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16821675 No.16821675 [Reply] [Original]

i'm a minimum wage cuck and gamble 60% of my earnings way. i live at home and have no real bills so i don't really see a reason to sock away money all of the time. especially at the wage i'm making i can sock away 80% of my income and still only end up with like $16k at the end of the year.

$16k isn't shit so i end up betting a lot on horses and online casinos. it makes life much more interesting and bearable.

anybody else know this feel?

>> No.16821683
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>> No.16821718

Pretty cringe and pathetic OP, not gonna lie. Do you really have so little self respect and/or self control that you are willing to throw away your hard earned money like that?

>> No.16821727

Stop hoping for quick riches - there aren't any. The house always wins, so start investing in casino/gaming stocks.
If you keep gambling in 20 years you will have negative net worth. If you start investing 80% of you income in stocks in 20 years you will be retired.

Get your shit together, son.

>> No.16821738

Jesus Christ dude you wagecuck all day at minimum wage just to gamble away your hardearned money. That's not a good situation my man

>> No.16821739
File: 834 KB, 334x251, AgitatedGreenDuck-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gamble on penny stock breh.

>> No.16821740

Question: whats a minimum wagie? If you can save up 80% and end up with 18k?

>> No.16821770
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how the hell did you save up almost 20k working minimum wage. something doesn't up

>> No.16821780

dude just buy bonds or some shit if you need the money taken away from you (temporarily). After 5-10 years maybe you'll mature more and be able to handle having a bank account with a nonzero balance
Gambling, like other things, effects your brain structure (lookup neuroplasticity). If you spend a year not gambling, your desire to do it will fade and fade. Spend 5 years not doing it and you probably won't even be tempted seeing other people gamble.

>> No.16821829
File: 188 KB, 1125x687, A409011E-A450-4259-93F1-9804F4032C3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will reference a post of mine from earlier today in the career thread.

>> No.16821834

If you're gonna gamble might aswell put it all on crypto.

>> No.16821847

Maybe he works a lot of hours.

>> No.16821861

Save your money and play something like poker stars for free. You get all the dopeamine of gambling with out risking any real money

>> No.16821878

i live in nyc and make $15/hr working at home depot

however nyc is so expensive you can't really live off this unless you live in section ape nigger projects. so i just continue to work at home depot living in my parent's basement. i spend 20% of my wages on fast food, junk food, video games and alcohol, and just gamble the rest away

>> No.16821958
File: 33 KB, 331x169, 1545715984744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life has great potential because you are able to save a lot, but you waste this potential by living a shit life.

You would feel better and wouldn't have the need to gamble if you lived a healthier life. Sleep, eat and exercise better.

>> No.16821993

i can work at home depot for 10 years straight and save every single penny and still not able to afford a down payment for a palce of my own here in nyc, not even in a nigger crack head neighborhood

at least with the horses i can win big occasionally and go and have sex with 10/10 hookers and drink expensive alcohol

the rat race is rigged if you're not spending every single dollar you make on pure hedonism and gambling you're doing it wrong especially if you're working a shit job like mine

>> No.16822033


I live in Western Maryland and we haven plenty of NYC transplants for that very reason. I make $15/hr ($4 above minimum wage in MD) and will be able to afford a down payment for a home within 2 or 3 years assuming I don't get a better job.

>> No.16822048

Save and invest in your current situation and when the time comes move to some lower cost of living area to retire or something.

>> No.16822065

I work for 15euros/hour and have 6 figures saved and can easily retire between ages 35-40.
I have done my part of hedonism and realized that it doesn't actually make you happy. Pleasure is not happiness.
Real happiness comes from pride/achievement and helping others, real human connection. Exercise and hobbies too.

Empty hedonism doesn't make you happy, and you know it too.

>> No.16822079

I'd love to sleep with an escort. But there's a good chance you'd get blackmailed. Most escorts hate what they do too. You'd be contributing to their suffering.

>> No.16822279

Wanna know how I know you're a virgin?

