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16874713 No.16874713 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anywhere I can buy a real degree? Like just pay for the degree directly without actually having to waste 3 years in school? Since we all know it's about having the degree and not about the what you learn.

Anybody have any experience with this?
In Europe preferably.

>> No.16874727

Just make one, I've heard they practically never check.

>> No.16874743

Go to Thailand

>> No.16874749

No employer checks for your degree, and very rarely do they ever actually ask for your college transcript. Just make a fake transcript.

>> No.16874755

>t. never been a wagie
yes they will check after going through the hiring process. once you are settled into your cube theyre going to ask for your transcripts. then its going to be quite obvious and embarrassing for you.

>> No.16874758

ask craig

>> No.16874779

everyone will instantly understand youre an uneducated fraud in less than a week of interacting with you.
if you think watching youtube videos for a month can substitute studying for 3 to 5 years you need to unironically end yourself

>> No.16874810

Dude I speak 7 languages fluently and have a an iq of 120, i know there are smarter people on this board but you really think think the average Stacy that graduated college is an intellectual because she has a degree?

>> No.16874818

Why Thailand?

>> No.16874825

Yeah, they will check for your first job. After that your GPA doesn't mean shit.

I spent my college years drinking myself stupid and barely passed. Did no assignments, went to class like never, but smoked the finals and midterms which were a combined 80-90% of the final grade.

I have a gift / curse to focus under pressure.

My first employer asked me why my grades were shit when I was apparently very smart during interview (I had them cracking up in the interview with some witty banter). I told them I realized college was a system, and to beat the system all I needed to do was ace exams twice a year and spend the rest of the time networking and partying.

The HR cunt hated the answer, but my future boss thought it was hilarious. Two weeks into the job he ran into somebody who knew me from college and asked if what I said was true. Dude backed me up 100% and said I thought he (me) dropped out like every year. But the guy told my boss of some cool shit we did at college together (ski trip to Banff was bananas)

Never been asked about my GPA since. Change job 3 times over ten years. My first boss invited me to his wedding just 2 years ago. Still my best reference.

Walk your own path desu. The rules are like spider webs; meant only to catch the weak.

>> No.16874872

That's a cool story, but do you know where i can buy a real degree though? Or does that not exist?

>> No.16874880

Here i am, imma fake everything you need in under 2 days considering:
-Original paper needed
-fakeproof design shit
-etc etc
Just let me know which degree

>> No.16874897

Just fake those too.

>> No.16874927

Depends on the company. OP can basically fake one, but dont be too obvious(ie fake MIT degree)

>> No.16874928
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Probably your best option. Pic related.

I recommend trying online certs. Isn't college free in your socialist paradise of Europe? If I were you, I'd go to school free and motorboat mountains of Eurocleavage there while gettting actual certs and credentials you want to do. After 1-2 years of college, apply like a mad man and say you know all you need to know and want to get started on my career earlier than later. If you are as smart as you say you are, you should be able to get a entry level gig in your industry and you are off to the races.

I'd be all over free college if I had that chance. EASIEST place to get laid with high value girls ever.

Stop making excuses and do it bitch.

>> No.16874938

you can't buy a real degree moron. All schools have systems in place now where employers can easily check if someone has graduated or not.

>> No.16874997

Why would you but a fake degree? That's the dumbest shit ever. What's the difference between a fake one you make yourself and anyone else's fake degree? Zero. I've never had an employer all for a copy of my degree

>> No.16875002

Plenty of those degree mill schools really don't give a shit and I'm sure if I find the right person the can add me into those lists for the correct sum.

>> No.16875015

yeah but no one takes those degrees from mill schools seriously. if anything it shows that you were low IQ enough to pay for their shitty education

>> No.16875026

What about you put the work to get a real degree? Cunts like you also get blacklisted everywhere once it's known they can't be trusted.

>> No.16875066

>if you think watching youtube videos for a month can substitute studying for 3 to 5 years you need to unironically end yourself
t. hasn't been to a university in the past 10 years. They're basically daycares for adults in their sexual prime now

>> No.16875091

Honestly, I would rather go to university if it was explicitly a adult daycare with sex romps in the evenings

>> No.16875095

Either nice bait anon or self justification for 5y wasted.

Having a degree too, but dear god, what a fucking wasted time besides the networking potential

>> No.16875116

I refuse to go to college too anon. I haven't found a solution to a fake degree yet, I'm mostly focused on getting certs since there are many high level finance certs you can get that don't explicitly require a college degree, mostly because they assume your a normie and wont even know about it without a degree first I think topkek.

