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16884466 No.16884466 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most peaceful way to kys?

>> No.16884476

Old age.

>> No.16884493

heroin overdose

>> No.16884502
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old in a warm bed, with a belly full of wine and a pretty woman's lips around your cock

>> No.16884507

surrounded by people who love you

>> No.16884508

This or helium.

>> No.16884509 [DELETED] 

I want to kill myself and I have always tought this is ine the best methods maybe in combination with impeachment. Or cutting your veins in to the bath. Whenever method of suicide I will use (I can't get more of this shit life) I will use always eroine in combination with other methods. So if one method doesn't kill me it will do eroin

>> No.16884512

i think pretty much every way sucks desu

>> No.16884533

Dying in your sleep via government death ray

>> No.16884547

First take a huge dose of benzos, something like 6mg xanax. Get your helium tank + mask setup ready. When you start getting reaaaaaaally fucking sleepy, put on the mask before you pass out. You'll never wake up again.

>> No.16884567

>put on the mask before you pass out.
since you are stoned by benzos there is a huge chance you'll fuck it up and put the mask in the wrong way. Don't do this things life is precious

>> No.16884577

Nembutal. I would be dead if they didn't pump my stomach. But seriously and unironically, Nembutal.

>> No.16884587

How would you manage to fuck up putting on a mask? kek

>> No.16884596

Tfw can't take the nembutalpill

>> No.16884599

>I would be dead if they didn't pump my stomach
could you explain how was it?
was it painful?

>> No.16884601

I mean what did you feel from the moment you swolled the pill to the moment they brought you back to life?

>> No.16884602

I'd say nitrous oxide is the way better than helium

>> No.16884618

Y the long face

>> No.16884621
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go all-in on chainlink

>> No.16884636


>> No.16884642

what did you feel from the moment you swolled the pill to the moment they brought you back to life?

>> No.16884659

Answer this please. I need to know what to expect

>> No.16884674


it would be extremely painful for you, big guy

>> No.16885128

I can't remember exactly but there's a gas that your brain can't tell the difference between it and oxygen. There was lots of talk about using it or something similar for capital punishment.

>> No.16885134

buy chainlink

>> No.16885194
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Dont do it anon

>> No.16885202


>> No.16885234

Bleeding out.

>> No.16885242

Nothing. I was unconscious, then I woke up, doctor asked me questions about wanting to kms, then I had to stay in the psych ward for 6 months. Not painful. But now everyone watches me closely to make sure I'm doing the correct normie things (working, having "friends", etc.), and if I slip up then parents get on my case and they medicate me and stuff. Changed my life in a lot of ways. It tastes disgusting, like a bitter metallic taste. You just mix it up in water and drink it all, then get sleepy and go to sleep. Anyway, gotta go.

>> No.16885248

Also change of ID due to phoneposting.

>> No.16885368

Buy pentobarbital or nembutal
Get wasted first and then drink pentobarbital at that point you don't even know you are dying

>> No.16885373

I like that the pillow looks like boobs

>> No.16885422

Man up you faggot. People dying in pain begging to live and you talking about k y s because of what? girl broke up with you, you've lost some money? we've fucking been there and done that. at least don't be so fucking egoist and think about donating your organs...