>> No.16822288

>op just told him how saving wont work for him
>just save bro :^)
What's it's like being mentally retarded?

>> No.16822308

Have you ever tried to calculate how much you are losing overall? If you just didn't gamble you would be able to afford more prostitutes, and more alcohol. Look at how much you win per month minus how much you are betting. Trying to imagine your mindset is making me cringe.

>> No.16822311

>But there's a good chance you'd get blackmailed.
>t. McLovin

>> No.16822333


Maryland's gay.

t. Marylander

>> No.16822340

OP is full of weak excuses. What are your excuses?

>> No.16822356

OP is just lying to himself, which is why his excuses sound cringe.

>> No.16822361

honestly i lose a lot. not all of it but much of it. but i don't care it's just the price that one has to pay to live life on the edge.

>> No.16822398

>weak excuses
Something I've been realizing recently, partially via the cumbrain meme, is that addicts (including gambling addicts) have blown out dopamine systems and are incapable of waiting for delayed gratification, they need their rewards now. So we get people like OP who cant keep money in their bank account for later use and thus financially enslave themselves further, all the while their shorted-out reward circuits are making excuses for them that locks them into this behavior. This type of thing leads to FOMOing into shitcoin pumps, and panic selling as well.

>> No.16822403
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I own gambling stocks so thank you for your money I guess.

>> No.16822421

Yeah. Addicts need to replace their addiction with some less harmful addiction.

>> No.16822461

Divide the money you lose betting per month by your hourly wage, that's how many hours per month of wageslavery you're doing for free. Assuming you're part time you could just quit gambling and reduce your shifts accordingly. If you really need the dopamine hits that bad you could masturbate, its free after all.

>> No.16822523

Hard exercise is the best addiction-dopamine-replacement-thing in my experience.

>> No.16822605

I'm a slothful NEET myself and like to lay around in bed or on the couch all day. I've never had the motivation to develop an exercise routine for some reason, but people do say it helps balance out the mind and the emotions so sometimes I do wonder about it. I guess I'm okay at avoiding harmful feedback loops, but I have trouble getting into constructive ones, or something. Any advice on how to do that?

>> No.16822623

op here. just lost $50 at the roulette machine

>> No.16822636

Congrats on being the most jewed person society has to offer. Keep on making those rationalisations.

>> No.16822662

In the beginning you have to willpower yourself to do things regularly, but after some time it becomes a habit and no longer requires willpower.

Good sleep, exercise and healthy eating all boost your willpower reserves, so doing these things actually becomes easier once you get going. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Important! People generally have more willpower when they wake up compared to when they go to sleep, so do the hard things first thing in the morning.

If you don't have any willpower right now, you need to wait for a right moment of motivation to start this virtuous cycle and then do your all to keep going till it becomes a habit. Once you have a few months under your belt it becomes hard NOT to do these things. The power of habit. The brain gets good at what you make it do.

>> No.16822678

I see, thanks.

>> No.16822681

You deserve to be poor for being a racist. Enjoy being a wagie you nazi.

>> No.16822727

maybe maybe not. do you really think billionaires are any less racist

>> No.16822841

One benefit of building good things in your life is pride. Pride gives you consistent good feelings.

>> No.16823026

Is this pattern of "willpower yourself into doing hard shit until it is enjoyable" just another rendition of "fake it til you make it" or is it something better?

>> No.16823088

There is nothing fake about achieving hard shit. Either you are doing it or you are not. Can't "fake run" 10 kilometers.
Maybe I don't understand the question. Sorry for being stupid.

Like it or not - this is what works.

>> No.16823104

sconey v?

>> No.16823110

No problem, i really don't know how to phrase this correctly.
I don't know if it's because of the current culture, or because of victimization, but to me it seems like successful people just "are" successful, and seeing someone like you taking about how it is possible is both a breath of fresh air and something that seems so impossible that it borders on the line of boomer speak.
But i will trust you
If i don't, i will just be another doomer diying amidst robots.

>> No.16823121

Gambling gives you dopamine - your fucked up