>> No.16875125

Seems like a waste of time to me, university is filled with idiots and the classes they teach seem like shit.

I have money from the '17 bullrun would rather just pay off somebody to get a degree.

>> No.16875167

Yup. I'm thinking about hitting up foreign colleges mostly. That would look good on a resume I think, and they would likely have no qualms just BS-ing a degree for the right amount of money I'm sure. Haven't gotten around to it yet though.

The past 3 years I've been out of college I've learned more about finance then people I know with a masters. The only area I'm lacking in I think is some niche theorems, some tax interactions, and some of the regulatory laws. And while I've learned that much about actual finance, I've actually learned way more about crypto too so I can scale into the new economy. College is such a fucking scam, these people pay hundreds of thousands and come back with no applicable knowledge and a couple flings to show for it.

>> No.16875235
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna need all of them when you're in Time Square selling fake hats

>> No.16875267

Dude why do you need to fake the degree, just say you have it on your resume, Employers never ask if you actually have it unless you seem incompetent but say you're from some well known top 10 and just graduated this year

>> No.16875576

you need to be over 13 to post on this board. of course a lot of them check since it's known that 85% of people lie in their resume

>> No.16875592

Can confirm. They just glance at it once and that's it. Only highly prestigious companies thoroughly check you.

>> No.16875623

>The past 3 years I've been out of college I've learned more about finance then people I know with a masters
in that case do a legitimate cert like the CFA. you either convince an employer you have the skills he needs without the degree or get a cert. faking it can ruin your chances in the future. Some people were fired years later because they lied on their resume. with global networks of degree verification it becomes easier to verify.

>> No.16875644

You're right, that's why I'm not too worried about finding a way to get one now. I'm aiming for my CFP first, you do need a masters to get both the CFP and CFA both though, but that's why I think just paying a foreign college for a degree would work well. Then it's not technically fake, you just didn't actually learn anything you were supposed to which doesn't even matter if you can pass the CFP anyway since that means you know it.

>> No.16875696

If I could sell my total shit library science degree for what it cost I would so that some bureaucrat could be a librarian and its not like its hard to fake being a librarian. Hate this job

>> No.16875809

what did you do during those 3 years to have more knowledge about finance than those who went through the exams process? i think you have to convince employers you can do all those finance stuff and ask to be paid less. burden of proof is on you.

>> No.16875959

I studied everythingggg. I don't think I'm some wunderkind don't get me wrong, a solid 30% of the knowledge on those certs and tests is specifically about regulations and tax interactions which I'm sorely lacking in. I just kept reading and practicing until today where I can open up PDF's from any companies in the finance space from equity to income to banks and beyond, and read and understand the math and intention behind these documents.

I learned everything I could about the how and why behind every single security, the math behind valuing them, corporate income, reading and valuing cashflow, the entire macro playbook behind loans, credit, mortages, collatoralization, interactions between them, interest rates, intrest types, debt types, ratings, all the various tranche in debt and equity, brokers, dealers, banks. I made sure if I came across a concept I understood it, these are just the ones off the top of my head but I became comfortable with anything and everything. Because this was research on my own and not a class I made sure it was highly effective and efficient in my learning as well, at the beginning when I was sort of lost as to what was relevant to me I kept up with Kahn Academy videos and made sure if the video was 50 minutes long I knew everything about the subject in 20. It's the programming approach to learning, except substituted for finance. Programmers learn the logic and applications of their trade for 4 years so that when they go out into the real world they can efficiently google a problem they run into and understand and solve that problem quickly, I have applied that method to finance.

>> No.16875991

Well said. Fake some mid tier school and fake some mid tier GPA.

For example 3.62 GPA at Villanova University. Nobody will care.

>> No.16876034

search google for phd by experience. there are schools that can award you a phd by just judging your "life experience", which means you just pay, send a letter about your "life experiences" regarding your major, and they give you the title.

>> No.16876096

well i think it's a good point. you just need to say all that to an employer. i'm sure a lot of them would prefer someone passionate who learned all that on their own than graduates. You just need to play the "I dont have the diploma but I have the skills". Don't lie.
Can you understand the math behind intensity-based and structural models in analyzing credit risk?

>> No.16876108

only someone who never went to academia think a bullshit PhD like that has any value in the job market.

