influencers" will not be able to stop it, and they will retreat back into the shadows once they realized that they got all this wrong.

>The problem with LINK and QNT and Hyperledger (even BTC and ETH) and all these projects is that they are built under the assumption that there will be many blockchains in the future, just as people thought there would be many private intranets in the 90s (similar to how BBS' worked).

>If you think putting memes and Twetch posts and weather data on-chain is retarded, you are going to be very surprised when there are thousands of apps all feeding into each other and the average BSV user is receiving hundreds of micropayments a day. We're already starting to see this with Twetch posts being cross-monetized on other apps like sv.chat and bitstagram. I've personally received *thousands* of micropayments over the past year of using BSV.

>I'm fairly confident that we are on the verge of a Big Short moment in crypto, where the entire market will basically collapse and flood into one asset once people start to realize what's going on and that they've been seriously misled this whole time.

>> No.16915488

BSV is a permissioned US controlled editable database

>> No.16915510

Is BSV even able to run smart contracts? Lmao

>> No.16915513
File: 293 KB, 858x874, 1549396113068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is the world's new financial system.

>> No.16915527
File: 125 KB, 1440x1080, bsv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.16915532

BSV has inherently no value because of the way its been created.
the underbelly that comes with the premined coins makes any expectation of retaining value in this coin delusional.
this stands at its core, you cant trust a "transparent" medium of exchange if its not transparent who had the chance to build a major stake in it.

>> No.16915586


>> No.16915614

Scammers panicing, love it

>> No.16915617

Wow quality work anon holy shit

>> No.16915628

How will external data be delivered to smart contracts that operate on BSV? ;)))

>> No.16915659
File: 251 KB, 1289x833, 1561719809620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The data is on chain, no need for your money grab scam tokens.

>> No.16915679

fucking lol

BSV is just a more elaborate HOT

>> No.16915689

just store it on-chain for $0.0000002 u retard

>> No.16915690

>the data is on-chain
Ask me how I know you're lying

>> No.16915702
File: 9 KB, 420x316, 1578609917965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look so pajeety

>> No.16916110

>modem coin plus shoeless fatties
>original bitcoin code plus satoshi
just buy a hedge so you dont off yourself. smart anons already loaded up so youre just along for the ride at this point.

>> No.16917136

I'm the creator of this meme
My biggest fear is what u write about
My problem is that I don't trust Craig anymore. Acting autistic is one thing, but being a sketchy character is another. And he's the latter.
What if ur some glowfag trying to make me sell my link stack huh? NEVER SELLING. Even if btc gets replaced with bsv, wouldn't link survive the purge, absorbing money from collapsing projects?

>> No.16917821

What do you need LINK for, if there is only one blockchain? LINK's purpose was to connect blockchains between each other, and to communicate with the outside world. BSV will connect with the outside world without LINK's help. That makes LINK completely obsolete.

>> No.16917946

Just hodl link and bsv. They are a hedge against eachother. Really. Take your time and think about it.

>> No.16918128


You type like a third worlder

>> No.16918158

link could still pivot to providing API data on BSV

>> No.16918251

>Craig goes to court to prove he's satoshi
>is proved wrong by his own admitted discovery
>is ridiculed by the judge using some ancient quote about playing the deceiver
Bsv believers are truly delusional.

>> No.16919023


At that point who gives a fuck about LINK?

Nobody is actually in Chainlink for the tech, they're here to make money