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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 1140x787, Craig-Interview-portrait5-copy-1140x787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16874028 No.16874028 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine for a second that company wanted to gain control of Bitcoin and cripple it, in order to make money developing crappy "second layer" solutions.

Now imagine for a second that this company decided to (soft)fork the original Bitcoin, to remove signatures from the blockchain and keep the blockchain size crippled, to ensure high fees and push users to alternative solutions.

Imagine for a second that satoshi himself had to come out of the shadows to ensure his original bitcoin project survives, to mine on the original chain, and undo the evil company's changes.

Imagine for a second that normies didn't realize which one is the original bitcoin and which one is the foked shitcoin, and pumped the shitcoin to 8k$.

Imagine not exploiting this and buying Bitcoin at 1/20th of its fair market value.
Imagine passing up on the easiest 20x gain in the history of finance.
Imagine being shilled this opportunity on 4chan daily and passing up on it like you did Bitcoin, only to fomo in at 3k

Can you imagine?

>> No.16874040

Shut the fuck up

>> No.16874042

Oh wow you had me so convinced there that Craig Wright financed by a casino owner who takes pictures with 12yo mongoloids, is the real Satoshi Nakamoto and the reason he doesn't sign the keys is because he doesn't want to show he is the real Segoshi!

>> No.16874048

Stop using /biz/ as your own personal shitting street Ranjesh

>> No.16874052
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, hugefaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine for a second that satoshi is a gay aids ridden faggot. I know, it is impossible because it's not true. No kys curry nigger pajeet shill

>> No.16874067

Imagine for a second that the (evil) company had to start a gigantic smear campaign and ban all free thinkers from their social media platforms, in a last desperate attempt to mantain control of the Bitcoin code through lies and manipulation.

Well, if that was to happen, only brainlet normies would fall for it wouldn't they?
Of course high IQ 4channers would see through that crap immediately, realize what has been going on, and profit from the massive opportunity.

Man what a world that would be, easy money!

>> No.16874101

Eat shit and die fucking curry nigger nobody wants you here

>> No.16874105


>> No.16874132

Do you curry niggers have a flowchart for canned responses or something? It's always the same brainless drivel to make it sound like you won some kind of argument. You're like zombies, except even dumber.

>> No.16874138
File: 125 KB, 800x365, 23cacde112dad47133b4715955a3f0b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we just follow the teachings of mahatma gandhi sir

>> No.16874154
File: 23 KB, 371x403, 1579057075606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ghandi believe in harassing strangers on the internet and trying to scam them out of their hard earned money?

Just fuck off, you're annoying and are being counter - productive to your own cause.

>> No.16874179

may I suggest you try some indian meditations, seething broher?
Vishnu will help clear the fog on your mind.
Rage never brings good counsel, only a clear mind can find the best investment opportunities sir.

I just want to help my /biz/ friends get in on this sweet opportunity ^_^
I wouldn't want them to keep holding the wrong coin and get dumped to zero when craig starts selling and bsv moons. Thankfully this thread is fully imaginary, would be weird if this were to actually happen

>> No.16874191

I'm not going to argue because you and I both know Craig is full of shit, you're just pretending to believe he isn't. Karma is a bitch Pajeet, and Vishnu will smite you for your lies and deceit.

>> No.16874261

they will never understand op, until bsv>btc in price
you are pissing in the wind here atm, but they will learn later this year