>> No.16876160

Universities in eu aren't "free", but tuition is rarely over 1000€, also some countries cover these expenses for 3 years when doing a bsc or for 5 years when doing a msc. The thing is getting in - some degrees like medicine have 3000 applications for 100 seats, so pretty much only the "best" get in.

You could go to Switzerland to the ETH Zürich and only pay ~650$ per semester, which is a bargain considering its in the worldwide top 10 in rankings. But you'd also have to get in and finish the degree.

>> No.16876174

I've met people with fake PhDs from diploma mills and I can assure you that any graduate from serious schools look down on those people. It's a serious demonstration of low intelligence.

>> No.16876205

omg lol

>> No.16876230

I wont lie, I can't setup the the equations for either on my own, I can explain what the idea behind the equation though. They don't require it for the CFP I think though, the only models they have you solve are stuff like convex bonds, WAM, option spreads, lots of extremely similar models with extremely similar inputs. Either way I am moving quickly into the learning more of the actual models that are used in these ideas actually, and I think I will be far ahead soon enough. I actually think we've talked in SMG before, the last two weeks though I've really started to pickup calculus with the goal of learning basic stochastic calc by the end of the year from a recommendation from somebody in smg.

>> No.16876292

Ok, because that's part of the curriculum in my uni finance degree.
>with the goal of learning basic stochastic calc
Kek so you can't even basic stochastic calculus?
It seems you greatly underestimate all the stuff finance graduates from decent unis had to go through to get their degree. Sorry to break your imaginary bubble but you're not better than them.

>> No.16876352

t. meme degree graduate. go to a top 3 engineering school in europe and then tell me that with a straight face

>> No.16876362

If you already know a lot of that stuff get a fucking legitimate degree, you'll ace the exams. Study in a country with low tuition fee like Europe, quickly become an assistant and earn money while getting a legitimate degree.

>> No.16876593

Your not wrong, but I do aim for applicable knowledge over fundamental knowledge as my goals. Credit risk is actually more useful to understand then some of the other concepts but only because the way rating agencies handle their definitions of risk can be very off from what some of the more fundamental models show. Zero of the people I know with masters can explain to me how a convergence in corporate credit spreads happens, but they can calculate the spread which is pretty useless in my opinion when Bloomberg does that for you already.

As for stoch calc, I haven't needed it. Most companies in the space hire people specifically to automate that aspect of data in the space for you after they've had PhD's implement a new version of their model. I feel being able to fully setup and break down black scholes will be as far as I need to go with it.

I already work as our head of research for portfolios at a wealth management fund, we oversee almost a hundred million so not huge but it's a launching pad and a sweet title for someone with no no professional reputation. I basically get to research whatever the fuck I want, and I have the upmost respect for my boss who is an extremely sharp man with both his CFP and CFA, but without a degree and not knowing how to crunch models I still run laps around him and have made us millions by bringing him the conclusions from other peoples numbers with my research. Never once have had to actually calculate out WAM but I made 4 million last year from bringing our avg duration on bond accounts up 5 years. Degrees are going to be an extremely outdated concept within the next 20 years in my opinon so I refuse to get one until they fix the schooling and accreditation system.

>> No.16876756

it's totally different if you already work in the field and have xp. Your boss has a CFA but the CFA isn't for total brainlets. You really have to study and know your stuff to pass it.

>> No.16876862

Yep, that's why I'm aiming for the CFP. I actually have the full CFA study set next to me right now, and it focuses almost entirely on the math and models on these ideas flipping through it quickly. The CFP is much more forgiving from what I've read and is, of course, a lot more geared towards how to plan for your clients and a lot of the ideas and concepts rather then the actual solid numbers that go into giving you those valuations and portfolios. Which makes sense, I think a series 7 and CFP is all you need to actually deal with client accounts as long as you have sponsoring agency.

>> No.16876973
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Some of this shit is extremely easy though. Look at this, they have 5 pages entirely dedicated to how the fed auctions bonds, like if you understand how interest rates work this shit is easy as fuck and doesn't even need 5 pages.

>> No.16877433

>high value

>> No.16878444

How the fuck do you fake having the university sending it to them?

I just had to have my transcrip sent out for grad school and it is done through the university, and if not it is done through a third-party verification system.

I don't see how you can lie about your degree other than slapping it on your resume and praying they don't check.

>> No.16878485


Unironically Russia.

>3.62 is mid-tier

Right, I forgot there are people running around with meme-tier shit like 5.0 GPA now.