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16852546 No.16852546 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up yesterday
>went to work
>did the work
>went home, bought binge food on way home
>went jogging first, went better than for a long time
>went through part of a maths textbook (but it was boring plug and chug I did only to feel like less of a pleb)
>woke up today
>went to work
>had so many meetings today and got more work late in evening
>a lot of what I do is fairly pointless bureaucracy; some of it is light touch managerial BS direction setting, where I'll get lots of credit for doing little; it could balance out in the end
>see a blonde student looking Stacey while going in to the underground station on way home, and felt so demoralised
>at 29, shuffling between work and home with few daylight hours, I feel totally detached and cut off from youth; saw groups of students walk past on my break

Even when I exercise, it's to make numbers increase.

My total lack of charisma is likely grating to others. There are some points where I feel like if I disappeared from the room, a large weight would leave the shoulders of the other people.

I find it funny to see the doomer posts etc but even those imply some capacity to get friends or female attention. I'm just a charismaless beta non-entity. Maybe the vacuuumer: a vacuum where there should be a personality.

I will have to spend a lot less to not have to take money out of my savings. I'm no longer living paycheck to paycheck but I save little. I can't trick myself by shuffling money around my bank accounts. But maybe ascetism can be rewarding, if I can start.

I worry that I ask for clarification too much at work but during two notable times I acted before asking permission, I was burnt.

>> No.16852593

Back to r9k faggot
You choose to live this way

>> No.16852780
File: 867 KB, 1264x1460, EW2K32G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16852805
File: 200 KB, 500x853, the-next-time-you-feel-alone-remember-that-germany-et-4364408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may this help you out